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📎 你怎麼這麼有趣!「You're a lot of fun!」來表示「某人是個有趣的人;讓人喜歡與之相處的人」這裡的「fun」當作名詞,表示快樂;樂趣;有趣的人。比較是兩者之間,在稱呼對方時使用,或是You're so much fun!They’re great fun! 這是另一種表達方式,強調與此人相處的樂趣。這個比較像有第三人時,形容某位的方式。容易混淆:you’re so funny. "funny" 常用來形容某人滑稽、有趣、或做了讓人發笑的事情,這個字常帶有一點「負面」的意思,例如當你說He is very funny.,除了可能說他讓人覺得「好笑」,也可能含有「可笑」之意。fun可以當成名詞與形容詞使用,常見的名詞搭配包括 for fun(為了好玩)、make fun of(取笑⋯⋯)。例句:Her classmates always made fun of her accent.她的同學總是拿她的口音開玩笑。補充學習- You're amusing/hilarious! 強調某人有趣且能逗人發笑。(注意「amusing」多指溫和的幽默,比起「hilarious」少了誇張的成分。)Amusing (adj.): 令人覺得有趣或讓人微笑的,通常是溫和的幽默。 Mildly amusing:稍微有趣 /Find something amusing:覺得某事有趣例句:The story he told was quite amusing. (他講的故事還挺有趣的。) Hilarious (adj.): 極其滑稽的,讓人笑到停不下來的。例句:His impression of the boss was hilarious. (他模仿老闆的樣子太滑稽了。)- enthusiastic(adj.)充滿樂趣 活潑的人 high on life:每天很high的生活態度,像babii一樣。animated:情緒比較活潑 比較栩栩如生的。- boring / lame:因為外在的人、事、物而令人感到無趣的、單調的、乏味的/bored:產生於人的自我情緒。例句:He is a boring person.(他是個令人到無趣的人)I'm very bored. 是「我覺得很無聊」。容易混淆:I'm very boring. 不是「我很無聊」,而是「我令人感到很無趣」,本來是要表達自己的無聊情緒,結果反而罵到自己!情境對話A: Hey Duncan, have you ever seen a Disney Prince?嘿~當肯,你有看過迪士尼王子嗎?D: I haven't, have you?我沒有看過,你呢?A: Well, if you look in the mirror, you can see one!你可以照一下鏡子,就能看到迪士尼王子了!D: Hahaha, very amusing. You’re so much fun.哈哈哈你真是有趣!小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/commentsPowered by Firstory Hosting
💡蛇年行大運Best wishes for the year of the snake補充學習常見的過年吉祥話恭喜發財Wishing you happiness and prosperity大吉大利Best of luck to you Wishing you good fortune年年有餘Wishing you abundance in the New Year創意蛇年吉祥話蛇麼攏有Wishing you the best of everything (好用的卡片祝福)豐衣足蛇(食)May you be well fed and well dressed蛇(舌)燦蓮花An eloquent(很有說服力、雄辯的)speaker Silver tongued(很會說人想聽的話)Speak with a forked tongue (騙人的話)魯蛇(Loser)翻身 Turn over a new leaf情境對話Babii:Duncan,新年快樂~蛇年行大運!Happy New Year Duncan. Best wishes for the year of the snake!Duncan:蛇年行大運!祝你今年旺旺來!Yeah, let’s have a wonderful year of the snake! I hope it will be a great year for you!Babii:你也是~祝你今年大豐收,好事不斷!You too! I wish you a year full of good things!Duncan:我們兩個的嘴巴真甜。Seems like we are both really sweet talkers.小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/commentsPowered by Firstory Hosting
💡 這樣一個人多少錢?- How much is it per person?- How much for each person?- How much do we each pay?這句可能一開始聽起來會覺得好像哪裡怪怪的,但其實他的文法是正確的喔!這裡的 each 放在主詞後面:each 修飾主詞 we,意思指『我們每一個人』,強調『每一位成員個別的行為』而不是整體。在英文裡面,each 可以放在代名詞之後(we, they …etc),用來表示『每個人』。兩個人以上的使用。- What's the damage? (how much do i owe)補充學習- go dutch 各付各的 / AA 制- It’s on me (指由某個人在私人場合請客付錢)我請客- (It’s) On the house.(店家免費招待的)餐廳、酒吧或店家免費提供的食物或飲品。但這個跟 It’s on sb 不同。-My treat.-Let me get this.