

朱雯娟- Jenny Chu


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Attention, Please!

Attention, Please!

🄴 愛、生活、人生系列

Attention, Please!      我們去百貨公司,或車站、展覽館時,常聽到服務台說:Attention, Please! Attention, Please! 提醒顧客注意相關訊息,或遺失物件。於是Attention, Please!就是要我們集中精神,注意聆聽,並能即時採取行動的意思。 Actually, “Attention, please!” is a statement heard frequently among kids throughout the school. Similarly, “concentrate on” is a phrase that parents across cultures frequently use to encourage their children to pay attention during the learning process. In classrooms, at home, and in self-learning, attention span is various (關注力的長短不一). In other words, the ability to focus on a particular task for an extended period of time can vary widely among individuals. Nowadays, television, media, movies, and commercials have mastered the skill of attracting the attention of people of all ages. Globally, today’s learners have access to visuals, while previous generations of students had just auditory. Previously, learning was primarily through listening; Notwithstanding, it is now heavily affected by visuals. Cinema, television, social media, and other forms of entertainment have grown in popularity because they are entertaining, motivating, and meet cognitive requirements. Everyone needs attention, just like we need to eat. That is, everyone wants attention from time to time. It’s a natural human desire to want to receive validation (確認) and praise. While it’s perfectly normal to want attention from friends, loved ones, and people we admire, yet, constantly needing attention is unhealthy. It can also be a sign of an underlying mental health condition. Some people who are attention-seekers may not realize that they’re exhibiting attention-seeking behaviors. Attention-seeking people express their desire for attention in varying ways. Some of the most common behaviors include:  Faking helplessness: One method people with attention-seeking behaviors behave is by faking helplessness in situations they are perfectly adept at (善於) handling. Faking helplessness gives them an avenue to seek attention from others.  Causing conflict: Causing conflict in public or private to create a scene that can garner (獲得) attention from the people around us. They often also need to be at the center of the conflict.  Constantly looking for sympathy from others: Examples of this kind of behavior include playing up a small injury so that family and friends can fuss over (煩惱) us. Needing to be complimented: It’s normal to want to be complimented. However, needing to be complimented can cause us to exhibit unhealthy behaviors in a bid to (企圖) fish for compliments from people. Sometimes, a need to be complimented is born out of insecurities. Physical and emotional insecurities can cause a person to develop an attention-seeking personality. While it may seem harmless, still, it’s an unhealthy way to deal with insecurities. It can also cause strain (負擔) on our relationships with family, friends, and even strangers. Lying and embellishing (裝飾) stories: Making up over-the-top (過火) stories that are guaranteed to get a reaction out of people is another way for people to get attention.  The first step to stop needing attention is recognizing that we do display attention-seeking behaviors. Some people who need attention don’t realize what their behavior means or that their behaviors are unhealthy. Working on building self-confidence and ridding ourselves of insecurities is a significant first step to help us stop craving attention. If the source of our attention-seeking behavior is the result of a mental health condition, a psychotherapist can help us with that. Keeping a journal is, indeed, a good way in helping us get over insecurities. Besides, for many people, the need to always be the center of attention stems from low self-esteem. Using daily positive affirmations, and surrounding ourselves with genuinely supportive people is a great place for us to get rid of unnecessary attention. Moreover, setting clear boundaries can let the people who have attention-seeking behaviors know that they are behaving inappropriately. Sometimes, a person seeking attention might not realize that they are acting in a way that draws attention. We need to gently communicate with them the issues of improper attitudes. Attention-seekers often act out for a deeper reason than simply needing attention. They may have an underlying mental health disorder, or have self-esteem/image problems. We should have more patience to understand them. Attention can be harvested only from the minds of other people. As humans, we tend to become uncomfortable when our attention cannot meet. In today’s world, we are much more separate from each other, even in our own homes. What, then, is the definition of attention? George Bernard Shaw (英國戲劇作家) stated, “The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference.” In other words, it takes love, not attention, to give and receive energy from another human being. Research on the human need for attention is plentiful and quite compelling. People who feel well-connected to others experience lower rates of cardiac disease, and are more likely to survive after a heart attack; employees who feel appreciated by their supervisors are more productive and healthier. Attention is not only an essential component for our physical health, it is but also crucial to all of our closest relationships. It makes sense that attention and conflict show up in the same paradigm (範例). Challenging issues will naturally arise between two people in any close relationship. However, if a lot of positive attention is bandied (議論) back and forth as well, both parties will be more eager to resolve their issues to get back to the good situations. The small moments count to the attention. In fact, it is those small, non-trivial moments of attention—these positive rituals and routines we establish—that turn out to be the most powerful attention of successful relationships.  Powered by Firstory Hosting



