Mom's Super Simple English

Mom's Super Simple English


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036 我能借點東西去做什麼嗎? Can i borrow something to do?

036 我能借點東西去做什麼嗎? Can i borrow something to do?

🄴 Mom's Super Simple English

I cannot find my pencil and scissor. Can I borrow your pencil to do my homework? Can I borrow your scissors to cut some paper? When I am done, should I return the pencil and the scissors to you, or should I put them back in their place? Powered by Firstory Hosting

035 去圖書館借書 Go to the library to borrow books

035 去圖書館借書 Go to the library to borrow books

🄴 Mom's Super Simple English

We have finished reading all the books at home, so let us go to the library to borrow some new books. Before we go, remember to prepare a bag to carry the books. Also, you must return the books you borrowed, before you borrow the new books. Remember, you can only borrow 5 books at a time   Extra: Can you sew fragrant sachet by yourself? 點擊以下連結可以復習之前的單元 You can revise previous episode by clicking the link below 番外篇2 端午節 Dragon Boat Festival Powered by Firstory Hosting

034 你能選擇,那你的選擇是甚麼呢? You can choose and What is your choice?

034 你能選擇,那你的選擇是甚麼呢? You can choose and What is your choice?

🄴 Mom's Super Simple English

Tomorrow we'll exercise together at the basketball court. You can choose to walk, ride a bike, or take a bus to the basketball court. What is your choice? For breakfast tomorrow, we have rice ball, sandwich, and cheese bagel. What is your choice? Powered by Firstory Hosting

033 吹冷氣 Turn on the air conditioner

033 吹冷氣 Turn on the air conditioner

🄴 Mom's Super Simple English

Today is really hot. Will you turn on the air conditioner to sleep at night? The cool air in my room makes me feel very comfortable, and I can fall asleep quickly. But remember to close the door when using the air conditioner, or else the cool air will escape. Powered by Firstory Hosting

032 你是什麽星座 What is your Zodiac Sign

032 你是什麽星座 What is your Zodiac Sign

🄴 Mom's Super Simple English

What is your star sign? I'm a Libra. How about you? If you don't know your zodiac sign, you can tell me your birthday, and I'll help you find your zodiac sign. If you're a Cancer, you're the same as my brother and my mother. If you're a Pisces, you're the same as my dad. Powered by Firstory Hosting