Global Voices on Taiwan

Global Voices on Taiwan

趙怡翔 Vincent Chao、王健智 Rath Wang

As Asia's epicenter for the battle between democracy and autocracy, we bring to you the latest in-depth views on developments out of Taiwan and the world. Hosts: Vincent Chao, Rath Wang


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Taiwan-Singapore-ASEAN Ties and the Many ‘one-China’s ft. Ian Chong

Taiwan-Singapore-ASEAN Ties and the Many ‘one-China’s ft. Ian Chong

🄴 Global Voices on Taiwan

In this episode of Global Voices on Taiwan, Ian Chong, political science professor at the National University of Singapore, tells hosts, media producer Rath Wang and Yiting Lien from the Lai presidential campaign, why Taiwan and Southeast Asia are inextricably linked, from historic and cultural ties to shared interests and trade that bind Taiwan and the region together.Chong has written extensively on various ‘one-China policies’ around the world and why they differ from China’s ‘one-China principle.’ He highlights on our podcast how many democracies merely acknowledge China’s position on Taiwan, but neither endorse nor agree to its claims, while treating Taiwan practically as an independent nation distinct from the PRC.Chong also details Chinese coercive activity in Taiwan and Southeast Asia and suggests smart ways in which Taiwan can assert its sovereignty when deepening ties with ASEAN and other countries around the world.Apart from the National University of Singapore, Chong is also a fellow at the Harvard-Yenching Institute, where he researches U.S.-China relations and the effect of trade sanctions and foreign influence operations. Chong is an expert on U.S., China, Southeast and Northeast Asia and Taiwan relations and appears frequently on international media.本集《世界信賴台風眼》,我們邀請到新加坡國立大學的政治學教授莊嘉穎(Ian Chong),與主持人兼媒體製作人王健智,及賴清德總統競選團隊的連翊婷(Yiting Lien),分享為何台灣和東南亞,從歷史、文化關聯到共同利益及貿易,都有著密不可分的連結,而這些關聯將台灣和這個區域聯繫在一起。莊嘉穎寫過許多有關世界各地不同且多樣的「一中政策」的文章,也解釋過為什麼這些政策和中國的「一中原則」有所差異。他在節目中強調,許多民主國家如何僅是「認知」中國對台灣的立場,但既不採用也不同意中國的宣稱,同時將台灣視作獨立於中國的國家。莊佳穎也詳細分享了中國在台灣及東南亞的極權壓迫行動,並建議台灣可以在深化與東協與世界上其他國家的連結時,為自己的主權進行辯護。除了新加坡國立大學的職務,莊嘉穎同時也是哈佛燕京學社的研究員,他在那裡研究美中關係,還有貿易制裁、外交影響力的效果。莊嘉穎是為美國、中國、東南亞、東北亞和台灣關係的專家,也經常在國際媒體中發聲。留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: the full video version: by Firstory Hosting

 India, Taiwan vs. Countering Chinese Malign Influence in the Pacific ft. Cleo Paskal

India, Taiwan vs. Countering Chinese Malign Influence in the Pacific ft. Cleo Paskal

🄴 Global Voices on Taiwan

In this episode of Global Voices on Taiwan, Cleo Paskal, senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense for Democracies, tells hosts, DPP International Affairs Department Director Vincent Chao and media producer Rath Wang, why securing India against China matters so much to the world and Taiwan.She also goes into how Taiwanese and Indian security and economic interests are deeply intertwined despite their geographic distance. Paskal also details India’s expertise in countering Chinese malign influence other democracies around the world can take example of.Apart from her expertise in India-U.S. security, Paskal is also a Pacific Islands expert where she shares real instances of how Taiwan soft power has influenced the region and is key to safeguarding democracy in the Indo-Pacific.Paskal also serves as the North American Special Correspondent for India’s Sunday Guardian and was previously Indo-Pacific security fellow at the UK’s Chatham House and India’s Gateway House, both the largest foreign policy think tanks in their nations.本集《世界信賴台風眼》邀請到 Cleo Paskal,保衛民主基金會的資深成員,與主持人民進黨國際事務部主任趙怡翔,以及媒體製作人王健智分享為何保衛印度對抗中國,對世界和台灣是如此重要。她也提到儘管在遙遠的地理距離下,台灣與印度安全及經濟利益如何深刻交錯。Paskal 也詳述印度的專長,在對抗中國不實誹謗影響世界其他民主國家下,可以當作一個好的案例。除了她在印美安全上的專業,Paskal 也是太平洋島嶼專家。她在這方面也分享了台灣軟實力如何影響這個區域的真實案例,以及這如何成為印太地區守衛民主的關鍵。Paskal 也是印度《星期日衛報》的北美特別通訊員,先前也在英國查塔姆研究所、印度閘道研究所擔任安全成員,兩個單位都是該國最大的外交政策智庫。留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: the full video version: by Firstory Hosting