🄴 愛、生活、人生系列

可見的能量      我們所處的世界,並非只有「看得到」的世界,若能感知到那「看不到」的世界,將有助於我們跳脫既有的設限與框架,創造人生無限可能。我們只要聚焦精神,閉眼冥想,10秒鐘後,就能接通能量、提振氣場,如能持續吸取萬物無限正能量,每天自然就能營造好運的磁場! ✡在森林或溪邊,遇見「精靈」的靈光體,能為我們召喚好運。 ✡在人生變化的時間點,看見由雲、火顯現的「龍」,會賦予我們蛻變的勇氣。 ✡從植物與動物身上,感受到「生命能量」,具有穩定平衡、療癒心神的溫暖。✡用意念和喜歡的石頭、水晶交流,乍現的靈感,可接收到無形世界的訊息。 ✡除了自己的努力外,吸收無遠弗屆的「宇宙能量」,能為我們實現夢想。 ✡陪伴我們的天使,會幻化為雲或光,無時無刻賦予我們愛與光的能量。 萬物皆生靈,用心感受,我們皆能調和能量,讓我們擁有無遠弗屆的創造力,和自由跨度的人生!     能量可能是: ✡ 經由光亮及靈球體所顯現的「精靈、妖精」,代表著「宇宙能量」。 ✡ 經由雲朵、火焰、光亮所顯現的「天使」及「龍」。 ✡ 經由植物及動物所顯現的「生命能量」。 ✡ 經由貓頭鷹、白蛇、水晶等事物顯現,「引導我們看見無形世界訊息的能量」。 雖然我們平常無法用肉眼看見它們,但是它們確實存在,並且影響著我們。創造世界的人,其實正是我們自己。萬事、萬物皆有靈性,自古以來,陽光孕育了植物,我們才得以生活在這個世界上。各種食物的山野,培育種子的大地,植物、動物、礦物等,都創造了世界。具有聯想的人,會對萬事、萬物有特殊的感官知覺。例如,在文字或聲音裡,看到顏色,在圖形裡,聞到味道,那是「用心靈之眼,觀看事物」。那真的不是在睡夢中,而是張大眼睛,腦袋瓜像是接收到什麼訊息一樣,從當下的景象,立即切換到不同的頻道。「讓意念前往自己想去的地方,那個空間,隨即出現。」許許多多各式各樣的能量意念,也會在照片裡呈現。如果我們能拍下照片,不論是在樹木、花朵、石頭裡等的大自然的精靈及妖精,都會被我們精心地捕捉下來。     靈球體是能量之光,膨脹而投影在照片上的一種現象。靈球體有兩種,一種是「能量」,以閃光顯現在當事人的周圍。另一種是精靈、妖精存在的光球。當精靈及妖精棲宿在樹木、花朵、石頭等時,會化為靈球體。帶有精靈、妖精的靈球體,顏色有彩虹色、綠色、白色等,它的特徵是格外耀眼奪目。人類不僅擁有肉眼可見的身體,環繞在身體周圍的能量場,也是人類非常重要的組成部分,我們稱為精神體、乙太星光體或心靈體/能量場。一切信息,都是能量存在的形式之一。在我們的生存空間裡,在空中、在整個宇宙中,我們充滿了電磁信息,電視、電話、無線廣播、電報、遙控器和其它電、磁設備發出的電、磁、光、意識等信號。這些信號或信息,都是能量存在的形式。人可以透過語言、表情和思維,發出能量信號,也可以經由身體的功能,接受語言、表情和思維的能量信號。人類是這些信號的發射器和接收器。