


第1季 口說英語通-台灣篇

第2季 口說英語通-旅遊篇

第3、4季 詞彙英語通

第5季 口說英語通-精選深入聊天篇

第6季 辦公英語通
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【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Volcanic eruptions.火山爆發了!

【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Volcanic eruptions.火山爆發了!

🄴 口說英語通

👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 A volcanic eruption has struck, sending ash and smoke into the sky and triggering widespread panic and concern among residents and authorities. The eruption, which occurred on Tuesday, has raised alarms for the safety of those living in the vicinity. The eruption has resulted in the evacuation of thousands of people from their homes, as authorities fear the potential for more eruptions and lava flows. Ashfall from the volcano has blanketed nearby communities, creating threatening conditions for breathing and visibility. Geologists and volcanologists are closely monitoring the situation, attempting to predict the volcano's behavior and assess the risk to surrounding areas. Scientists have emphasized the importance of heeding evacuation orders to minimize the potential loss of life. 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 N + V-ing … • The eruption has raised alarms for the safety of those living in the vicinity. • The girls sitting by the road were gossiping. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 1. volcanic eruption [vɑlˈkænɪk] (n.) 火山爆發 2. volcano [vɑlˈkeno] (n.) 火山 3. strike [straɪk] (v.) (突然)侵襲;使遭受重創 4. ash [æʃ] (n.) (煙草、煤、木頭燃燒後)灰,灰燼 5. trigger [ˈtrɪɡɚ] (v.) 引起,引發(壞事) 6. widespread [ˌwaɪdˈsprɛd] (adj.) 廣泛的;普遍的 7. panic [ˈpænɪk] (n.) 恐慌,驚慌 8. raise alarms (phr.) 發出警報 9. vicinity [vəˈsɪnət̬i] (n.) 鄰近地區;附近 10. evacuation [ɪˌvækjuˈeʃən] (n.) 撤離,疏散 11. potential [poˈtɛnʃəl] (adj.) 潛在的,可能的 12. lava [ˈlɑvə] (n.) (火山噴出)岩漿,熔岩 13. blanket [ˈblæŋkɪt] (v.) (以厚層)覆蓋 14. visibility [ˌvɪzəˈbɪlət̬i] (n.) 能見度;可視度 15. geologist [dʒiˈɑlədʒɪst] (n.) 地質學家 16. volcanologist [͵vɑlkənˋɑlədʒɪst] (n.) 火山學家 17. predict [prɪˈdɪkt] (v.) 預言;預料 18. assess [əˈsɛs] (v.) 評價;評定 19. emphasize [ˈemfəsaɪz] (v.) 強調;重視 20. minimize [ˈmɪnəmaɪz] (v.) 使降到最低限度;使減到最少 ----- #第七季新聞英語通每周一更新! 👍意見調查:https://www.surveycake.com/s/BzB6o #想學英語德語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道:https://reurl.cc/gGNZ2L ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網:https://bit.ly/39ISswV 🔗粉絲團:https://bit.ly/nerpodcastlink Powered by Firstory Hosting

【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】A severe blizzard has descended upon our region.一場嚴重的暴風雪襲擊了我們地區!

【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】A severe blizzard has descended upon our region.一場嚴重的暴風雪襲擊了我們地區!

🄴 口說英語通

👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練   A severe blizzard has descended upon our region, bringing snowfall and strong winds. As of this morning, this hazardous weather event continues to impact the area, posing numerous challenges. The blizzard has brought heavy snowfall, reducing visibility to near-zero levels in some areas. Wind gusts are reaching 80 mph, causing drifting snow and risky travel conditions. Temperatures have plummeted, leading to dangerously low wind chills. Local authorities have issued winter storm warnings and advised residents to stay indoors and avoid all non-essential travel. Road closures and flight cancellations are widespread due to the hazardous conditions.  👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 --As of   • As of this morning, this hazardous weather event continues to impact the area.   • The contract takes effect as of January 1.  C  WORDS & PHRASES  詞彙片語 1. severe [səˈvɪr] (adj.) 非常嚴重的;慘重的  2. blizzard [ˈblɪzɚd] (n.) 暴風雪  3. descend upon (phr.) 降臨 4. snowfall [ˈsnofɑl] (n.) 降雪  5. hazardous [ˈhæzɚdəs] (adj.) 危險的 6. impact [ˈɪmpækt] (n.) 衝擊(力);撞擊(力)  7. pose … challenges  (phr.) 構成……挑戰  8. numerous [ˈnumərəs] (adj.) 許多的,大量的  9. reduce [rɪˈdus] (v.) 減少;降低 10. visibility [ˌvɪzəˈbɪləti] (n.) 能見度;可視度  11. wind gust  (n.) 陣風 12. reach [ritʃ] (v.) 到達,抵達 13. drifting snow  (n.) 飄雪 14. plummet [ˈplʌmɪt] (v.) 暴跌,急遽下降 15. wind chill  (n.) 風寒 16. issue [ˈɪʃu] (v.) 發行;發布 17. warning [ˈwɔrnɪŋ] (n.) 警告;告誡 18. advise [ədˈvaɪz] 19. road closure  (v.) 勸告;給忠告 (n.) 封路 20. flight cancellation  (n.) 航班取消  ----- #第七季新聞英語通每周一更新! 👍意見調查:https://www.surveycake.com/s/BzB6o #想學英語德語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道:https://reurl.cc/gGNZ2L ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網:https://bit.ly/39ISswV 🔗粉絲團:https://bit.ly/nerpodcastlink Powered by Firstory Hosting

