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🔥最新線上課程🔥為了幫助你掌握對的語氣,學英文吧新課程「高EQ英文溝通術」,Duncan 帶你一起掌握在對的場合說對的話的訣竅。課程現在 55 折優惠中,點進連結看更多吧~https://lihi2.com/JL0bP結帳前記得輸入Podcast 聽眾專屬折扣碼 pheq200,可以再折兩百元!!!💡「要確喔?」英文怎麼說?(Are) you sure?「要確喔」是「要確定喔」的縮短用法,年輕人很喜歡說。也會有人說「要確欸」,都是同一個意思。補充學習你確定要這麼做哦? Are you sure you want to do that?/ Are you sure about that?決定囉? You certain? (比較重要的決定) /Did you make up your mind?要想清楚喔~~ You better be sure. /Did you think about this?(很確定對方沒想清楚的情況下)You’re not thinking clearly.情境對話Duncan: I'm thinking of inviting the professor to get pizza with us. Who knows, maybe the professor will treat us?我想約教授下課跟我們一起去吃 Pizza,說不定教授會請客?Babii: You sure? It seems like the professor isn't in a good mood today.要確喔?感覺教授今天心情不太好耶~Duncan: Really? I think it's OK. Shouldn't be a problem.真的嗎?我覺得還好啊?應該沒關係吧。Babii: OK, I wish you luck.好喔~祝你成功。小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/commentsPowered by Firstory Hosting
🔥最新線上課程🔥為了幫助你掌握對的語氣,學英文吧新課程「高EQ英文溝通術」,Duncan 帶你一起掌握在對的場合說對的話的訣竅。課程現在 55 折優惠中,點進連結看更多吧~https://lihi2.com/R77rF結帳前記得輸入Podcast 聽眾專屬折扣碼 pheq200,可以再折兩百元!!!💡「預算有限」英文怎麼說?The budget is tight.「預算有限」中文會說預算「吃緊」、手頭很「緊」,剛好英文也用 tight 來表達這種概念。“We are on a tight budget.”“I’m on a budget.”"The budget is limited."(talking about business, expense) *limited 有限的補充學習縮減預算 cut/ reduce budget預算寬裕 large/ flexible/ generous budget = We can spend a bit more freely. = We’re not on a tight budget.增加預算 increase budget stretch budget超出預算 over budget/ out of budget-tighten your belt/ purse-strings(縮合錢袋口的繩索) <→ loosen the purse-strings情境對話Duncan: Where do you want to go for the company trip this year?今年員工旅行想去哪裡?Erskine: I’m thinking Iceland! We could see the Northern Lights, chill in the Blue Lagoon, and maybe even walk with reindeer.想去冰島看極光,泡藍湖溫泉,再跟馴鹿一起散步。Duncan: You’ve got a wild imagination, but our budget is really tight.想像力無限,但我們預算有限。Erskine: Such a buzzkill. Fine, I’m not going!好掃興喔。那我不去了!Part 2. 文化閒聊finance management 財務情況、理財小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/commentsPowered by Firstory Hosting
💡「我真的臭手」英文怎麼說?Luck isn't on my side.I have bad luck. (這是比較直白的表達,說明你的運氣不好。)I have a cursed hand(文學) / a losing hand (常見:撲克牌).(這個表達稍微誇張一些,特別適合用在賭博或需要運氣的遊戲中,暗示你的手氣總是很差。)補充學習- Bungler (n. 笨手笨腳的人 can’t doing thing right)/ Screw-up (ph.)【俚】把(某物)弄糟; 搞亂某事 / Fumble (n. 笨手笨腳地做)- clumsy (adj.) 笨手笨腳;不靈活的- unlucky (adj.) 不幸運;倒楣的- Murphy’s law (n.) 墨菲定律-"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong."「凡是可能出錯的事情,最終一定會出錯。」*這條「法則」強調的是一種幽默、悲觀的觀點,認為如果有事情可能出錯,它就有極大的機率真的會出錯。雖然這並不是一條科學定律,但在日常生活中,人們經常用它來解釋或吐槽那些計劃失敗、情況不如意或不幸發生的情形。例如,當你忘記帶傘的時候,偏偏那天就下大雨;或者當你趕時間的時候,偏偏遇到塞車。這些情況都可以用 Murphy's Law 來形容。- down on somebody’s luck 不走運- I’m all thumbs. 笨手笨腳情境對話E: Duncan, I have an extra CHIIKAWA capsule toy. Do you want it?當肯~我有多的吉依卡哇扭蛋,你要嗎?D: Why did you buy the same thing twice?你為什麼要買重複的東西?E: Actually, i just have bad luck. I bought a few capsule toys, and when I opened them, I found that I got two of the same one.我就臭手啊。其實我買了一些扭蛋,但我打開的時候發現有兩個一模一樣的。D: Oh, I see. Thanks.喔好呀,謝謝!💡 capsule (n.) 膠囊 gachapon (from japanese)小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/commentsPowered by Firstory Hosting