於是,我們人類如果發出或接受的能量信號是正面的,那麼就會獲取更多的生命正能量;如果發出或接受的能量信號是負面的,那麼就會損失生命正能量。當一個人獲得正能量的補充時,就會增加活力、精力。相反地,當一個人遭到正能量損失,或吸收到負能量時,就會減少活力、精力。在生命能量的世界裡,人的行為、語言、表情和思維等因素,都具有影響能量狀態的神奇力量。積極的行為、語言、表情和思維,會打開正面的感覺和情緒。消極的行為、語言、表情和思維,也同樣會打開負面的感覺和情緒。人體的氣場,就像是一個無形的罩,包圍著身體周圍,於是,一個純淨的氣場,會呈現出巨大的光,環繞著身體。能量場能保護著自己,避免來自他人的能量攻擊或入侵,它就像一層保護膜,當我們處在較低的振動,和對我們不利的能量中,它為我們提供保護。然而,能量也會透過心理攻擊、藥物、使用酒精、惡劣的情緒、創傷和疾病的傷害與破壞等,造成脆弱的氣場。如果氣場受到損害,此人會變得容易受到負面能量的影響,也會不知不覺中將自己的負面能量,傳遞給其他人,最終,導致精神、情緒上的崩潰,影響身體健康。當出現過度疲憊,或能量損耗過大時,都是我們把自己的能量場,無意識地過度打開,失去了平衡。這時,我們可以閉上雙眼,深呼吸三次,然後,觀想我們的能量場成一個球形,每一次呼吸,都把過於外放的能量,歸於這個球的範圍中,並感覺到球的邊界,變得清晰而有彈性。我們只要對自己說:現在,我們將持續在光的保護中,直到我們再次回到家中。     每個人都有自己的守護天使,同樣地,每個人也都有自己的指導靈,我們真的可以感受到他們對我們的支持和愛。我們可以在意念上邀請他們,觀想自己被天使的翅膀所環繞,心中充滿了安全感,並在感覺到不舒服的時候,及時的呼喚他們,來幫助我們平衡能量場。如果我們對自然、樹木、動物及水晶等,有特別的感情,我們也可以呼喚他們,幫助我們一起對能量場,做出調整與保護。古老的咒語與真言,對應著不可思議的神奇能量,我們也可以找一種與自己最有感應的咒語或真言,放鬆並全然的念誦,觀想咒語與真言的能量,清理與淨化我們的能量場,並將我們的整個能量場包圍。土、水、火、風也是很好的淨化劑,當我們赤腳走在綠草地上,我們的負面能量,會經由我們的腳,往下進入到大地中,在那裡,大地之母將淨化它們;在微風中外出,將可淨化我們的頭腦;游泳會洗淨我們的氣場;火是所有東西中,最有力量的淨化劑,燃燒舊照片、信件與所有物,能轉換在記憶中留存的負面,改變在我們周圍的靈性能量。     原諒我們自己與所有人的一切事情。我們每天做規律的運動,在綠地或海邊,請求天使來淨化我們。我們要清潔並整理我們自己個人的空間,打開窗戶,讓純淨的空氣流進,歌唱或唱頌神聖的音樂,以香氣來淨化每一個房間。冥想與召喚天使,來到我們家中,觀想在我們的家中,會散發出金色之光,我們的家是一個充滿永恆愛的天堂。 Powered by Firstory Hosting

