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-------------------------------通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程-------------------------------通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm-------------------------------15Mins.Today 相關連結-------------------------------歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結官方網站:www.15mins.todayClubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com-------------------------------以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網)-------------------------------Welcome to 15Mins英語咖啡館! In today’s episode, Lydia and Cariya from the Ecom Book Club join us to dive into the fast-paced world of e-commerce during the all-important fourth quarter. From the frenzy of Double Eleven to the deals of Double Twelve, we are going to check out what happened to Ralph Lauren this Double 11 - paradox of skyrocketing sales and soaring return rates.歡迎來到英語咖啡館!在今天的節目中,我們邀請到電商讀書會的 Lydia 和 Cariya,一起深入探討年度最關鍵的第四季度電商快節奏世界。從雙十一的購物狂潮到雙十二的超值優惠,我們將聚焦 Ralph Lauren 在今年雙十一的奇特遭遇——銷量飆升卻退貨率也同步攀高的矛盾現象。
想知道自己是金耳、還是木耳嗎?KKBOX x Sony Taiwan 挑戰你的耳力帶你找到命定耳機,聽進音樂最深處即日起~2025.01.05完成測驗有機會獲得旗艦款耳機 🎧立即參加 https://fstry.pse.is/6t93ka—— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——-------------------------------通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程-------------------------------通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm-------------------------------15Mins.Today 相關連結-------------------------------歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結官方網站:www.15mins.todayClubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com-------------------------------以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網)-------------------------------國際時事跟讀 Ep.K899: The Night Riders: China's Viral Dumpling AdventureHighlights 主題摘要:- A simple social media post about four students' night bike ride for dumplings transformed into a massive youth movement, demonstrating how small actions can catalyze significant social phenomena.- The unprecedented scale of participation (100,000 students) led to infrastructure challenges and regulatory responses, highlighting the tension between spontaneous youth culture and urban management.- Despite authorities' restrictions and criticism, students' determination to continue the journey by walking reflects the resilient spirit of youth and their desire for authentic shared experiences.In an unprecedented display of youth culture, what began as a simple quest for famous soup dumplings has evolved into a remarkable social phenomenon in central China. The movement started in June when four university students from Zhengzhou documented their late-night bicycle journey to Kaifeng, a historic city renowned for its oversized soup dumplings called "guan tang bao." Their social media posts sparked a trend that would soon capture the imagination of thousands of young Chinese, united under the inspiring motto "youth is priceless, night ride to Kaifeng has it." The adventure quickly gained traction among students seeking both culinary delights and memorable experiences.在一場前所未有的青年文化展現中,一個源於尋找知名湯包的簡單任務,演變成為中國中部引人矚目的社會現象。這個活動始於六月,當時四位來自鄭州的大學生記錄了他們夜騎到開封的歷程,開封是一座以超大湯包「灌湯包」聞名的古城。他們在社群媒體上的貼文引發了一股潮流,很快就吸引了數千名中國年輕人的想像力,他們團結在「青春沒有售價,夜騎開封拿下」的激勵口號之下。這場冒險很快在尋求美食與難忘經驗的學生間蔓延開來。The trend reached its peak on a Friday night when an estimated 100,000 students, mostly using shared bikes, embarked on the 50-kilometer journey between the two cities. The massive convoy of cyclists filled the six-lane Zhengkai avenue, creating an extraordinary scene of solidarity and youth spirit. Students sang together, encouraged one another during uphill stretches, and shared in the collective adventure. Liu Lulu, a student at Henan University, described the experience as more than just a bike ride, emphasizing the passionate energy that permeated throughout the group. The night-time journey became a symbol of youth empowerment and collective determination.