💡「我覺得過譽」英文怎麼說?I think it’s overrated.“I think it’s overrated.” It’s a straightforward way to say that something just isn’t as great as people make it out to be.- “It’s overhyped": This is similar to “overrated,” but it specifically implies that something has been excessively promoted or hyped up, but fails to live up to those expectations. 偏向指即將發行的東西-電影、歌曲、團體Michael Jackson vs Taylor Swift (還在繼續的)- "It’s just okay.": This is a more casual, softer way to express that something didn’t meet your expectations without sounding too harsh.- “It’s just meh.” *meh-a noise people make.- “It’s not as great as everyone says.”補充學習overhypedunderate - underrated 低估-Don’t sleep on sth.overate- overrated 高估的 oversell/undersell情境對話Erskine: So, I finally tried that new restaurant everyone’s been raving about.我終於去吃了那間大家讚爆的新餐廳。Duncan: You mean the restaurant that earned a Michelin star? How was it?你是說有拿米其林的那間嗎?如何?Erskine: Honestly, I think it’s overhyped. The food was just okay.講真的,我覺得過譽了,食物就很普。Duncan: Really? I heard it was amazing. Maybe it’s just because you have no taste when it comes to good food.是喔?我聽說超好吃的,可能是因為你豬舌吃不懂吧。文化閒聊找餐廳/吃美食會看google reviews嗎小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/commentsPowered by Firstory Hosting
🔥本集由國家發展委員會、連江縣政府指導播出。2024馬祖秋慶活動開跑啦!包含鐵板燒塔節、牛角做出幼、媽祖昇天祭,不可錯過的馬祖民俗活動即將在9~10月開始舉辦。除了充滿祈福寓意的儀式,今年還有節慶主題雙語課程,讓你學會用英文和外國友人介紹臺灣特色慶典!活動場次:9/18(三)19:00-21:00、9/19(四)19:00-21:00活動地點:馬祖民俗文物館1樓多功能教室報名方式:填寫 QR code 表單報名,每場次限額30名報名連結:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScOzlSVCjIQj-T2f-aGbliVP1NHGfA9fDDKUngQMxdQYy_E0Q/viewform💡「你要去鐵板燒塔節嗎?」英文怎麼說?Are you going to the Tower Burning Festival(in Matsu)?補充學習除舊佈新 Replacing the old with the new.(描述過程)Out with the old, in with the new.(比較口語)惜福 Cherish your blessings. (比較像哲學家的建議)Count your blessings (比較像一般人的建議)火很旺 The fire is (burning) strong./The fire is (burning) big.情境對話Babii:Duncan, I hear(d) you're going to Matsu next week. Are you going to the Tower Burning Festival?Duncan,聽說你下個禮拜要去馬祖,你要去「鐵板燒塔節」嗎?Duncan:Yes! I heard it's the only Tower Burning Festival in Taiwan. The festival has a history of over a hundred years in the Mindong region.對啊,聽說這是全台灣唯一的燒塔節喔!燒塔節在閩東一帶已經有超過一百年的歷史了~Babii:Wow, that's such a long history! It sounds so meaningful!哇~很悠久的歷史耶!好有意義喔~Duncan:Exactly! That's why we're going.對呀~所以我們要去參加。*Mindong 福建東部小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/commentsPowered by Firstory Hosting