用進廢退Use or Lose It

用進廢退Use or Lose It

🄴 愛、生活、人生系列

用進廢退Use or Lose It 拉馬克主義(英語:Lamarckism)也稱做拉馬克學說,或是拉馬克式演化。這個理論是由法國生物學家拉馬克(Jean Baptiste Lamarck) 於1809年發表的《動物哲學》(Philosophie zoologique,亦譯作《動物學哲學》)首先提出,其理論的基礎是「獲得性遺傳」(Inheritance of acquired traits)和「用進廢退說」(theory of use and disuse),拉馬克認為「用進廢退」是生物產生變異的原因,又是適應環境的過程。他說,生物經常使用的器官,會逐漸發達,會不斷進化,如鐵匠的手臂較粗,而不使用的器官,會逐漸退化。大腦的法則,是「競爭」,也是「用進廢退」。越常使用、練習某種技能,該技能在大腦中的神經元連結地圖,會更擴張,在大腦中更具優勢。透過學習,可以使大腦建構新地圖,形成新連結,改善或增進大腦的認知功能。 基本上,人的能力是遵循「用進廢退說」的。舉例來說,一個人在學校的時候,因課程要求,學習大量的知識。這些知識因為在當時有其需要,必須用來應付考試,取得入學資格。然而,同樣一個人畢業之後,對於這些學科的知識,不再需要,便拋到一旁,久而久之,便遺忘光了。語言的使用,也是一樣。一個移民到國外的華僑,經過三十年後,除非少數特例,很少人能夠操一口流利的中文。如果有一項技能,我們願意不斷練習,便能熟能生巧,越用就越熟練;相反的,如果疏於練習,久而久之,便荒廢而再也想不起來。「用進廢退說」提醒我們,必須審慎認清楚哪些是要陪伴我們走一輩子的技能和知識,找出這些技能和知識後,一有機會就使用,就算沒有機會使用,也要隨時隨地的練習,或者不斷蒐集累積新知識,才能免於荒廢,並且得以不斷提升自己的競爭力,和不可取代性,讓自己在生涯規劃上,多一分安穩和保障。 對於拉馬克而言,整個生命世界展現出來的,就是進步。而「用進廢退」是用來解釋生物的適應的,透過習慣,行為會造成重大的影響。達爾文在1859年出版《物種源始》之後,對生物演化的了解和認識的形式,更有了很大的轉變。達爾文提出的演化論,包括四個要素:變異、遺傳、選擇,和適應。變異是一個隨機的過程,而選擇是一個非隨機的過程。19世紀的遺傳學是以混合論為主流的一個遺傳理論。那時候的人認為變異,應該是不能被遺傳的。透過孟德爾的遺傳學,我們現在知道每一個生物特徵遺傳,是由各自的獨特基因造成的。在達爾文的演化論裡面的生物變異,過程是隨機的、沒有目的的。我們看到的所有的變異,都是對環境的適應。在1943年,Luria S. E. 和M. Delbruck利用病毒感染細菌, 觀察細菌是否有抗病毒的能力。目的是為了回答突變是自發性的呢?還是受到環境的影響?實驗結果告訴我們,生物對後天獲得的一些性徵,有可能可以遺傳。基因扮演很重要的角色,是指揮個體的發育。但是,個體在發育的過程中,會受到環境的影響,而這個環境的影響,才是真正決定個體最後形成的狀況。當細胞受到外界壓力,會啟動SOS機制,加速細胞突變。簡單來說,當生物面對環境的壓力時,應該會做出對策,但生物無法設計對策,所以,對策仍然是隨機的。隨機的突變增加,生存的機會越大。 腦細胞會死,神經可塑性卻持續一生。人們常以為,聰明靈巧是天才的專利,事實上,「成年人的大腦不能改變」這觀念是大錯特錯的。愈來愈多研究證明,成人的大腦依然具有可塑性,能因應環境的改變,及獲取新的訊息,所有的生活經驗,都會改變大腦神經迴路的設定。美國腦神經科學家莫山尼克(Michael Merzenich)便是神經可塑性領域的頂尖翹楚之一,他研發的訓練軟體Fast ForWorld,成功地幫助學習障礙的孩子,改進認知功能。針對銀髮族鍛鍊大腦的軟體Brain Fitness Program Classic及InSight,則能改善老人衰退的記憶力、思考力,和提高資訊的處理速度。就算沒有使用這些神奇的軟體,我們的大腦也非常害怕無聊,是要常常去學習嶄新的東西的。「我們的大腦就是要來演化對新奇的東西起反應的,如果要充分感受到自己活著,就必須不斷地學習,」這是《改變是大腦的天性》作者多吉醫師(Norman Doidge)的忠告。 「人終其一生,有90%的腦細胞都在沉睡,真正運用的,不到10%」。根據腦部掃描的研究顯示,我們的大腦,幾乎時時都處於整體活化的狀態,例如,我們能邊讀文章,邊吃東西,就是大腦各個區域互相協調的結果。人的大腦為了生存,絕不浪費。任何能量,閒閒沒事幹的神經元,馬上會被修剪取代。依據「用進廢退」的鐵則,大腦裡根本不會留著沒開發的腦細胞,佔用空間。因此,我們要多多挑戰自己的心智,讓大腦神經元網路,連結得更密集,才是真正的全腦開發。近50年來,科學家們發現,腦內的化學傳導物質,和建立神經細胞迴路有密切相關。如果我們能學會新事物,成功地解決問題,我們的腦神經細胞,就會釋放多巴胺,我們才會更積極突破困境,精益求精,不斷演化下去。當人對未來有美好想像時,大腦負責情緒處理的杏仁核,及吻側前扣帶皮質(rACC)會活化,我們會覺得,好事就在不遠處,更勇於行動。再者,運動更能會使腦細胞,得到更多的氧氣和養分,增加神經生長因子BDNF的濃度,幫助神經元生長。我們的創造力,並不是一步登天的,牛頓看到蘋果落下時,發現了萬有引力定律,但他在頓悟之前,已孜孜不倦地研究物理學了。就像打棒球,我們愈練習愈熟練,身體各部位的協調愈好,執行系統就愈快達成自動化,監控系統也才有時間思考、調整,舉一反三。我們也才能更面面俱到,處理球場上各種突發的狀況。「用進廢退」說,希望我們在日常生活中,養成好的習慣,不斷地使用,才能使我們的生活品質更好。 