- For free (非正式用法)免費- complimentary (adj.) (特別指酒店/餐廳/飛機上)免費贈送的 (公司會給人的)- stingy (adj.) 小氣的;吝嗇的-penny pincher (old fashioned)-tight-ass-scrooge (literature) -小氣財神情境對話E: How much is it per person? 這樣一個人多少錢啊?D: It’s $15 each. But is it OK if I pay you later?每個人15塊~不過我可以等等再轉給你嗎?E: That’s alright, I’ll go pay now!那我先去付錢囉!D: Thanks! I’ll transfer my share to you later.謝謝~那我轉給你小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/commentsPowered by Firstory Hosting
💡 你們在聊什麼 What are you ( guys / all ) talking about?- What’s the topic?- What's the word ? (結果 / 特別的一件事情 / 期待會發生的事情 )- What’s the tea? (這是比較八卦的用法 / gen z )- tea 在這邊是指『八卦』或是『內幕消息』- 補充:Spill the tea! 快說說看!(透露消息)補充學習- FOMO (syndrome) = fear of missing out 錯失恐懼FOMO stands for the english term fear of missing out.That we won’t get some important information, we won’t be perfectly up to date with all the news in the industry or maybe we will miss an event that would be worth attending. Whether it’s business or friendship.- The hallmark of FOMO is the fear that makes you go against yourself.- self-conscious (adj.) 不自在的- up to date (adj.) (含有)最新資訊的- JOMO = joy of missing out 自在的生活狀態、不被社群綁架,享受錯過的樂趣JOMO represents a mindset shift where you experience a sense of contentment and peace in the moments when you are alone and taking care of yourself and your soul.You allow yourself time for activities that truly make you happy, even if it means you miss out on something. You can disconnect from the outside world and enjoy the present moment.- social bubble 社交圈 / echo-chamber 同溫層- Chit-chat (n.) 閒聊- heart-to-heart (n.) / (adj.) 促膝談心 / 交心 / 深入地聊天情境對話D: Hey! I saw you guys chatting over there. What’s the topic?安安,我剛剛看到你們在那邊聊天,你們在聊什麼話題?E: Oh, we were just talking about our weekend plans.喔~我們在聊週末的計畫D: Nice! Anything exciting planned?不錯ㄛ!有什麼特別的活動嗎?E: Yeah, we’re thinking about going to the beach. Wanna join?有啊!我們要去海邊玩。要一起來嗎?小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/commentsPowered by Firstory Hosting
💡 希望我會抽中大獎I hope I'll win a big (raffle) prize.raffle 抽獎活動(比較強調抽獎規則)prize (money) 你抽中的獎品或獎金尾牙又到了~希望大家都抽中大獎!It's the year-end party! I hope everyone wins big prizes!補充學習我抽中頭獎I won the grand prize.我只有安慰獎I just got a consolation gift/prize.console (動詞)安慰我沒中獎I didn't win.中獎要請客喔~The winner should pay / treat us.You should treat us next time we go out.捐出來捐出來~Give it back! (不是完全一致,但很接近)情境對話Babii:要抽獎了有點緊張~希望我會抽中大獎!I'm a bit nervous about the raffle. I hope I'll win a big prize.Duncan:我也希望我會抽中大獎~~I hope I'll win a big prize too.Babii:祝褔我們兩個人都會中大獎哈哈哈If we're lucky, we'll both be big winners. Hahaha.Duncan:快要開始抽獎了注意聽!!Hey, the raffle is about to start. Let's pay attention.小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/commentsPowered by Firstory Hosting