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國際時事跟讀 Ep.K915: 日本汽車巨頭攜手挑戰中國電動車主導地位  Japanese Auto Giants Unite to Challenge China's EV Dominance

國際時事跟讀 Ep.K915: 日本汽車巨頭攜手挑戰中國電動車主導地位 Japanese Auto Giants Unite to Challenge China's EV Dominance

🄴 通勤學英語 15Mins Today

-------------------------------通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程-------------------------------通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm-------------------------------15Mins.Today 相關連結-------------------------------歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結官方網站:www.15mins.todayClubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com-------------------------------以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網)-------------------------------國際時事跟讀 Ep.K915: Japanese Auto Giants Unite to Challenge China's EV DominanceHighlights 主題摘要:- The merger between Honda and Nissan is primarily driven by the need to compete with Chinese automakers' dominance in the electric vehicle market, with a critical deadline of establishing competitiveness by 2030.- Nissan's financial struggles, including a 94% profit drop and 9,000 job cuts, make this merger particularly crucial for its survival, as the company faces significant debt payments coming due in 2026.- While the merged entity would become the world's third-largest automaker behind Toyota and Volkswagen, historical challenges in automotive mergers and potential cultural differences pose significant risks to its success.In a groundbreaking development for the global automotive industry, Japanese car manufacturers Honda and Nissan have announced plans to merge their operations, potentially creating the world's third-largest automaker. This strategic move, which also includes Mitsubishi, aims to strengthen their position against the rising dominance of Chinese competitors in the electric vehicle market. The merger talks, scheduled over the next six months, represent a significant shift in the automotive landscape and highlight the increasing pressure on traditional car manufacturers to adapt to changing market dynamics. With combined resources and expertise, the merged entity would trail only Toyota and Volkswagen in global sales volume.在全球汽車產業的一個突破性發展中,日本汽車製造商本田(Honda)和日產(Nissan)宣布計劃合併營運,有望成為全球第三大汽車製造商。這項策略性行動也包含三菱(Mitsubishi),旨在加強其對抗中國競爭者在電動車市場日益增長的主導地位。合併談判將為期六個月,代表著汽車產業版圖的重大轉變,並凸顯傳統汽車製造商面臨適應市場動態變化的壓力。憑藉合併後的資源與專業知識,這個新實體的全球銷售量將僅次於豐田(Toyota)和福斯(Volkswagen)。The driving force behind this historic alliance is the urgent need to compete with Chinese automakers, who have rapidly gained market share in the electric vehicle sector. Honda's CEO, Toshihiro Mibe, emphasized that without establishing a robust strategy by 2030, Japanese manufacturers risk losing their competitive edge. The combined annual sales of Honda and Nissan exceed $191 billion, demonstrating the substantial scale of this potential merger. This consolidation would provide the companies with shared resources and enhanced capabilities to develop advanced electric vehicle technologies, crucial for maintaining their market presence. The merger also represents a strategic response to the Chinese automotive industry's advantages in manufacturing costs and pricing flexibility.促使這個歷史性聯盟的驅動力,是與中國汽車製造商競爭的迫切需求,因為中國在電動車領域的市占率正快速成長。本田執行長三部敏宏(Toshihiro Mibe)強調,若不能在 2030 年前建立穩健的策略,日本製造商恐將失去競爭優勢。本田和日產的年度合併銷售額超過 1,910 億美元,展現了這項潛在合併案的龐大規模。這次整併將為這些公司提供共享資源和增強開發先進電動車技術的能力,這對維持市場地位至關重要。這次合併也代表了對中國汽車產業在製造成本和價格彈性優勢的策略性回應。