Habits are good and bad behaviors that we repeat without giving them much thought. Habits are consistent, repeated behaviors. However, good habits contribute to our personal development, helping us achieve goals and live a healthy lifestyle. Habits aren’t always consciously formed. They can develop when we are operating on autopilot. For example, we might want a glass of wine after a particularly stressful day. At first, it’s just the stressful days that make us crave a glass of wine, but after a while, we might have a glass of wine every time we get home from work, even on good days. In other words, we’ve formed a new habit without even realizing it. Habits happen on autopilot, but routines happen with deliberate practice. For example, our morning routine might involve waking up to an alarm, brushing our teeth, washing our face, combing our hair, and drinking a cup of coffee before going to work. These behaviors might become habits after a while, but they are only the results of intentional actions. Habit formation, on the other hand, often happens without conscious thought. Learning how to form new good habits and eliminate bad ones can help us control our impulses, and begin to build a healthier lifestyle. Our habits shape who we are. They shape our attitudes, actions, and decision-making abilities. And they affect every aspect of our lives.  As far as we know, habits are driven by reward-seeking mechanisms in the brain. For instance, walking past a cafe and smelling coffee beans can trigger us to want a cup of coffee. After a while, a habit happens with little or no conscious thought. It runs on autopilot, and it becomes a repetitive part of our lifestyle. Gradually, drinking a cup of coffee would be our habit and daily routine. Therefore, if we surround ourselves with like-minded people who have similar goals to us, it is, certainly, the good way to push us form good habits. As humans, we are greatly influenced by what others around us are doing or feeling. Being around like-minded individuals is also encouraging. For example, we may have formed a habit of going for a run in the morning. Making connections with other runners will give us that extra energy and motivation to stick to our running habits. Being around a positive group of people who share similar goals and interests can be the single greatest catalyst to help us maintain our habits. Building a habit is difficult. But maintaining it can even be more daunting (令人氣餒的). Putting too much pressure on ourselves to maintain our habits can be counterproductive (適得其反的). Actually, habit formation and maintenance are a journey. And failure is a natural part of the journey. Building good habits is one of the main pillars of personal growth. To build better habits, we should shape our environment in a positive way, and take it one step at a time.  Powered by Firstory Hosting