這股潮流在某個週五晚上達到高峰,據估計有十萬名學生,大多騎著共享單車,踏上了這段五十公里的雙城之旅。大規模的自行車隊伍填滿了六線道的鄭開大道,形成了一幅展現團結與青春活力的非凡景象。學生們一同歡唱,在上坡時互相打氣,共享這場集體冒險。河南大學的學生劉露露(音譯)形容這不僅僅是一場單車之旅,更強調了貫穿整個群體的熱情能量。這場夜騎之旅成為了青年權能與集體決心的象徵。However, the unprecedented scale of participation brought significant challenges to both cities involved. The ancient city of Kaifeng quickly reached its capacity, with accommodations, restaurants, and public spaces overwhelmed by the sudden influx of visitors. Local authorities were forced to implement immediate measures, including temporary restrictions on roads and cycle paths. Bike-sharing applications announced they would remotely lock any bicycles taken outside designated zones in Zhengzhou, while some universities introduced stricter regulations, such as requiring students to obtain passes before leaving campus. Police officers used loudspeakers to manage the crowd and offered free bus services for those needing to return.然而,這前所未有的參與規模為兩座城市帶來了重大挑戰。古城開封很快就達到了接待極限,住宿、餐廳和公共空間都被突如其來的訪客潮擠爆。地方當局被迫實施緊急措施,包括對道路和自行車道實施臨時管制。共享單車應用程式宣布,若單車駛離鄭州指定區域就會遠端上鎖,一些大學也實施了更嚴格的規定,例如要求學生必須申請通行證才能離校。警察使用擴音器管理人群,並為需要返回的人提供免費巴士服務。The phenomenon has sparked intense debate across Chinese social media platforms and traditional media outlets. While many celebrate this expression of youth culture and adventure, others critique the lack of proper infrastructure and planning to support such large-scale spontaneous events. What started as a celebrated tourism boost for Kaifeng, initially endorsed by state media, has transformed into a complex situation requiring careful management. Despite the restrictions, some determined students have adapted by choosing to walk the distance, embodying the resilient spirit of youth. As one student posted on social media, "It's so good to be young, this is youth!" The night-riding trend has since spread to other major Chinese cities, though none have yet witnessed crowds matching the scale of the Zhengzhou-Kaifeng phenomenon, which stands as a testament to the unexpected ways youth culture can reshape urban experiences.這個現象在中國社群媒體平台和傳統媒體上引發了激烈討論。當許多人讚揚這種青年文化和冒險精神的表現時,也有人批評缺乏適當的基礎設施和規劃來支持如此大規模的自發性活動。這個最初被官方媒體認可,作為開封旅遊業助推器的活動,已演變成需要謹慎管理的複雜情況。儘管有種種限制,一些堅定的學生改為步行,展現了青春不屈的精神。正如一位學生在社群媒體上發文:「年輕真好,這就是青春!」夜騎潮流已經蔓延到其他中國主要城市,雖然還沒有城市的人潮規模能匹敵鄭州-開封的現象,但依然展現了青年文化如何以意想不到的方式重塑城市體驗。Keyword Drills 關鍵字:- Historic (His-tor-ic) [adjective. important in history or from the past]: Kaifeng, a historic city renowned for its oversized soup dumplings called "guan tang bao."- Empowerment (Em-pow-er-ment) [noun. giving someone the power to do something]: The night-time journey became a symbol of youth empowerment and collective determination.- Designated (Des-ig-nat-ed) [adjective. chosen for a specific purpose]: Bike-sharing applications announced they would remotely lock any bicycles taken outside designated zones.- Infrastructure (In-fra-struc-ture) [noun. basic systems like roads and bridges that a city needs]: Others critique the lack of proper infrastructure and planning to support such large-scale events.- Testament (Tes-ta-ment) [noun. something that proves something else is true]: The Zhengzhou-Kaifeng phenomenon stands as a testament to how youth culture can reshape urban experiences.Reference article:1. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/nov/11/china-midnight-dumpling-bike-ride-zhengzhou-kaifeng2. https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-clamps-down-quest-soup-dumplings-by-night-riding-army-2024-11-11/
