Taiwan-Singapore-ASEAN Ties and the Many ‘one-China’s ft. Ian Chong

2023-12-01·18 minutes


In this episode of Global Voices on Taiwan, Ian Chong, political science professor at the National University of Singapore, tells hosts, media producer Rath Wang and Yiting Lien from the Lai presidential campaign, why Taiwan and Southeast Asia are inextricably linked, from historic and cultural ties to shared interests and trade that bind Taiwan and the region together.

Chong has written extensively on various ‘one-China policies’ around the world and why they differ from China’s ‘one-China principle.’ He highlights on our podcast how many democracies merely acknowledge China’s position on Taiwan, but neither endorse nor agree to its claims, while treating Taiwan practically as an independent nation distinct from the PRC. 

Chong also details Chinese coercive activity in Taiwan and Southeast Asia and suggests smart ways in which Taiwan can assert its sovereignty when deepening ties with ASEAN and other countries around the world.

Apart from the National University of Singapore, Chong is also a fellow at the Harvard-Yenching Institute, where he researches U.S.-China relations and the effect of trade sanctions and foreign influence operations. Chong is an expert on U.S., China, Southeast and Northeast Asia and Taiwan relations and appears frequently on international media.

本集《世界信賴台風眼》,我們邀請到新加坡國立大學的政治學教授莊嘉穎(Ian Chong),與主持人兼媒體製作人王健智,及賴清德總統競選團隊的連翊婷(Yiting Lien),分享為何台灣和東南亞,從歷史、文化關聯到共同利益及貿易,都有著密不可分的連結,而這些關聯將台灣和這個區域聯繫在一起。




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