這句英文怎麼說 #190 別客氣~多吃點!

2024-05-22·16 分鐘


快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字:
Help yourself./Please have some.

(X)Eat more.
(O)Help yourself./Please have some.
我們經常問人「吃飽沒」、「多吃一點」,直譯成英文聽起來就是不自然。Eat more是祈使語句,比較是命令人的口氣。
Help yourself 是指「自己來,別客氣」,也可以用 please have some,意思是「來一點,別客氣」。
No need to be polite.不用客氣
吃飯當中可以說的吃多一點:feel free to have more/ eat what you like

補充學習問候的時候會說「吃飽了沒」Are you full? vs Have you eaten? (or Did you get anything to eat?)自己吃飽要先離席的時候會說「你們慢慢用喔~」"Take your time."、"Enjoy your meal." 或是 "No rush, savor your meal."

Connie: Hi, Duncan! Welcome to our picnic event.
Duncan: Hey, Connie! This is awesome, I'm really looking forward to enjoying some food.
Connie: Haha, Well, help yourself. I prepared some snacks specially for this event. I hope you'll like them. Please have some!
Duncan: That's so thoughtful! I'm sure I will, thank you for preparing them.

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