The timing of this merger is particularly significant for Nissan, which has faced considerable challenges in recent years. The company's profits have declined dramatically, leading to an announcement of 9,000 job cuts and a 20% reduction in manufacturing output. These difficulties stem partly from the aftermath of former CEO Carlos Ghosn's controversial departure and the subsequent dissolution of its alliance with Renault. Industry analysts suggest that without this merger, Nissan might face severe financial difficulties by 2026, when significant debt payments come due. The partnership with Honda could provide the stability and resources necessary for Nissan's long-term survival in an increasingly competitive market.這次合併的時機對日產特別重要,因為該公司近年來面臨重大挑戰。公司利潤大幅下降,導致宣布裁員 9,000 人,並減少 20% 的製造產能。這些困境部分源於前執行長戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)爭議性離職的後續影響,以及與雷諾(Renault)結盟的解散。產業分析師指出,若沒有這次合併,日產可能在 2026 年面臨嚴重的財務困境,因為屆時將有大筆債務到期。與本田的合作夥伴關係可能為日產在日益競爭的市場中提供長期生存所需的穩定性和資源。The proposed merger, however, faces several challenges and uncertainties. Historical precedents in the automotive industry show that mergers don't always succeed, as demonstrated by past failures like the Daimler-Chrysler partnership. Additionally, the deal must navigate complex regulatory approvals and potential cultural differences between the companies. Despite these challenges, industry experts, including Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Jonas, suggest that this consolidation trend might continue throughout the automotive sector. The increasing costs of developing electric vehicles and the need to achieve economies of scale make such partnerships increasingly attractive for traditional automakers seeking to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving market. The success of this merger could potentially trigger a wave of similar consolidations across the global automotive industry, reshaping the competitive landscape for decades to come.然而,這項提議的合併仍面臨諸多挑戰和不確定性。汽車產業的歷史先例顯示,合併並非總能成功,就像戴姆勒-克萊斯勒(Daimler-Chrysler)合作的失敗案例。此外,這項交易必須通過複雜的法規審批,並克服公司之間潛在的文化差異。儘管面臨這些挑戰,包括摩根史坦利(Morgan Stanley)分析師亞當.喬納斯(Adam Jonas)在內的產業專家表示,這種整併趨勢可能會在整個汽車產業持續發展。開發電動車的成本增加以及實現規模經濟的需求,使這類合作關係對尋求在快速演變的市場中保持競爭力的傳統汽車製造商越來越具吸引力。這次合併的成功可能引發全球汽車產業的一波類似整併浪潮,重塑未來數十年的競爭格局。Keyword Drills 關鍵字:- Vehicle (Ve-hi-cle) [noun. a car, truck, or other machine that takes people or things from one place to another]: The merger talks represent a significant shift in the automotive landscape as traditional car manufacturers adapt to changes in electric vehicle markets.- Establishing (Es-tab-lish-ing) [verb. starting or creating something that will last for a long time]: Honda's CEO emphasized that without establishing a robust strategy by 2030, Japanese manufacturers risk losing their competitive edge.- Consolidation (Con-sol-i-da-tion) [noun. the process of joining or combining things together]: This consolidation would provide the companies with shared resources and enhanced capabilities to develop advanced electric vehicle technologies.- Dissolution (Dis-so-lu-tion) [noun. when an organization or relationship officially ends]: These difficulties stem partly from the aftermath of former CEO Carlos Ghosn's controversial departure and the subsequent dissolution of its alliance with Renault.- Reshaping (Re-shap-ing) [verb. changing the form or structure of something]: The success of this merger could potentially trigger a wave of similar consolidations across the global automotive industry, reshaping the competitive landscape for decades to come.Reference article:1. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cwy3ljvv93lo2. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/12/23/business/nissan-honda-merge-automakers-intl-hnk/index.html

