Happy New Year

2023-01-02·10 分鐘


Happy New Year
    We are bidding farewell to a year that gifted us our lives back. After two years of lockdown, we all resumed normalcy and the fun talking to each other face to face. It was fun to be around friends and family and back to office conversations. We could empathize with people who suffered a loss during the COVID period. As we progress into a new year, all we can wish for ourselves and our dear ones is good health, happiness and success.
Happy New Year! May the coming year be full of grand adventures and opportunities. The year 2023 brings in a lot of good luck, good beginnings and hopes. Ringing in the New Year is a cause for celebrations, for spending time with friends and family, and for offering Happy New Year wishes. As glasses are raised and fireworks explode into the sky, it’s important to recognize the special symbolism that the New Year brings. Cheers, everybody, Happy New Year! May the New Year bring us happiness, peace, and prosperity. Life is short. Dream big and make the most of 2023! We are never too old to set another goals, and to dream new dreams in 2023. The bad news is time flies. But, the good news is we’re the pilots.
New Year’s resolutions have long been a way to take stock of what’s truly important in our lives, allowing us to pause and reflect on the year behind us, as well as plan for the year ahead. If living through a global pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we shouldn’t take health and wellness for granted. In 2023, improving our body, mind and soul is a great way to organize our long-term goals for the New Year. We start here to create a list of attainable New Year’s resolutions that allow us to make healthier lifestyle.
1.    Build a better budget
If there’s one New Year’s resolution that will help us the most in the long run, it’s making a vow to save more money. Before we head back to the office in January, we have to outline a rough budget that works for us. In other words, we need to make a plan for when and how we buy things for our home and family.
2.    Practice mindfulness
Anxiety can nag at anyone during any season, in all parts of life. Practicing mindfulness means doing everything we can be grateful for what we have in the moment, where we are in life, and who we are right now.
3.    Cook something new each week
Everyone wants to eat healthier in the New Year, but we should also try to eat more diverse foods. After all, variety is the spice of life. If we can cook at home for us and our family, we’ll be happy and healthy. Fiber-rich vegetables are also especially crucial for our health. We can try fiber-rich whole grains, fish and nuts in our delicious recipes.
4.    Read more books
January is the perfect time of year to read a new book. We can start to read and share the best pages we’ve read to everyone around us.
5.    Create a cleaning schedule at home
Keeping our home tidy every week can feel so great. Besides, it also can improve our good sleep quality.
6.    Join a club
Starting a new hobby is a wonderful thing to help us meet new people in the process.
7.    Become a plant owner
When people work near plants, they report greater concentration, satisfaction, and perceived air quality. Therefore, it’s so nice that we spend time to take care of plants at home or in the office.
8.    Plan a vacation
Planning to have vacations within a year is the best for us to release our stress. And researchers have found that even thinking about an upcoming trip can boost happiness for weeks. We, then, start to travel alone or take a trip with friends in 2023.
9.    Volunteer regularly
Research shows that trying to be volunteers regularly can lead to less stress and lower blood pressure. This year, let us try to schedule an outreached mission of our own on a day of service. It must be an impressive experience for us.
10.  Try a guided workout or class
Many social media channels offer a full suite of dance classes or core workouts that we can follow for weeks at a time. Moreover, we can also start walking more. Even if we can’t keep track of a new fitness routine, keeping ourselves moving on a simple walk around the neighborhood is a must. Some physical activity (even just walking) is better than none.
11.  Write to ourselves
In 2023, we can form a habit to jot down words in our mind because writing it down makes it easier to shift perspectives. We could keep a diary every day, or write down things whenever and wherever we are.
12.  Do one thing at a time
Multitasking doesn’t make us more efficient, but it does stress us out. Therefore, it’s better that we organize our activities into chunks of time, such as kid time and cooking time, and then commit to being focused in those small things. It makes us do a good job.
13.  Give ourselves more compliments
“Today is my day. I’m thankful for me.” If we repeat an affirmation related to gratitude in the morning, we’re likely to show and feel more of it throughout that day. We have to take some time each day to focus on something we love about ourselves.
     Notwithstanding, a resolution doesn’t need to be tied to New Year’s. It can be following a weekend or a birthday. Then, if we missed our New Year’s goal, we can start it again tomorrow, on a Monday, after Valentine’s Day or any day that means something to us, just as long as we’re ready to give it another try. After all, New Year’s resolutions won’t guarantee success, but we don’t need to wait until another year comes around. Instead of saying “this is hard,” we exclaim that “making it through today is going to really build my confidence.” Happy New Year, everybody!

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