Fu-lan Speaking - Natural Taiwanese Mandarin

Fu-lan Speaking - Natural Taiwanese Mandarin


Various casual talks by Fu-lan in natural Taiwanese mandarin with transcriptions and study guides

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EP18. 台灣安全嗎?東西容易被偷嗎? Is Taiwan Safe? Are Things Easily Stolen?

EP18. 台灣安全嗎?東西容易被偷嗎? Is Taiwan Safe? Are Things Easily Stolen?

🄴 Fu-lan Speaking - Natural Taiwanese Mandarin

有時在網路上能看到一些外國人分享在台灣東西不見了還能找回來,對他們來說簡直是奇蹟!台灣真的那麼安全嗎?今天我就來說說我的經驗。 錄完這集之後,正好也在網路上看到其他台灣人的看法,跟我差不多,所以這應該不只是我個人的意見喔! Sometimes you can see some foreigners sharing on the Internet that they can find lost things in Taiwan. To them, it is a miracle! Is Taiwan really that safe? Today I will talk about my experience. After recording this episode, I happened to see other Taiwanese people’s opinions on the Internet, which were similar to mine, so this must not be just my personal opinion! 逐字稿 transcription: https://reurl.cc/WxMqqy Support me on Ko-fi ☕ https://ko-fi.com/fulantwmandarin 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cklo4eoqys5wb0892k5t6ve0a/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP18. 0403花蓮大地震 3 April Hualien Earthquake

EP18. 0403花蓮大地震 3 April Hualien Earthquake

🄴 Fu-lan Speaking - Natural Taiwanese Mandarin

留言告訴我你對這一集的想法最近台灣發生了25年來第二大的地震,這幾個星期也一直有餘震,搖得住在台灣的人連沒地震的時候也有地震的幻覺。這一集就跟大家說說我在新聞上看到的還有我身邊的情況。 Recently, the second largest earthquake in Taiwan in 25 years has occurred. There have been aftershocks in the past few weeks, so that people living in Taiwan have the illusion of an earthquake even when there is not any. In this episode, I will tell you about what I saw on the news and the situation around me. 兩個關於地震訊息的網址 Two URLs for earthquake information: 1.氣象署 最近地震 Weather Administration, Recent Earthquakes https://www.cwa.gov.tw/V8/C/E/index.html 2.台灣地震監視 Taiwan Earthquake Monitoring https://www.youtube.com/@eqm/streams 逐字稿 Transcription: https://reurl.cc/GjXr8W Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP 17. 簡單說台灣宗教 Basic Ideas About Religions in Taiwan

EP 17. 簡單說台灣宗教 Basic Ideas About Religions in Taiwan

🄴 Fu-lan Speaking - Natural Taiwanese Mandarin

這集是關於台灣宗教的介紹,因為不知道大家對台灣的宗教有多了解(或者說有多不了解😛),也不知道大家知道多少這方面的詞,所以我真的說得非常簡單,也比平常慢。希望大家不會因為期望太高而失望🤣 This episode is an introduction to Taiwanese religions. Since I don’t know how well everyone knows about Taiwanese religions (or how little you know😛), and I don’t know how many words you know about this topic, so I really put it very simply, and also more slowly than usual. I hope you won’t be disappointed because your expectations are too high.🤣 https://youtu.be/RAWjr86rck8 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cklo4eoqys5wb0892k5t6ve0a/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP16. 龍年新年怎麼過?What to Say & What to Do in the New Year of Dragon

EP16. 龍年新年怎麼過?What to Say & What to Do in the New Year of Dragon

🄴 Fu-lan Speaking - Natural Taiwanese Mandarin

送走了兔年,迎來了龍年,今天跟大家說說除了年夜飯、貼春聯、放鞭炮以外,台灣人在新年時說什麼、做什麼。希望大家也覺得有趣! Bidding farewell to the Year of the Rabbit and ushering in the Year of the Dragon, today I would like to tell you about what Taiwanese people say and do during the New Year besides having New Year’s Eve dinner, posting Spring Festival couplets, and setting off firecrackers. Hope you all find it interesting too! 逐字稿 transription: https://reurl.cc/qrpAY0 Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP15. 2024台灣總統大選 2024 Taiwanese presidential election

EP15. 2024台灣總統大選 2024 Taiwanese presidential election

🄴 Fu-lan Speaking - Natural Taiwanese Mandarin

跟球賽比起來,台灣人大概對選舉更有熱情,特別是總統大選!這集特別趕在投票日前跟大家簡單介紹一下這次的總統大選! Compared with ball games, Taiwanese people are probably more enthusiastic about elections, especially the presidential election! I especially rushed to finish this episode before voting day to give you a brief introduction to this presidential election ! 逐字稿 Transcription: https://reurl.cc/A4yDVd Powered by Firstory Hosting