回顧星期天LBS - 水果相關時事趣聞 All about fruits

回顧星期天LBS - 水果相關時事趣聞 All about fruits

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For years, international campaigners have said unnecessary plastic packaging is causing environmental damage and pollution at sea.西班牙將從二○二三年起,禁止使用塑膠包裝水果及蔬菜。國際倡議人士多年來不斷表示,不必要的塑膠包裝正造成環境破壞及海洋污染。From New Year’s Day, France bans supermarkets and other shops from selling cucumbers wrapped in plastic, and peppers, courgettes, aubergines and leeks inplastic packaging. A total of 30 types of fruit and vegetables are banned from having any plastic wrapping, including bananas, pears, lemons, oranges and kiwis.法國自元旦起禁止超市等商店銷售以塑膠包裹的黃瓜,以及用塑膠包裝的甜椒、櫛瓜、茄子與韭蔥。禁止使用任何塑膠包裝的共有三十種水果及蔬菜,包括香蕉、梨子、檸檬、柳橙與奇異果。Packs over 1.5kg are exempt, as well as chopped or processed fruit. Some varieties, including cherry tomatoes or soft fruits such as raspberries and blueberries, are given longer for producers to find alternatives to plastic, but plastic packaging will be gradually phased out for all whole fruits and vegetables by 2026.一點五公斤裝以上的蔬果,以及切成小塊或加工過的水果,則不受此限塑令規範。一些品種,包括櫻桃番茄,或是軟水果例如覆盆子及藍莓,其生產商可有較多的時間尋找塑膠替代品,但到了二○二六年,所有水果及蔬菜的塑膠包裝都將逐步淘汰。With an estimated 37 percent of fruit and vegetables sold wrapped in plastic packaging in France in 2021, the government believes the ban will cut more than 1bn items of single-use plastic packaging a year. The environment ministry said there must be curbs on the “outrageous amount of single-use plastic in our daily lives.”二○二一年在法國販售的水果及蔬菜,有百分之三十七是以塑膠包裝;法國政府據此估計,此禁塑令每年將減少十億件以上的一次性塑膠包裝。法國環境部表示,「我們日常生活中對一次性塑膠毫無節制的使用」必須加以約束。Fruit and vegetables wrapped in layers of plastic have exasperated consumers not only in France but neighboring countries. Nearly three-quarters of British people have experienced “anxiety, frustration or hopelessness” at the amount of plastic that comes with their shopping and 59 percent think supermarkets and brands are not doing enough to offer refillable, reusable or packaging-free products, according to a poll commissioned by Friends of the Earth and City to Sea in June last year.將水果及蔬菜以塑膠層層包裹,惹惱的不只是法國人,還有鄰近國家的消費者。去年六月由環保組織「地球之友」與「城市至海」所委託進行的一項民意調查發現,近四分之三的英國人對購物時用到的塑膠數量感到「焦慮、無力或絕望」,百分之五十九的人認為超市及品牌在提供可填充、可重複使用或無包裝產品方面做得不夠。Source Article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2022/01/11/2003771107Next ArticleTopic: Daily bananas intake good, but not for kidney failure patientsBananas are one of the most commonly seen and eaten fruits. Eating bananas brings many benefits, such as replenishing energy and lowering blood pressure, and can even improve your mood. There is a rumor going around online that you should not eat bananas every day because they are a high-potassium food that can damage your kidneys if you eat too many, but the Health Promotion Administration (HPA) says only people with impaired kidney function have a metabolic deficiency that compels them to avoid eating bananas every day.香蕉是平日最常見、又最常吃的水果之一。吃香蕉有很多好處,像是補充體力、降血壓、甚至能讓心情變好,而網傳香蕉是高鉀食物,吃多了會傷腎,不能天天吃;國民健康署表示,只有腎臟功能不全的人,因代謝功能不足,才不能天天吃。Bananas are classified as a medium-potassium food, containing about 325 milligrams of potassium per 100 grams of banana flesh, or about 200 to 399 milligrams of potassium per serving (half a large banana or a whole small one). Research shows that bananas can regulate bowel movements, relieve depression, reduce oxidation, lower blood pressure, promote cardiovascular health and prevent stroke, among other things.香蕉屬於中量鉀食物,每一百公克香蕉果肉,約含鉀三百二十五毫克,每份(大的半根,小的一根)約含鉀量兩百到三百九十九毫克。實證研究指出,香蕉能夠潤腸通便、解鬱、抗氧化、降血壓、促進心血管健康及防止中風等。According to the HPA, for people with normal kidney function, consuming plenty of potassium ions from bananas or other food can regulate blood pressure and indirectly protect the kidneys. Only for people with impaired kidney function — those who have been diagnosed with kidney failure — can it be harmful to their health, as they cannot excrete potassium ions.