


<新一季特別企劃「Friday Happy Hour in Formosa」系列節目>
403花蓮大地震,不僅讓全台民眾有感,連長期居住在臺灣的外國人也很驚嚇,也紛紛對台灣表達關心。根據內政部統計,112年外國人居留臺灣的人數創新高,達8萬5814人。這些外國人眼中的臺灣到底是什麼樣貌?他們為什麼選擇長居台灣?教育電臺特別企劃「Friday Happy Hour in Formosa」系列節目,從外國人的視野看美麗的寶島,也為震災後的臺灣加油!


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🕖用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:British Accent Voted Most Attractive in the World 全球認為英式口音最有魅力

🕖用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:British Accent Voted Most Attractive in the World 全球認為英式口音最有魅力

🄴 世界咖啡館

🌏ArticleMany people love the sound of an accent, but which one is the most popular? According to one survey, the British accent is the clear winner.In 2020, the Time Out Index survey asked over 37,000 people from more than 30 different countries which accent they found most attractive.The British accent won, getting 25% of the overall vote. It was voted the most attractive in countries such as Sweden and the US. It was also popular in Asia, with people in India, China, South Korea and Malaysia saying they liked the UK accent, while Japanese people specifically liked the English accent.The French accent was second, with 16% of the vote. Countries such as Australia, Brazil and Germany voted for it as their favorite.The Italian accent was third overall, with 15% of the vote. Spanish was fourth and Irish was fifth, followed by the Australian and American accents.While most people voted for an accent that wasn't their own, Thailand's favorite accent was Thai.Participants were also asked which specific place had the most attractive accent. The winners were London, Paris, Rome, Edinburgh, Madrid and Porto. This isn't the first time the British accent has been voted the world's favorite. A 2018 survey from CEOWorld Magazine asked almost 100,000 people from 32 countries which English accents, excluding their own, they found most attractive.🌏Summary2020年,《Time Out》指數問卷詢問來自30個國家超過37,000人,向他們調查,覺得哪種口音最吸引人。英式口音奪冠,獲得25%的投票。 瑞典、美國、亞洲都特別喜歡英式口音。法國口音名列第二,獲得16%的選票。 澳洲、巴西和德國等國將其選為他們的最愛。義大利口音則是整體排名中的第三,獲得15%的選票。西班牙口音排名第四,愛爾蘭口音排名第五,緊接著才是澳洲和美國口音。🌏Words & Phrasesaccent口音attractive有魅力的specifically專門地🌏ReferencesArticle: Engoo Daily News( JUPE Design + Canva(每周二、四更新#沒有廣告不用APP進一步學習語言點選教育電台 語言學習頻道-----英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)法語節目主持人:楊淑娟 (Julia Yang)-----Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me-----▍教育電臺▍官網:▍粉絲團:▍線上收聽:▍Channel+精選節目: by Firstory Hosting

✈️走進法文世界|法語10分好 06:Quelle est votre nationalité ? 你是哪國人?D’où venez-vous ?你從什麼地方來 ?

✈️走進法文世界|法語10分好 06:Quelle est votre nationalité ? 你是哪國人?D’où venez-vous ?你從什麼地方來 ?

🄴 世界咖啡館

🌏學習內容:1) Quelle est votre nationalité ?(你是哪國 人?) 2) D’où venez-vous ?(你從什麼地方來?)👉動詞變化:être (是)- Je suis- Tu es- Il (Elle) est- Nous sommes- Vous êtes- Ils (Elles) sont👉對話 :A : Quelle est votre nationalité ?B : Je suis française. Et vous ?A : Je suis taïwanaise.A : Quelle est votre nationalité ?B : Je suis français. Et vous ?A : Je suis taïwanaise.A : Vous êtes anglaise ?B : Non, je ne suis pas anglaise.👉單字- français/ française 法國人- chinois /chinoise 中國人- taïwanais/ taïwanaise 台灣人- anglais/ anglaise 英國人- japonais/ japonaise 日本人- américain/ américaine 美國人- allemand/ allemande 德國人- espagnol/ espagnole 西班牙人- italien/ italienne 義大利人- belge/ belge 比利時人- coréen/ coréenne 韓國人- croate/ croate 克羅埃西亞人👉動詞變化:- venir(來)- venir de +國家、城市、地點(從…來)- Je viens- Tu viens- Il (Elle) vient- Nous venons- Vous venez- Ils (Elles) viennent👉對話 :A : D’où venez-vous ?B : Je viens de Taïwan.A : D’où venez-vous ?B : Je viens de France.👉文法 : Quel/ Quelle / Quels /Quelles 疑問形容詞 (哪一個 ? )👉表格 (Formulaire)Nom(名字)Prénom(姓)Adresse(住址)Age(年齡)Nationalité(國籍)Date de naissance(出生日期)Profession(職業)Numéro de téléphone(電話號 碼)Courriel(電子郵件)#每周二、四更新#沒有廣告不用APP進一步學習語言點選教育電台 語言學習頻道-----英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)法語節目主持人:楊淑娟 (Julia Yang)-----Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me-----▍教育電臺▍官網:▍粉絲團:▍線上收聽:▍Channel+精選節目: by Firstory Hosting

🕖用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:US Comes Last in Study of 11 Rich Countries' Healthcare美國醫療體系在11個富有國家排名中墊底

🕖用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:US Comes Last in Study of 11 Rich Countries' Healthcare美國醫療體系在11個富有國家排名中墊底