請與我們一起,發現角落孤老人,照亮長輩生活,扭轉孤老處境: https://fstry.pse.is/6u5cpk—— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——-------------------------------通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程-------------------------------通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm-------------------------------15Mins.Today 相關連結-------------------------------歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結官方網站:www.15mins.todayClubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com-------------------------------以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網)-------------------------------Topic: About animals - Treating wounds with insects: the strange habits of Gabon chimpsHow to treat a wound? For humans, the first instinct would be to disinfect it and then cover it with a bandage. But chimpanzees have invented a more creative method: catching insects and applying them directly to the open wound.應該如何處理傷口呢?對於人類來說,第一個反應是對其進行消毒,然後用繃帶包紮。但黑猩猩發明了一種更有創意的方法:用昆蟲並將牠們直接塗抹在開放性傷口上。Scientists observed this behavior in chimpanzees in the West African nation of Gabon, noticing thatthe apes not only use insects to treat their own wounds, but also those of their peers.科學家們在西非國家加彭的黑猩猩身上觀察到這種行為,並注意到這些猿類不僅使用昆蟲來治療自己的傷口,還用來治療同伴。The project began in 2019, when an adult female chimpanzee named Suzee was observed inspecting a wound on the foot of her adolescent son. Suzee then suddenly caught an insect out of the air, put it in her mouth, apparently squeezed it, and then applied it to her son’s wound.這項研究計畫始於2019年,科學家當時觀察到一隻名叫蘇西(Suzee)的成年雌黑猩猩,正在檢查牠青少年兒子腳上的傷口。接著,蘇西突然從空中抓了一隻蟲子,放進嘴裡抿碎,然後敷在牠兒子的傷口上。Next ArticleTopic: Deer runs into hospital, up escalator; later is euthanized 一隻鹿闖進醫院搭上電梯隨後被安樂死News outlets reported that surveillance video showed a deer bounding into Our Lady of the Lake Hospital in Baton Rouge in Louisiana through an open door and stumbling on the slippery floor as stunned workers and visitors watched from a few feet away.監視影片顯示,有一隻鹿從路易斯安那州巴頓魯治聖母湖醫院開放的大門跳進院內後,在易滑的地板上跌倒,震驚的工作人員和訪客在幾呎外目睹一切。The deer regained its footing enough to climb up the escalator and reach the second floor, where it was finally corralled and held down by several people.這隻鹿站穩腳步後爬進電梯搭到二樓,才終於被許多人一同壓制及捕捉。The deer was loaded on a hospital bed that was rolled outside to a truck from the The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Department.這隻鹿被放置在醫院病床上,推往路易斯安那野生動物和漁業部的卡車。The animal had to be euthanized because of injuries, the agency said, adding there were indications it may have been struck by a vehicle before entering the building.該機構說,由於這隻動物傷重,必須被安樂死。他們也補充道,牠看起來應該是進入醫院前遭汽車撞擊。"Patient care has not been interrupted and the area is being thoroughly sanitized," said a statement by the hospital.醫院聲明指出:「病患照護未受干擾,事發區域也已徹底消毒。」Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1501725 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1502232Next ArticleTopic: Kangaroos can learn to communicate with humans, researchers sayKangaroos can learn to communicate with humans similar to how domesticated dogs do, by using their gaze to "point" and ask for help, researchers said in a study published on Wednesday.研究人員在週三發表的一份研究中說,和被馴化的狗類似,袋鼠可以學習和人類溝通,利用凝視來「指向」並尋求協助。The study involved 11 kangaroos that lived in captivity but had not been domesticated. Ten of the 11 marsupials intently gazed at researchers when they were unable to open a box with food, according to the report. Nine alternately looked at the human and at the container, as a way of pointing or gesturing toward the object.這份研究涉及11隻圈養但未經馴化的袋鼠。根據這份報告,這11隻有袋動物的其中10隻,在打不開一個裝有食物的盒子時,專注凝視研究人員。9隻交替看著人和容器,做為指向或是朝該物體示意的一種方法。"