國健署表示,一般腎臟功能正常者,多攝取來自香蕉或其他食物中的鉀離子,不但能控制血壓,也能間接保護腎臟;但對於腎臟功能不全(被診斷為腎衰竭者),因無法將體內鉀離子排除,才會對人體造成傷害。The best ways to prevent chronic kidney disease are lifestyle improvements, good control of blood pressure, blood sugar and blood fat, lowering urine protein and avoiding drugs that are toxic to the kidneys, as well as early screening and referral to a nephrologist when necessary.最佳預防慢性腎臟病的方法有:生活型態的改善、良好的血壓、血糖及血脂肪控制、降低尿蛋白、避免腎毒性藥物,以及早期檢查,必要時轉介腎臟科醫師。As for how to tell whether your kidneys are functioning normally, you can visit a hospital and find a doctor to perform a kidney function test, or else you can take advantage of the free adult health examinations that the HPA offers once every three years for people aged between 40 and 64 years old and once a year for those aged 65 or older. You can safeguard your kidney health by watching out for any change in your kidney function and following your doctors’ orders for treatment.至於要如何知道自己腎臟功能是否正常,民眾可以到醫院找醫師做腎功能檢查,或是利用國健署四十歲至六十四歲每三年一次、六十五歲以上每年一次的免費成人健康檢查,注意自己的腎功能變化,配合醫囑治療,才能保障腎臟健康。Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2021/02/23/2003752674Next ArticleTopic: Alleviate dry eyes with massage and good nutritionIf you are an office worker who sits in front of a computer screen all day, and after work swipes away on your mobile phone, plays on a Nintendo Switch or other electronic devices, you are at risk of “diseases of affluence,” including tired and sore eyes. To avoid dry eye syndrome, in addition to resting your eyes, you can use eye massage techniques and eat nutritious foods to alleviate the symptoms.上班時常常看電腦螢幕工作,下班又滑手機、玩switch等3C用品,現代文明病「眼睛疲勞、痠痛」,就這樣無聲無息進入生活。如果想擺脫眼睛乾澀的症狀,除了讓眼睛多休息,跟著眼科醫生教學的眼部按摩法減緩不適,營養師也分享對眼睛乾澀有幫助的食物。Smartphone addicts and office workers glued to screens all day often go for long periods without blinking; this can lead to tiredness, dry eye syndrome and sore eyes. According to ophthalmologist Wang Meng-chi, getting a good night’s sleep and using a steam eye mask can help. However, Wang also recommends massaging acupressure points around the eye area, including the eyebrows, between and at the tips of the eyebrows, the temples, below the eye sockets and the corners of the eyes near the bridge of the nose. Wang advises massaging each of these areas in turn to relieve discomfort.低頭族、上班族久看螢幕,眼睛時常會忘記眨眼,造成疲勞、乾澀或痠痛的症狀,眼科醫師王孟祺說:「充足的睡眠、熱敷可以幫助減緩痠痛。」並教學如何按摩眼部穴道,包括眉頭、眉心、眉毛尾端、太陽穴、眼眶下緣中間,還有內眼角的位置,輪流按壓這些部位,可以減緩眼睛不適。In addition to massaging the eye area, nutritionist Kao Min-min also recommends eating certain foods, such as seasonal watermelon, which contains 90 percent water, and vegetables such as gherkin, cucumber and winter melon to relieve dry eye syndrome. Kao also recommends eating deep-sea fish such as salmon, tuna, Pacific saury and mackerel, which are rich in fish oils and can reduce inflammation, one to three times a week. Vegetable oil-containing foods such as nuts are also beneficial to eye health, Kao adds.除了眼部按摩方法能舒緩疲勞症狀,營養師高敏敏也分享幾個對眼睛乾澀有幫助的食物,像是現在夏天當季的西瓜有百分之九十的含水量,蔬菜的話像是小黃瓜、大黃瓜、冬瓜。油脂的部分,建議大家一周可以吃一至三次的深海魚,包含鮭魚、鮪魚、秋刀魚、鯖魚,裡面的魚油可以降發炎。植物性的油脂,如堅果,對眼睛也有益處。Kao says a lack of vitamin A can increase the severity of dry eye syndrome so, in addition to taking in more oil-rich foods, she recommends supplementing the diet with starchy foods such as sweet potato or pumpkin, vegetables such as red and yellow peppers, fruits such as papaya, watermelon or cantaloupe melon and berry fruits such as blueberries. All of these foods contain anthocyanin, says Kao, which has antioxidant properties and is excellent at reducing inflammation.除了油脂的攝取,高敏敏也補充:「維生素A的低下,有可能會讓眼睛的乾澀更加嚴重,所以可以補充像是澱粉類的地瓜、南瓜,蔬菜類的紅椒、黃椒,或者是木瓜、西瓜、哈密瓜以及藍莓等莓果類,這些含有花青素的食材,對於抗氧化能力、降低發炎的反應也很強。」Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2020/07/15/2003739918

