Mom's Super Simple English

Mom's Super Simple English


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044 我自己動手做 Made something myself

044 我自己動手做 Made something myself

🄴 Mom's Super Simple English

Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. I can make mooncakes myself, And I can make a card to grandfather by myself. I suggest you to try making the mooncakes yourself. It is very fun Powered by Firstory Hosting

043 我想認識你 I want to get to know you

043 我想認識你 I want to get to know you

🄴 Mom's Super Simple English

Hi, how are you? My name is Yang Yang. May I ask you some questions? What is your zodiac sign? Do you usually like to draw, or do you prefer doing other things? Do you have a favorite cartoon character? I want to get to know you better. Powered by Firstory Hosting

042 正確地/好好地 Properly

042 正確地/好好地 Properly

🄴 Mom's Super Simple English

Brush your teeth properly Eat properly Sit properly Stand properly Put your shose properly Wear your shirt properly Sit in your car seat properly Say good morning to your teacher properly Tidy up your school bag properly Lie on the bed properly You should flush the toilet properly after using it. Read the words properly. Powered by Firstory Hosting

041 轉大聲點 Turn up the volume

041 轉大聲點 Turn up the volume

🄴 Mom's Super Simple English

I want to play a story. Please turn up the volume for me. Please switch to the back speakers. Now the volume is perfect Powered by Firstory Hosting

040 這個夏天你有任何計畫嗎? Do you have any plans in this summer?

040 這個夏天你有任何計畫嗎? Do you have any plans in this summer?

🄴 Mom's Super Simple English

Do you have any plan in this summer In July, I was very busy because I had a graduation ceremony and needed to prepare for a show. On Mondays, I had ukulele classes in the afternoon and clay classes after school. On Tuesdays, I read English books with my dad. On Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, I had swimming classes after school. Powered by Firstory Hosting