【一天10分鐘 英語說得通】Jade Mountain / Yushan 台灣第一高峰 玉山

2021-06-07·10 minutes


Topic: Jade Mountain / Yushan
Yùshān (玉山), also known as Jade Mountain or Mt. Jade, is the highest mountain in Taiwan with
an elevation of 3,952 meters. It has also been claimed to be the tallest mountain in Northeast Asia.
Mt. Jade receives its name due to the fact that during the winter season, the snow-capped peak
shines like stainless jade. Yùshān is one of the favorites among Taiwanese mountain climbers.
The trail is well-maintained and there’s even a lodge (Páiyún Lodge, 排雲山莊) near the
Tataka Visitor Center (塔塔加遊客中心) is the starting point of the trail. The trail is about 10.9
kilometers long and takes about 19 hours to finish a round trip. Note: You need to get a permit to
enter and climb. The visitor center is closed every second Tuesday of the month. Also, there is no
convenience store, so you have to get your drinks and snacks for the hike from somewhere else.

have been claimed to be …
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1. elevation [ˌɛləˈveʃən] (n.) 海拔;高度
2. claim [klem] (v.) (根據權利)要求;認領;主張[+to-V/that]]
3. snow-capped [ˈsno kæpt] (adj.) 積雪覆蓋的
4. peak [pik] (n.) (有尖峰的)山頂,山峰
5. stainless [ˈstenləs] (adj.) 未被玷汙的;無瑕疵的
6. well-maintained [wɛl menˈtend] (adj.) 維護良好的
7. lodge [lɑdʒ] (n.) 小屋
8. summit [ˈsʌmɪt] (n.) (山等)尖峰,峰頂[(+of)]
9. round trip [ˌraʊnd ˈtrɪp] (n.) 往返
10. permit [ˈpɝmɪt] (n.) 許可證,執照

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