


<新一季特別企劃「Friday Happy Hour in Formosa」系列節目>
403花蓮大地震,不僅讓全台民眾有感,連長期居住在臺灣的外國人也很驚嚇,也紛紛對台灣表達關心。根據內政部統計,112年外國人居留臺灣的人數創新高,達8萬5814人。這些外國人眼中的臺灣到底是什麼樣貌?他們為什麼選擇長居台灣?教育電臺特別企劃「Friday Happy Hour in Formosa」系列節目,從外國人的視野看美麗的寶島,也為震災後的臺灣加油!


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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Common Italian Words Used in English 英文中常見的義大利單字

用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Common Italian Words Used in English 英文中常見的義大利單字

🄴 世界咖啡館

🌏ArticleItaly has given the world great art, music and food — and it's given the English language lots of vocabulary. Here are just a few Italian words you'll hear in English.If you drink coffee, you might speak some Italian already. "Espresso" is borrowed from Italian, and comes from the verb "to press." Espresso is made by pushing, or pressing, hot water or steam through coffee grounds to make a strong, small drink.If you like milk in your coffee, you might ask your "barista" — Italian for the person making drinks in a cafe — for a "cappuccino." The Italians named this drink — made of espresso and hot milk — after Capuchin monks, whose clothes were the same color as the drink.Baristas might have to occasionally deal with "divas," or people who think they are very important and who are difficult to please. This comes from the Italian word for a famous female singer.Italian has also given us the word for drawings and writing on walls and other public places: "graffiti." This word comes from the Italian for a scratch.Some people might use graffiti to share their "motto." This is another Italian loanword that refers to a phrase used again and again that tells others what a person or organization believes is important.There's only one word to end this article with: "finale." In Italian, this just means "the end," and in English "finale" describes the last part of a show or series — especially if the end is very exciting!🌏Summary「濃縮咖啡」(espresso)是從義大利文借用來的,源自於動詞「擠壓」。因為 濃縮咖啡是透過咖啡機來推擠出熱水或蒸氣,沖出來的咖啡。如果你喜歡在咖啡裡加牛奶,你可能會請你的「咖啡店店員」來泡一杯「卡布奇諾」。咖啡店店員的英文是barista,這個字也是義大利文中在咖啡廳泡咖啡的人。卡布奇諾的英文是cappuccino。這個字,是源於義大利人以聖方濟會修道士的衣服顏色,來替這種飲料命名的。其他常見的字像是「難搞的人」(diva)、「塗鴉」 (graffiti)、「座右銘」(motto)、「結尾」(finale)也都是源自義大利文。🌏Words & Phrasesborrow借用steam蒸氣strong強烈的ReferencesArticle: Engoo Daily News(每周二、四更新#更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道-----英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇韓語節目主持人:鄭美善德語節目主持人:梅可雅Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly-----Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me-----▍教育電臺▍官網:▍粉絲團:▍線上收聽:▍Channel+精選節目: by Firstory Hosting

天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩29|한국에서 대만까지 얼마나 걸려요?  從韓國到台灣需要多久時間?

天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩29|한국에서 대만까지 얼마나 걸려요? 從韓國到台灣需要多久時間?

🄴 世界咖啡館

📢對話👩‍🦰:인천 공항에서 타이완까지 얼마나 걸려요? 從仁川機場到台灣需要多久時間?👨‍🦱:오래 걸리지 않아요. 두 시간 반 정도 걸려요. 不需要很久,兩個半小時左右。👩‍🦰:정말 가깝네요. 很近耶。👨‍🦱:서울 시내에서 인천공항까지 지하철로 갈 수 있어요? 從首爾市內到仁川機場可以搭地鐵去嗎?👩‍🦰:서울역에서 공항까지 가는 직통열차가 있는데 50분쯤 걸려요. 從首爾火車站到仁川機場有直達列車,需要五十分鐘左右。👨‍🦱:아침 출근 시간에는 길이 막히니까 열차가 안전하겠죠?. 早上上班時間塞車,坐火車會比較安全吧?👩‍🦰:네, 맞아요. 對,沒錯。📢句型- 1. N에서 N까지 얼마나 걸려요? 從~ 到~ 需要多久?- 집에서 학교까지 얼마나 걸려요? 從家裡到學校要多長時間?- 버스로 20분쯤 걸립니다. 坐公車大概20分鐘。- 여기에서 지하철역까지 가까워요? 從這裡到地鐵站近嗎?- 걸어서 5분쯤 걸립니다. 走路過去大概要5分鐘。- 서울에서 부산까지 고속열차로 몇 시간 걸립니까? 坐高鐵從首爾到釜山大概需要幾個小時?- 2시간 반정도 걸립니다. 大概兩個半小時。📢詞彙-에서 -까지 (地點) 從~ 到~-부터 -까지 (時間) 從~ 到~얼마 多少 (表示不确定的数量或程度)얼마나 大概多少걸리다[形容詞] 花費時間오래[副詞] 很長時間정도 左右、上下、大約-는데 用於動詞後方,在陳述 某事之前,先對狀況進行說明。가깝다[形容詞] 近서울시내 首爾市內서울역 首爾火車站직통열차 直達列車쯤 左右、上下、大約아침 早上、早餐출근시간 上班時間길 道路막히다[自動詞] 堵塞、受阻열차 列車、火車、地鐵안전하다[形容詞] 安全맞다[自動詞] 正確、對、合適고속열차 高鐵👍意見調查:每周二、四更新#更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道-----英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇韓語節目主持人:鄭美善德語節目主持人:梅可雅Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly-----Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me-----▍教育電臺▍官網:▍粉絲團:▍線上收聽:▍Channel+精選節目: by Firstory Hosting