【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】A powerful typhoon wreaked havoc across Southeast Asia. 強烈颱風帶給東南亞嚴重破壞!

【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】A powerful typhoon wreaked havoc across Southeast Asia. 強烈颱風帶給東南亞嚴重破壞!

🄴 口說英語通

👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練   In a devastating turn of events, a powerful typhoon wreaked havoc across Southeast Asia, leaving a trail of destruction and loss in its path. Typhoon Talas, which had been intensifying in the Western Pacific, made landfall over the weekend, affecting multiple countries in the region. The typhoon brought heavy rainfall, strong winds, and flooding to many coastal areas, resulting in widespread damage to homes and buildings. Tragically, the storm has claimed several lives, and the toll is expected to rise as search and rescue efforts continue. The typhoon serves as a reminder of the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events attributed to climate change. Related facilities are closely monitoring the situation as the typhoon continues to move through the region. 👉🏻 LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 serve as a reminder of …   • The typhoon serves as a reminder of the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events.    • National Park Week serves as a reminder of our responsibility to protect the parks.    👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語  1. devastating [ˈdɛvəstetɪŋ] (adj.) 毀滅性的,破壞性極大的   2. turn of events  (n.) 事件的轉折   3. wreak havoc  [rik ˈhævək] (phr.) 造成嚴重破壞   4. leave a trail of  (phr.) 留下一串的   5. destruction [dɪˈstrʌkʃən] (n.) 毀滅,破壞   6. intensify [ɪnˈtɛnsəfaɪ] (v.) 加強,增強;強化 7. the Western Pacific  (n.) 西太平洋   8. make landfall  (phr.) 登陸   9. result in  (phr.) 導致;結果造成 10. widespread [ˌwaɪdˈsprɛd] (adj.) 廣泛的;普遍的   11. tragically [ˈtrædʒɪkəli] (adv.) 悲劇地 12. claim several lives  (phr.) 奪走數條生命 13. the toll  (n.) 通行費 14. effort  [ˈɛfɚt] (n.) 努力 15. serve as  (phr.) 當作 16. reminder [rɪˈmaɪndɚ] (該做某事的)提醒,提示 17. frequency (n.) [ˈfrikwənsi] (n.) (事件發生)頻度,頻率 18. intensity [ɪnˈtɛnsəti] (n.) 強烈;劇烈 19. (be) attributed to (phr.) 歸因於 20. facility  [fəˈsɪl.ə.ti] (n.) [多用複數] 設施;設備  ----- #第七季新聞英語通每周一更新! 👍意見調查:https://www.surveycake.com/s/BzB6o #想學英語德語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道:https://reurl.cc/gGNZ2L ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網:https://bit.ly/39ISswV 🔗粉絲團:https://bit.ly/nerpodcastlink 英語學習, 語言學習, 國立教育廣播電臺, 教育電台, 齊斌, English Learning, 口說英語, 英語提升, 新聞英語通,詞彙英語通,辦公英語通 Powered by Firstory Hosting

【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】A raging wildfire has ignited in the South West. 西南區野火肆虐!

【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】A raging wildfire has ignited in the South West. 西南區野火肆虐!