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15Mins 名人正念語錄 Inspirations Ep.12 好萊塢動畫配音員 Top Hollywood Animation Voice Actors

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Source: From his 1996 commencement speech at Boston University1. 羅賓·威廉斯(迪士尼《阿拉丁》精靈配音)名言:「不管別人怎麼說,文字和想法都能改變世界。」 出處:1996年波士頓大學畢業典禮演說Robin Williams revolutionized voice acting in animation withhis role as Genie in Disney's "Aladdin" (1992). Before his involvement, voice actors typically stuck strictly to the script, but Williams improvised over 16 hours of material for Genie, with only a fraction making it into the final film. His work changed how animation studios approached voice acting, leading to more improvisational freedom. Williams initially took the role for $75,000 (far below his usual fee) but had conditions: his voice couldn't be used for merchandise and Genie couldn't take up more than 25% of advertising. When Disney broke these conditions, Williams refused to return for the direct-to-video sequel. He later reconciled with Disney after receiving an apology and a Pablo Picasso painting. The role earned him a Special Golden Globe Award. Despite his massive success, Williams continued to visit children's hospitals in character as Genie, showing his dedication to bringing joy to others. His work demonstrated how voice acting could be just as dynamic and creative as live-action performance.羅賓·威廉斯在1992年迪士尼動畫《阿拉丁》中為精靈配音時,徹底改變了動畫配音的形式。在他之前,配音員通常嚴格遵照劇本,但威廉斯為精靈即興創作了超過16小時的內容,最後只有一小部分被採用在電影中。他的工作改變了動畫製作公司對配音的態度,帶來更多即興發揮的空間。威廉斯最初只收了7.5萬美元(遠低於他的一般片酬)接下這個角色,但有條件:他的聲音不能用於商品,精靈的形象在廣告中不能超過25%。當迪士尼違反這些條件時,威廉斯拒絕為直接發行影片的續集配音。後來在收到道歉和一幅畢卡索畫作後,他與迪士尼和解。這個角色為他贏得特別金球獎。儘管大獲成功,威廉斯仍持續以精靈的角色造訪兒童醫院,展現他為他人帶來歡樂的熱忱。他的工作證明配音演出可以和實景表演一樣充滿活力和創意。2. Jim Cummings (Voice of Winnie the Pooh and Tigger)Quote: "Never give up. Never stop believing in yourselfand your abilities. You never know who might be looking up to you." Source: Interview with Animation World Network, 2011名言:「永不放棄。永遠相信自己和自己的能力。你永遠不知道誰可能正在以你為榜樣。」出處:2011年動畫世界網路訪談Jim Cummings has voiced over 400 characters across hiscareer, including Disney's Winnie the Pooh and Tigger since 1988. He began his career doing radio commercials and working at Disneyland. What many don't know is that he would use his voice talents to call sick children in hospitals as their favorite characters, particularly during the holidays. Cummings is known for his incredible versatility – he can seamlessly switch between characters mid-conversation. He took over both Pooh and Tigger from the legendary Sterling Holloway and Paul Winchell, respectively, becoming the first person to voiceboth characters regularly. His dedication to maintaining the legacy of these beloved characters while adding his own touch has earned him multiple Annie Awards. Despite his success, Cummings still attends voice acting workshops to continue improving his craft. He's known in the industry for helping new voice actors, often providing mentorship and encouragement to those starting their careers.吉姆·卡明斯在其職業生涯中配音超過400個角色,從1988年起為迪士尼的小熊維尼和跳跳虎配音。他的職業生涯始於廣播廣告和在迪士尼樂園工作。鮮為人知的是,他會用角色的聲音打電話給住院的病童,特別是在節慶期間。卡明斯以其驚人的多變性聞名-他能在對話中無縫切換不同角色。他分別接替了傳奇配音員史特林·哈洛威和保羅·溫切爾,成為第一個同時固定為維尼和跳跳虎配音的人。他在保持這些深受喜愛角色傳統的同時也加入自己的特色,因此贏得多座安妮獎。儘管成就斐然,卡明斯仍參加配音工作坊持續精進。他在業界以幫助新進配音員聞名,經常為剛起步的後輩提供指導和鼓勵。3. June Foray (Voice of Rocky from "Rocky andBullwinkle")Quote: "If you love what you do, you never work a dayin your life - that's why I'm still working."Source: From her 2009 Television Academy Foundation Interview3. 瓊·弗雷(《洛基與巴維》中洛基配音)名言:「如果你熱愛你的工作,你就永遠不會覺得在工作-這就是為什麼我還在繼續工作。」出處:2009年電視學院基金會訪談Known as the "First Lady of Voice Acting," JuneForay's career spanned nearly 80 years. Born in 1917, she began voice acting on radio at age 12. Beyond Rocky the Flying Squirrel, she voiced Natasha Fatale, Nell Fenwick, and thousands of other characters. Foray was instrumental in creating the Annie Awards and pushing for animation to be recognized by the Academy Awards. She fought for voice actors to receive proper credit and compensation when most were uncredited. Despite working well into her 90s, she continued to take voice acting classes, believing that one should never stop learning. In 1995, ASIFA-Hollywood created the June Foray Award to recognize individuals who made significant contributions to animation. She was its first recipient. Walt Disney personally sought her out to voice Lucifer the Cat in "Cinderella," leading to a long relationship with Disney studios. Foray was also a voice director and teacher, helping shape the careers of countless voice actors.被譽為「配音界第一夫人」的瓊·弗雷,其職業生涯橫跨將近80年。1917年出生的她12歲就開始在廣播電台配音。除了飛鼠洛基,她還為娜塔莎·法塔勒、奈爾·芬維克等數千個角色配音。弗雷是安妮獎的重要推手,也致力於讓動畫獲得奧斯卡獎的認可。她為配音員爭取適當的署名和報酬,當時大多數配音員都未獲得署名。即使90多歲仍在工作,她持續參加配音課程,深信學習永無止境。1995年,國際動畫協會好萊塢分會設立瓊·弗雷獎,表揚對動畫產業有重大貢獻的人士,她是首位得主。華特·迪士尼親自邀請她為《仙履奇緣》中的路西法貓配音,開啟她與迪士尼工作室的長期合作。弗雷也是配音導演和教師,培育了無數配音人才。