用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Aotearoa New Zealand: What is the Māori Language?  白雲之鄉紐西蘭:什麼是毛利語?

用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Aotearoa New Zealand: What is the Māori Language? 白雲之鄉紐西蘭:什麼是毛利語?

🄴 世界咖啡館

🌏ArticleThe most common language in New Zealand is English, but it's not the country's only official language. Since 1987, te reo Māori — the Māori language — has also been one of New Zealand's official languages.Until the middle of the 1800s, Māori was actually the most used language in the country. But as more English-speakers came to live in New Zealand, it started to be mostly used by the indigenous Māori people.Then, in 1867, the New Zealand government created schools for Māori children where lessons were taught in English and speaking Māori was discouraged. For a long time, Māori children were even punished or beaten for speaking their language at school.As time went on, fewer people spoke Māori. However, in the 1970s, Māori people started working to bring the language back. In 1978, the first bilingual school was opened in New Zealand, teaching in both English and Māori. In 1983, the country got its first Māori-owned, Māori-language radio station.According to government data, only 4% of New Zealanders — about 186,000 people — could speak Māori in 2018. However, there is growing interest in using the language in normal life. In fact, many New Zealanders, including the country's prime minister Jacinda Ardern, often use common Māori phrases, like "kia ora" instead of "hello."There are now over 20 Māori radio stations in New Zealand — or Aotearoa as the country is called in Māori. There are also two national Māori television stations with shows that celebrate both the language and culture. And every year, New Zealand has a Māori Language Week to promote its use.🌏Summary直到1800年代中期,毛利語其實是該國最多人使用的語言。 但隨著越來越多講英文的人來到紐西蘭居住,毛利語開始變成多數本土毛利人使用的語言。接著在1867年,紐西蘭政府創立給毛利人小孩的學校。這些學校都是以英語授課,並不鼓勵說毛利語。毛利小孩甚至會因為在學校說他們的語言,而被懲罰或毆打。近年來,毛利人開始努力復甦這個語言。有了同時以英語和毛利語授課的雙語學校,也有了毛利語廣播電台。人們在一般生活中使用毛利語的興趣也日益增加。🌏Words & Phrasesindigenous本土的discourage使洩氣punish處罰🌏ReferencesArticle: Engoo Daily News(āori-language/7VzJUs55EeuGshetE9ekjQ)( JUPE Design + Canva(每周二、四更新#更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道-----英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇韓語節目主持人:鄭美善德語節目主持人:梅可雅Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly-----Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me-----▍教育電臺▍官網:▍粉絲團:▍線上收聽:▍Channel+精選節目: by Firstory Hosting

天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩28|아홉 시 오십 오 분 비행기예요.  是九點五十五分飛機。

天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩28|아홉 시 오십 오 분 비행기예요. 是九點五十五分飛機。