時空的限制/ 遇見未來的自己

時空的限制/ 遇見未來的自己

🄴 愛、生活、人生系列

時空的限制/ 遇見未來的自己  「基於此次演講、聚會、活動等的時間和空間的限制,我們的時間不能太長,空間亦不夠大,參與的人數實在有限,只能做重點式的學習···」。於是,我們多麼地希望有超越時空的場景,來幫助我們共同體驗無邊界的學習啊!       根據物理學家們的研究,人眼基本上是一個光子檢測器,但是,我們必須藉助其他光子檢測器,才能在三維空間觀測「量子糾纏」。「量子糾纏」就是指粒子間存在的一種超越時空的關係。如果研究者反覆重複使用,讓越來越多的「量子糾纏」進入人眼,那麼,我們就能直接感受超越時空的光子。然而,現實中的試驗,並不是那麼簡單。美國麻省理工大學的《MIT科技評論》解釋說:「人眼不能檢測單個光子。人眼的視覺細胞(視桿細胞)必須受到很多光子的刺激,才能得到感覺,最少都需要7個光子以上,才能刺激視桿細胞,產生視覺,目前我們只能藉助儀器才能做到。」因此,此時此刻,活在地球上的我們,只能受到時空的限制囉!       話雖如此,但是,我們也都知道,時空是相對的概念,它們都是我們的意識創造出來的。我們可以是50歲,但當我們回到6歲時,我們是否可以感受、看到、記得過去所有的場景,發生的事件,或是聞到當年那個味道呢?答案是可以的。想想看,當我們的意識回到6歲時,我們在此時此刻是缺席的,我們當下此時此刻的記憶也是空白的,因為,我們被6歲的記憶植入了。同樣的,當我們在此時此刻,想著未來要去完成某件事時,我們因著自己具體地想像,該怎麼做、如何做、和誰一起做、做了以後會怎樣等等,我們就在此時此刻消失了,而我們即出現在我們所創造的未來的一個情境裡。換言之,我們的意識,是可以超越時空的。例如,當我們的身體現在正坐在房間的椅子上,我們可能只花一個小時在現在,另外的23個小時,不是在過去回憶停留,就是在未來築夢。       現實真的比夢境還真實嗎? 我們只不過活了1個小時在當下的時刻啊!從生物體的認知上來說,現實是真實的,但是,當生物體終止時,我們能擁有的真實,就只剩下意識了。意識是無法用時空來衡量的,因為它可以隨時超越生物體,在過去與未來之間穿梭。時間是被定義在生物體的週期上的,是虛擬的。擁有自由意識的人,是無法用時間來限制的,不論時間如何演變,意識永遠可以跨越無限的時空。       我們絕對擁有跨越時空的思想與自由,未來就是當下,一念即現,過去,現在和未來,是同時存在於當下的,我們的意識,可跨越時空,可改變過去,感知未來,可讓我們「心想事成」。人的一生中只有一個自我,畢竟每個人都會一直保有自己的名字、自己的記憶、自己大部分的個人好惡。雖然我們身上的細胞,會新陳代謝、生活方式會變化、交友圈會改變、樣貌會變老,但我就是我,始終是原來的那個我。然而,事實上,人的一生,並非只有一個單一的自我,而是由許多彼此分離獨立的自我,所組合而成。也就是說,我們的自我並非單數,而是複數。 想像一下自己未來可能採取的生活方式:天天熬夜追劇,早起遛狗,上健身房等。當我們可以清楚地描繪出現在的自己、現在的工作、現在的同事和朋友時,我們也依然清楚記得10年前的自己,還在讀大學或是剛踏入職場。若我們想要想像10年或25年後的自己,也不困難,我們只要鉅細靡遺地認真思考與想像,一定可以知道未來自己的樣貌的。       隨著人生階段的遞嬗推移,我們會擁有許多不同版本的自己,不過,我們往往偏好單一恆定的自我,感覺上,好像很難接受「未來的自己」,是一個完全不同的人。試想看看,「過去的自己」「未來的自己」與「今天的自己」,到底有何不同呢?英國大文學家查理.狄更斯(Charles Dickens)的小說《小氣財神》的故事,正是詮釋過去、現在、未來最好的例子。《小氣財神》(A Christmas Carol,或譯《聖誕頌歌》),是一部以道德教化為主題的作品,書中描繪一位愛財如命、刻薄、貪婪的的商人史古基(Scrooge),他於聖誕節期間,遇到三位分別是過去、現在、未來的精靈,它們運用魔力,帶領史古基看到他在生命中非常重要的事件,讓他明白到,如果他仍如此刻薄、愛財如命、毫無憐憫之心,他將會有非常淒慘的下場。在聖誕節前夕,史古基於晚上見到死去的生意合夥人的鬼魂,鬼魂因為生前無比貪婪,而死後受盡折磨,它勸史古基要痛改前非,但史古基雖然見了鬼,仍把鬼魂當作幻覺。稍後,過去的精靈找上門,讓史古基看到過去的自己,史古基小時候被父母冷漠對待,好人的妹妹在年輕時就死去。史古基因為自己只顧工作,冷淡了女友,她因而離開史古基。現在的精靈,帶領史古基看看自己公司的員工,史古基發現員工的小兒子身患重病,很有可能不久於人世。將來的精靈是死神,它說如果史古基仍不改變自己的性格,他死後,沒有人會懷念他,沒有人會為他流一滴淚。史古基在三隻精靈的引導下,終於下定決心,痛改前非。從此之後,他努力幫助別人,成為更好的自己。       因此,當我們努力把握當下,及時行善、行樂時,我們就是讓過去,現在和未來,同時存在於當下,我們就可超越時空,我們就有無限的可能,我們就會遇見未來更好的自己。 Powered by Firstory Hosting