🄴 世界咖啡館

🌏ArticleYou might expect that the more a country spends on its healthcare, the better it would be. But a new study says this might not be true. In fact, research from The Commonwealth Fund found that the US had the lowest performance of those studied, but spent the most money on healthcare.The researchers compared the way that healthcare is provided in 11 high-income countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the US. They compared each country's healthcare across five areas: access, process, efficiency, equality and outcomes.The study found that Norway had the best healthcare performance in the group, followed by the Netherlands and Australia. The US came in last place, with Canada and Switzerland also in the bottom three.However, in 2019, while Norway spent 10.5% of its gross domestic product on healthcare, the US spent 16.8% — more than any other country in the study. Yet the US was the lowest in all areas except process.Four differences might explain why the US got the worst result for the most money. The top performing countries provided universal healthcare at a lower cost, spent more money making sure that all people could access important healthcare services, didn't spend as much time and money on management, and spent more money on social services.However, the study also said that all countries can still improve and should try to learn from each other. For example, the US was better than many countries at getting people to have the flu vaccine.🌏Summary你可能會預期,一個國家花在醫療體系的錢越多,它的品質就越好。達達!大錯特錯。有份研究,將11個高收入國家中提供醫療的方式做比較。結果發現,挪威的醫療表現最好,美國則是墊底。然而,在2019年,挪威在醫療體系的支出佔其國內生產毛額的10.5%,美國卻高達16.8%,是該研究中的比例最高的國家。為什麼美國花最多的錢卻獲得最糟的成果呢?研究指出,排名頂尖的國家以較低的價格提供全民醫療,花更多的錢確保所有人都能夠獲得重要的醫療服務。沒有花費太多時間和金錢在管理,放更多支出在社會服務上。不過,在讓民眾取得流感疫苗這方面,美國則比許多國家來得更擅長。🌏Words & Phrasesperformance表現access權限efficiency效率🌏ReferencesArticle: Engoo Daily News( JUPE Design + Canva(每周二、四更新#沒有廣告不用APP進一步學習語言點選教育電台 語言學習頻道-----英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)法語節目主持人:楊淑娟 (Julia Yang)-----Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me-----▍教育電臺▍官網:▍粉絲團:▍線上收聽:▍Channel+精選節目: by Firstory Hosting

✈️走進法文世界|法語10分好 05:Comment il s’appelle ? 他叫什麼名字?

✈️走進法文世界|法語10分好 05:Comment il s’appelle ? 他叫什麼名字?

🄴 世界咖啡館

🌏學習內容 : 1) 介紹別人 Comment il s’appelle ? (他叫什麼名字?) 2) 法文母音拼寫符號👉複習動詞變化:s’appeler(請參考第4集)👉對話 :A : Comment elle s’appelle ?B : Elle s’appelle Julia. Et lui ?A : Il s’appelle Alain.A : Comment elle s’appelle ?B : Elle s’appelle Juliette. Et elle ?A : Elle s’appelle Lisa.A : Je vous présente un ami. Voici Alain. (我跟你介紹一位朋友,他叫 Alain。)B : Enchanté.(幸會)C : Enchantée.(幸會)#每周二、四更新#沒有廣告不用APP進一步學習語言點選教育電台 語言學習頻道-----英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)法語節目主持人:楊淑娟 (Julia Yang)-----Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me-----▍教育電臺▍官網:▍粉絲團:▍線上收聽:▍Channel+精選節目: by Firstory Hosting

用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:You'll 'Ace' Every Exam with These Phrases 這些片語讓你「順利通過」每個考試!

用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:You'll 'Ace' Every Exam with These Phrases 這些片語讓你「順利通過」每個考試!

🄴 世界咖啡館

🌏ArticleWe all want to "ace" our exams, which means to get a high grade. But if you don't study, you might "flunk," or fail. Here are some more phrases you might hear students using when talking about preparing for, passing, or even failing exams.If you have a big exam coming up, you might have to "burn the midnight oil" — or work late at night. This expression comes from a time when people would light oil lamps to see at night. You could even "pull an all-nighter" by working all night long without sleeping!But even if you've studied hard and feel well-prepared, it can be easy to "choke" in an exam. This is when stress or nervousness stops you from doing your best. We can also use this word in the office or to describe a sports team or player. For example, you could say: "Everyone expected the team to win, but they choked in the final game of the tournament."But if you study hard and don't let stress get in the way, you'll "sail through" your exam, or be able to do it without any problems.And if you're feeling really confident after finishing the exam, you could say you've got it "in the bag," which is another way of saying you are sure you'll achieve something.This expression is believed to come from 1916, when the New York Giants baseball team would carry a bag off the field when they were winning a game. They believed doing so would secure their victory, because according to the team, they had captured the game in the bag.🌏Summary如果你有大考在即,你可能得「burn the midnight oil」,也就是挑燈夜戰,熬夜讀書。 不過有時候,即使您已經努力讀書也感覺準備好了,還是可能「choke」 in an exam,在考試的時候「失常」。 不過只要你認真讀書,控制好情緒壓力,還是可以「sail through」 your exam,「一帆風順、順利通過」你的考試。🌏Words & Phraseschoke窒息nervousness焦慮sail航行🌏ReferencesArticle: Engoo Daily News( JUPE Design + Canva(每周二、四更新#沒有廣告不用APP進一步學習語言點選教育電台 語言學習頻道-----英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)法語節目主持人:楊淑娟 (Julia Yang)-----Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me-----▍教育電臺▍官網:▍粉絲團:▍線上收聽:▍Channel+精選節目: by Firstory Hosting