🄴 世界咖啡館

📢對話👩‍🦰:공항에 몇 시에 가요? 幾點去機場?👨‍🦱:아홉 시 오십 오 분 비행기예요. 是九點五十五分班機。👩‍🦰:짐은 다 챙겼어요? 行李收拾好了嗎?👨‍🦱:네, 큰 짐이 둘 그리고 작은 가방이 네 개나 돼요. 好了,兩個大行李還有四個小包。👩‍🦰:정말 많네요. 그런데 인천공항 여객터미널이 두 곳이에요. 확인했어요? 真多! 不過,仁川機場有兩個客運大樓。你確認了嗎?👨‍🦱:네, 제1여객터미널 3층으로 가면 돼요. 有,到第一航廈三樓就可以。📢句型1. 漢字數詞:金額、號碼、年月日、幾分幾秒等1-일2-이3-삼4-사5-오6-육7-칠8-팔9-구10-십2. 固有數詞 時間的幾點以及搭配量詞使用1-하나(한)2-둘(두)3-셋(세)4-넷(네5-다섯6-여섯7-일곱8-여덟9- 아홉10-열20-스물(스무)30- 서른40- 마흔50- 쉰60-예순70-일흔80- 여든90- 아흔百- 백千-천萬-만十萬- 십만百萬- 백만千萬- 천만億 -억- 오늘은 오 월 십 일이에요. 今天是5 月 10 號。- 만 오천 원입니다. 一萬五千元。- 제 여동생은 올해 스무 살이에요. 我妹妹今年二十歲。- 열 두 시에 지하철역에서 만나요. 12點在地鐵站見!📢詞彙공항 機場몇 幾인천공항 仁川機場비행기 飛機시 時、點분 分(分鐘)초 秒(秒鐘)짐 行李챙기다[動詞] 收拾、整理、準備다[副詞] 全部、都잔 杯(量詞)크다[形容詞] 大 (큰大的)작다[形容詞] 小 (작은小的)-(이)나[助詞] 整整 ,足足 (表示數量或程度比預期的多)여객터미널 客運大樓제1여객터미널 第一航廈제2여객터미널 第二航廈확인하다[動詞] 確認 층 樓層、樓원 元(韓國貨幣單位)여동생 妹妹올해 今年살 歲(量詞)지하철역 地鐵站👍意見調查:每周二、四更新#更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道-----英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇韓語節目主持人:鄭美善德語節目主持人:梅可雅Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly-----Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me-----▍教育電臺▍官網:▍粉絲團:▍線上收聽:▍Channel+精選節目: by Firstory Hosting

用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Wanna Know How to Shorten English Vocab? 想知道怎麼使用英文的簡短單字嗎?

用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Wanna Know How to Shorten English Vocab? 想知道怎麼使用英文的簡短單字嗎?

🄴 世界咖啡館

🌏ArticleIf you want to know about something, you can ask for "info" instead of "information". Businesses often talk about "ads" instead of "advertisements." Also, we usually say "gym," not "gymnasium".Using shorter versions of English words and phrases like this can help you sound more fluent. Here are a few more that are easy to add to your "vocabulary" — or "vocab."If you wanted to know what "vegetarian" food a restaurant has, you could ask for a "veggie" menu. "Veggies" or “veg” is also a shorter way to say "vegetables".Some short phrases can also be made into a single word. For example, both "want to" and "want a" can become "wanna," and instead of "give me," you can say "gimme."If someone asks what you are "going to" do next weekend, you can answer, "I'm gonna relax." Or if you "don't know" what you're gonna do, you could say, "I dunno yet.""Whaddya" is what we get when we make "what," "do," and "you" into one word — used for example, like this: "Whaddya wanna have for dinner?"These short versions of phrases should really only be used in conversations. They shouldn't be used in work emails though — that wouldn’t be very professional.Actually, "professional" can be shortened to "pro," and used like this; "I wanna be a pro soccer player one day!" And other adjectives can be shortened too. "Comfortable" can become "comfy," and if you're in the UK, you might hear "brill" instead of "brilliant."🌏Summary資訊的英文是「information」,您也可以簡稱為「info」。 商業界在談論廣告的時候,很少說「advertisement」,會直接說「ad」。 健身房也通常會說「gym」而不是「gymnasium」。「gonna」是「going to」的縮寫,所以如果您想說「我想放鬆一下」您可以直接說 「I'm gonna relax.」。「dunno」是「don't know」的縮寫,所以如果您想說「我還不曉得。」,您可以說「I dunno yet」。要注意哦!這些簡短的片語通常使用於日常的對話,不適合在正式的郵件中使用。🌏Words & Phrasesadvertisement廣告version版本fluent流利的🌏ReferencesArticle: Engoo Daily News( JUPE Design + Canva(👍意見調查:每周二、四更新#更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道-----英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇韓語節目主持人:鄭美善德語節目主持人:梅可雅Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly-----Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me-----▍教育電臺▍官網:▍粉絲團:▍線上收聽:▍Channel+精選節目: by Firstory Hosting