🄴 口說英語通

👉🏻 EXERCISE 實戰演練   A raging wildfire has ignited in the South West, and as of Saturday, it continues to pose a significant threat to the area. The fire, fueled by dry plants and strong winds, has rapidly spread and is currently covering 43 acres. Local authorities, along with dedicated firefighting teams, are working diligently to stop the fire. Evacuation orders have been issued in several communities within the fire's path to ensure the safety of residents. Emergency shelters have been set up for those affected by the wildfire. The situation remains dynamic and challenging due to the unpredictable nature of wildfires. Firefighters are fighting intense flames and difficult terrain as they attempt to gain control. Weather conditions, including wind patterns, are being closely monitored, as they greatly influence the fire's behavior.  👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 have been p.p.  Evacuation orders have been issued in several communities.   Emergency shelters have been set up for those affected by the wildfire.  👉🏻 WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語  1. raging [ˈredʒɪŋ] (adj.) 劇烈的;狂暴的   2. ignite [ɪɡˈnaɪt] (v.) 點燃,(使)燃燒  3. as of  (prep.) 自…起 4. pose a significant threat to (phr.) 構成重大威脅  5. fuel [ˈfjuəl] (v.) 為…添加燃料;加強   6. cover  [ˈkʌvɚ] (v.) 蓋上;覆蓋 7. authority [əˈθɔrəti] (n.) [(多用複數)]當局;當權者   8. along with  (prep.) 隨著   9. dedicated [ˈdɛdəketɪd] (adj.) 盡心盡力的,盡職盡責的  10. emergency shelter  (n.) 緊急避難所   11. situation [ˌsɪtʃuˈeʃən] (n.) 情況,形勢 12. dynamic [daɪˈnæmɪk] (adj.) 充滿活力的;動力的 13. challenging  [ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ] (adj.) 有挑戰性的;有難度的 14. unpredictable [ˌʌnprɪˈdɪktəbəl] (adj.) 無法預測的,難以預見的   15. intense [ɪnˈtɛns] (adj.) 強烈的,極度的 16. flame [flem] (n.) 火焰;火舌 17. terrain [təˈren] (n.) 地形;地帶 18. attempt to +V  (phr.) 嘗試 19. monitor  (v.) 監控;監測 20. behavior  [ˈmɑnətɚ] [bɪˈhevjɚ] (n.) (機器)運轉狀態;行為舉止  ----- #第七季新聞英語通每周一更新! 👍意見調查:https://www.surveycake.com/s/BzB6o #想學英語德語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道:https://reurl.cc/gGNZ2L ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網:https://bit.ly/39ISswV 🔗粉絲團:https://bit.ly/nerpodcastlink Powered by Firstory Hosting

【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Local Weather Forecast. 天氣預報02

【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Local Weather Forecast. 天氣預報02

🄴 口說英語通

👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練   In a devastating turn of events, our region has been struck by a severe weather disaster that has left a trail of destruction in its wake. On Friday, a powerful torrential rain struck, causing widespread havoc. We urge all residents to stay tuned to local authorities and weather updates for the latest information on this ongoing disaster. Please exercise caution, avoid affected areas, and cooperate with emergency responders. Our thoughts are with those affected by this tragic event, and we hope for a swift recovery for our community.  👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點Our thoughts are with …   Our thoughts are with those affected by this tragic event.   Our thoughts are with the victims of these attacks.    👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語  1. devastating [ˈdɛvəstetɪŋ] (adj.) 毀滅性的,破壞性極大的   2. turn of events  (n.) 事件的轉折   3. region [ˈridʒən] (n.) 區域,地區   4. be struck by  (phr.) 受到打擊   5. severe [səˈvɪr] (adj.) 非常嚴重的;慘重的  6. weather disaster  (n.) 天氣災害   7. leave a trail of  (phr.) 留下痕跡 8. destruction [dɪˈstrʌkʃən] (n.) 毀滅,破壞   9. in the/one’s wake  (phr.) 作為…的後果;隨…之後而來   10. torrential rain  (n.) 暴雨   11. widespread [ˌwaɪdˈsprɛd] (adj.) 廣泛的;普遍的   12. havoc [ˈhævək] (n.) 破壞,毀壞 13. urge [ɝdʒ] (v.) 驅策;力勸  14. stay tuned  (phr.) 別換頻道 15. authority  [əˈθɔrəti] (n.) [(多用複數)]當局;當權者   16. disaster [dɪˈzæstɚ] (n.) 災難,大禍 17. cooperate with  (phr.) 與…合作 18. emergency responder   (n.) 先遣急救員  19. tragic [ˈtrædʒ.ɪk] (adj.) 哀痛的;悲慘的  20. swift [swɪft] (adj.) 迅速的,敏捷的   ----- #第七季新聞英語通每周一更新! #想學英語德語越南語請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! #想要無廣告收聽,請到Channel+語言學習頻道:https://reurl.cc/gGNZ2L ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 👍意見調查:https://www.surveycake.com/s/BzB6o 📻官網:https://bit.ly/39ISswV 🔗粉絲團:https://bit.ly/nerpodcastlink Powered by Firstory Hosting