對味兒了Feeling Right

對味兒了Feeling Right

🄴 愛、生活、人生系列

對味兒了Feeling Right 不知道甚麼時候開始,就常聽到人家說:「越來越沒年味兒了!」但是,什麼是年味兒呢?既然是味兒,那必然跟食物有關,所謂的年節氣氛,就是吃過年的年菜,飯菜的美味兒,花的香味兒,父母的嘮叨聲,故土的鹹味兒,朋友的吆喝,孩童的吵鬧,所有加在一起,就是「年味兒」了。小朋友的哭笑聲,乳齒間閃著光,小手緊抓著紅包,紅彤彤,火辣辣,亮晶晶,滿滿的吉祥味兒。耳邊還有咚咚的聲響,是廚房傳來的律動節奏,剁餡兒的交響樂,也是團圓的湯圓,它們想跳出比十五的月亮還要圓的團圓。年味兒對味兒了,就感覺幸福無比。平常時光,朋友會說,吃「泰式料理」,一定要配上白米飯,只要對味兒了,肯定嗑個八百碗,連湯汁都可以掃光光!對味兒了,我們就飽足到超爽。  古人不見得了解物理、化學、醫學、動植物學,但從前人的經驗累積,發現了很多對味兒的靈感。例如,「以花煮茶」的烹茶法,就被傳為品茗絕技。首先,將茶葉放進錫瓶裡,再把花朵雜入其中,隔水加熱,水沸騰即拿起。之後,把花茶曬乾,如一般泡茶法沖泡,則泡出來的茶湯,都會帶有花香。花茶所用的花朵,種類不拘,梅花、蘭花、桂花、菊花、蓮花、茉莉、玫瑰、薔薇等,皆可嘗試。這種對花茶的味,對味兒了,就會耐人尋味。凡學面相學者,會先審視對方的眼睛,了解其內心。一個人目善則心善,目惡則心惡。眼睛緩慢平視的人,性情不急燥,不議論別人是非,寬宏大度,多為賢哲之士。反反覆覆不斷地看,暗中偷窺,看時側頭不正者,其人做事計較,多疑,慳吝,容易散財。眼睛對味兒了,有看對人的直覺。      When asked about the source of his genius, Albert Einstein had no doubts. “I believe in intuitions and inspirations. I sometimes feel that I am right.” “It was much better to trust those instincts and test them later than to dismiss them out of hand,” he said. We may recognize the sensation (感覺對味兒) ourselves. Whether we are looking at a new apartment, considering a possible new job or judging someone’s honesty, we may have an ineffable hunch (不可言喻的預感) when something is right or wrong without being able to articulate the reasons. That is our gut (直覺) instincts, a kind of mysterious “sixth sense.” In the past two decades, psychologists and neuroscientists have made enormous strides (邁大步) in identifying the sources of our gut instincts, and their essential role in our lives. Along the way, their research has identified the specific situations in which our intuition is likely to lead us down the right path that can help us all to make better decisions.      The scientific understanding of intuition shows that our unconscious brain rifles (用步槍射擊) through its stored knowledge to find the best answer to our problems, without us consciously recalling the precise memories that power those feelings. That means people tend to be more accurate at judging someone’s honesty, if they are asked to go with their intuitions. The power of intuitive decision-making is especially important when we are processing a high volume of complex information that is too difficult to remember precisely. In this case, we can benefit from it to let the unconscious brain make the decision for us. According to Marlène Abadie, a cognitive psychologist at Aix-Marseille University in Southern France, the pause (暫停) allows the unconscious mind to form an accurate gist (要點) from the complex information that had been presented, which will in turn increase the accuracy of our intuitive judgement. This guidance is really useful in many similar scenarios in which we are forming our impressions after an information overload. She says, “It could be relevant whenever