We interpreted this as a deliberate form of communication, a request for help," Alan McElligott, the Irish researcher who led the study, told Reuters in a call.主導這起研究的愛爾蘭研究人員亞倫‧麥克利戈特在電話中告訴路透,「我們將之解釋為一種刻意的溝通形式,是一種求助。」The findings challenge the notion that only domesticated animals such as dogs, horses or goats communicate with humans.這項發現挑戰了只有諸如狗、馬或山羊這類被馴化的動物會和人類溝通的觀念。Next ArticleTopic: 2 pythons weighing 100 pounds collapse ceiling in Australia (澳洲2條合計100磅的蟒蛇壓垮天花板)An Australian David Tait entered his home in Laceys Creek in Queensland state and was surprised to find a large chunk of the ceiling lying on his kitchen table. "I knew we hadn’t had rain, so I looked around to find what had caused it," Tait said.一名澳洲民眾大衛.泰特回到位於昆士蘭州萊西溪市的家時,驚訝地發現一大片天花板躺在廚房餐桌上。泰特說:「我知道沒下雨,所以我四處張望尋找事發原因。」He soon found two culprits, non-venomous carpet pythons 2.8 meters and 2.5 meters long, that had slithered into a bedroom and living room. The snakes have an estimated combined weight of 45 kilograms.他很快發現2隻罪魁禍首,各為2.8公尺及2.5公尺的無毒地毯蟒爬進了臥室和客廳。這2隻蟒蛇合計重達45公斤。Snake catcher Steven Brown was called to remove the two snakes. "I would assume that it was two males fighting over a female that was nearby in the roof," he said. He suspected the female could still be in the ceiling or nearby.捕蛇專家史蒂芬.布朗被叫來抓2隻蟒蛇。他說:「我想是2隻公蟒為了待在天花板附近的1隻母蟒在打架。」他懷疑,那隻母蟒或許還待在天花板或附近一帶。The males were returned to the wild, but the suspected third snake hasn’t been found.2隻公蟒被野放,疑似還在屋內的第3隻蟒蛇下落不明。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1422528 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1420019Next ArticleTopic: Fly south or roost? Canadian ’snowbirds’ weigh Florida mid-pandemicBirds of a feather normally flock together, but the pandemic has divided Canada’s "snowbird" warm weather migrants into two camps:those staying home this winter and those heading to Florida no matter the cost.通常來說,物以類聚,但是這場疫情已經使加拿大每年遷徙到氣候溫暖區的「雪鳥族」分成兩陣營:待在家鄉過冬,以及不計代價前往佛州者。Nearly a million Canadians make the annual pilgrimage, fleeing to the southern United States to pass what would otherwise be gray and snowy months with their toes tucked in the sand and ocean breeze in their hair.每年有將近100萬名加拿大人飛奔到美國南方,享受漫步沙灘、和煦海風吹過髮梢,度過在家鄉會是滿是灰白雪世界的幾個月。The coronavirus has led a majority to forgo the trip this year - but for those flouting Canada’s repeated calls to stay put, the price tag on winter at the beach has skyrocketed.新型冠狀病毒導致今年大多數人放棄這趟旅程,但是對那些不顧加拿大一再呼籲不要旅行的人來說,到南方沙灘過冬的代價飛漲。Each plane ticket costs Can$500 and hauling the vehicle 55 miles across the border sets customers back $1,000.每張機票要500加幣,把車子運送55英里越過邊境,則要花上1000加幣。Next ArticleTopic: Canadian officials warn drivers not to let moose lick their cars 加拿大官員警告駕駛 不要讓駝鹿舔他們的車Officials in Jasper, an alpine town in Canada’s Alberta province, have put up signs asking motorists to avoid allowing moose to lick the salt off their cars.加拿大亞伯達省高山小鎮賈斯柏的官員們,已經張貼標語要求駕駛人不得允許駝鹿舔他們車外的鹽。"They’re obsessed with salt, it’s one of the things they need for the minerals in their body," Jasper National Park spokesman Steve Young told CNN. "They usually get it from salt lakes in the park, but now they realized they can also get road salt that splashes onto cars."「他們癡迷於鹽,鹽是其中一種牠們身體必需的礦物質」,賈斯柏國家公園發言人史蒂夫.楊告訴美國有線電視新聞網,「他們通常會從公園的湖鹽獲取它(礦物質),但現在他們知道,他們也能從濺在車上的路鹽得到」。At the Jasper National Park, where people often park on the side of the road in hopes of catching a glimpse of the moose, letting the animals near your car is actually a serious danger.賈斯柏國家公園內時常有人停車在路邊,希望能得到駝鹿的注意,但讓動物接近你的車,其實是非常危險的。By allowing moose to lick the salt off your car, they will become habituated with being around cars. That poses a risk to both the animals and the drivers who can accidentally crash into them.允許駝鹿舔你的車外的鹽,將會讓牠們習慣徘徊於車子旁邊。對動物及可能意外與牠們相撞的駕駛人都構成風險。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1422097