精選詞彙單元 Vocab EP008: Japan's porn magazine on shelves

精選詞彙單元 Vocab EP008: Japan's porn magazine on shelves

🄴 通勤學英語 15Mins Today

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15Mins英語咖啡館 Ep.250: 吃貨學英語 - 世界各地跨年美食的幸運文化 What to eat on New Year's Day to get a great start

15Mins英語咖啡館 Ep.250: 吃貨學英語 - 世界各地跨年美食的幸運文化 What to eat on New Year's Day to get a great start

🄴 通勤學英語 15Mins Today

-------------------------------通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程-------------------------------通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm-------------------------------15Mins.Today 相關連結-------------------------------歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結官方網站:www.15mins.todayClubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com-------------------------------以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網)-------------------------------Welcome to 英語咖啡館! In this special New Year’s Day episode, Klim and I take you on a journey around the world to uncover fascinating food traditions tied to the start of the year.We begin with the Southern U.S. dish Hopping John, a symbol of good luck, then move to Spain, where the midnight tradition of eating 12 grapes promises prosperity. Our exploration continues in Japan, where Toshikoshi Soba and zoni celebrate longevity and renewal with their rich cultural meanings.Whether you’re enjoying your family’s favorite dishes or curious to try something new, join us in celebrating how food brings people together across the globe. Happy 2025!歡迎來到英語咖啡館!在這個特別的新年第一天,醬老師與Klim 將帶你環遊世界,發掘與新年相關的有趣飲食傳統。我們從美國南部象徵好運的料理 Hopping John 開始,接著來到西班牙,了解午夜食用 12 顆葡萄祈求繁榮的習俗。最後,我們抵達日本,探索跨年蕎麥麵和雜煮這兩道美食背後的深刻文化意涵,慶祝長壽與更新。無論您是在品嚐家人最愛的菜餚,還是對新口味充滿好奇,歡迎加入我們,一同慶祝食物如何連結全球人心。2025 新年快樂!