Taiwan-Japan: Distance, History & Shared Interests ft. Stephen Nagy

Taiwan-Japan: Distance, History & Shared Interests ft. Stephen Nagy

🄴 Global Voices on Taiwan

In this episode of Global Voices on Taiwan, Stephen Nagy from the Japan Institute for International Affairs, tells hosts, media producer Rath Wang and Yiting Lien from the Lai presidential campaign, why the Taiwan-Japan relationship is one of the most crucial in the region and the context behind Tokyo’s vested interests in Taipei.Nagy also talks about what is behind many public statements in support for Taiwan from the international community. He also details how Chinese aggression has brought South Korea and Japan closer and raised eyebrows for countries all over the region. Nagy also speaks about the erosion of freedoms in Hong Kong, where he was a long-time resident. He stresses why it is crucial for the world to not let that happen to Taiwan and the importance of strengthening ties with global partners to maintain and protect the country’s autonomy, democracy, and way of life.Nagy is also professor of politics and international studies at the International Christian University in Tokyo. He serves as a distinguished fellow at the Asia Pacific Foundation and fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, specializing in Indo-Pacific and Japan-U.S.-China relations.本集《世界信賴台風眼》,我們邀請到日本國際事務機構的 Stephen Nagy,與主持人兼媒體製作人王健智,及賴清德總統競選團隊的連翊婷(Yiting Lien),分享台日關係為何事區域中最重要的關係國際關係之意,以及東京在台北既存利益的脈絡。Nagy 也分享了許多來自國際社群對台灣的聲援的公共聲明背後的意義。他也闡述了中國的野心背後,如何將南韓、日本拉得更近,也讓區域的各個國家拉緊神經。Nagy 也說到,他長期居住的香港的自由正在傾頹,並強調這就是為什麼對世界來說,不讓這件事發生在台灣,以及為此加強與國際夥伴的連結以保護國家的自主性、民主與生活方式的重要性。Nagy 是東京基督教大學政治學及國際研究的教授。他同時也在亞太基金會,以及全球加拿大人事務機構服務。他的專長是印太和日、美、中關係。留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: the full video version: by Firstory Hosting

Why Taiwan Matters and Taiwan-U.S.-China Tensions ft. Shelly Rigger

Why Taiwan Matters and Taiwan-U.S.-China Tensions ft. Shelly Rigger

🄴 Global Voices on Taiwan

In this episode of Global Voices on Taiwan, Shelly Rigger, author of ‘Why Taiwan Matters: Small Island, Global Powerhouse,’ tells hosts, DPP International Affairs Department Director Vincent Chao and media producer Rath Wang, the secret sauce behind Taiwan’s economic success that global supply chains have come to rely on.She also explains why she believes the trilateral tensions between Taiwan, the U.S. and China are not as tense as it appears. Rigger also speaks about how she believes much of this is smartly managed through the leadership of President Tsai Ing-wen. How she managed to inspire confidence in the Taiwanese people while carefully navigating increased intimidation from Beijing under Xi Jinping. Rigger also details the evidence supporting why she believes Taiwan will continue to be an integral part of the global economy.Rigger is also the author of ‘The Tiger Leading the Dragon: How Taiwan Propelled China’s Economic Rise,’ Senior Fellow in the Asia Program at the Foreign Policy Research Institute (U.S.), and Brown Professor of East Asian Politics at Davidson College.本集《世界信賴台風眼》邀請到 Shelly Rigger,《為什麼台灣重要》的作者,與主持人民進黨國際事務部主任趙怡翔,以及媒體製作人王健智,分享台灣經濟成功,以至於全球供應鏈必須倚靠台灣的秘密。她也解釋了為何她相信台、美、中三邊關係的緊張,不如他表面上的波濤洶湧。 Rigger 也說她相信總統蔡英文聰明的領導。即便在北京習近平的文攻武嚇下,她仍啟發了台灣人的信心。Rigger 也詳細論證了台灣會繼續在全球經濟中扮演重要角色。Rigger 也是《The Tiger Leading the Dragon: How Taiwan Propelled China’s Economic Rise》(從MIT到中國製造:臺灣如何推動中國經濟起飛)一書的作者,同時也是美國外交政策研究機構亞洲計畫(Asia Program at the Foreign Policy Research Institute)的資深研究員,以及戴維森大學東亞政治的教授。留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: the full video version: by Firstory Hosting

‘Code Red’ Author: Leading Beside the China Challenge feat. Alexander Görlach

‘Code Red’ Author: Leading Beside the China Challenge feat. Alexander Görlach

🄴 Global Voices on Taiwan

In this episode of Global Voices on Taiwan, Alexander Görlach, author of ‘Code Red,’ tells hosts media producer Rath Wang and Yiting Lien from the Lai presidential campaign, how Taiwan and other countries can best navigate China’s rise and growing aggression.He also details how Taiwan’s democracy has made global headlines and is gaining support from major democracies around the world. Görlach also shares with us what he believes will keep peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and what qualities are needed to lead Taiwan in many years to come.Görlach is a senior fellow at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs and adjunct professor of democratic theory at the NYU Gallatin School. As a former visiting scholar in Taiwan and Hong Kong, his expertise is around East Asian democracies and how they cope with the rise of China.在本集的《世界信賴台風眼》中,「紅色警報:中國在太平洋侵略性外交引發全球戰爭的威脅」的作者 亞歷山大・戈爾拉赫(Alexander Görlach),與節目製作人王健智(Rath Wang)和賴清德總統競選團隊的連翊婷(Yiting Lien)分享——台灣和其他國家如何更好的應對中國崛起和他不斷增長的野心。他詳述了台灣的民主是如何成為世界頭條、獲得國際間大多主要民主國家的支持、以及分享他認為可以維持台海和平穩定的方式、與未來數年能引領台灣的特質。戈爾拉赫是卡内基國際事務倫理委員會的高級研究員,也是紐約大學的民主理論兼職教授。作為曾在香港和台灣的訪問學者,他的專業領域圍繞在東亞的民主體制、與如何應對中國崛起。留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: the full video version: by Firstory Hosting