you have to choose between several consumer products that are described by several attributes (特性), a cell phone, a computer, a TV, a sofa, a fridge or an oven.” While shopping for these items, we can choose to go for a coffee and flick (輕彈) through a magazine before we make our final decision. Moreover, according to the latest research, the quality of someone’s gut instincts depends on their overall emotional intelligence (EI情緒商數). And by learning to increase our EI, we may therefore strengthen our intuitive decision-making. That means if we want to fine-tune our intuition, then, we might first try to get in touch with our emotions more generally, carefully, and exactly that we are feeling. Over time, we could find it easier to discern when we are receiving a genuine and accurate signal. Our gut feelings will never be completely fool proof, but with practice, they can become an important guide.     Hunch, instinct, deeper knowing are the gut feelings or the ability to immediately understand something without conscious reasoning. In other words, answers and solutions come to us, but we may not be aware of exactly why or how. In the age of big data, intuition is frequently dismissed as mystical or unreliable. Nevertheless, surveys of top executives show that a majority of leaders depend on feelings and experiences when handling crises. Even the US Navy has invested millions of dollars into helping sailors and Marines refine their sixth sense, precisely because intuition can supersede (接替) intellect in high-stakes (高風險的) situations like the battlefield. In our society, leaders always have stronger gut feelings than others. Their high sensitivity (敏感) contributes to perceiving, processing, and synthesizing information more deeply, including data about others’ emotional worlds. Intuition is like a muscle. It can be strengthened with intentional practice. Actually, intuition can pull energy, as if our choice is moving us toward our best interest, even if that means pursuing a risk or moving more slowly than others. Physically, gut feelings tend to cause our body to relax. With intuition, our inner voice is more grounded and wise, like a good mentor. By starting small, we let our overwhelming feelings take a rest a little while, and then, we gradually step our way up to larger, higher pressure decisions with greater self-trust. Besides, we have to constantly ask ourselves, “which action or decision brings us closer to our core values?” We need to take time and give our mind space to make connections between our core values (核心價值) and intuition. Intuition is not perfect. But, we’ll probably be surprised to find that our gut is a more powerful decision-making tool than we may have realized.   Powered by Firstory Hosting