
2024-05-28·46 分鐘


「選擇意味著失去。而當你選擇用否認的方式過生活,那麼你只會比你想像的失去更多。學會哀悼,可以幫助我們對自己的選擇感到更快樂。」 每次的選擇都是一個失去,我們該如何面對失去呢?今天來聊聊一個關於死亡、關於哀悼的故事。 思考自己名字的意義 受到創傷後的分離機制:故事中姐弟的隱喻 過度補償與完美主義的防衛機制 為什麼我們會在哀悼過程中變得憂鬱? 哀悼七步驟:從肯定悲傷到平衡狀態 參考資料: 《流傳千年的日本神話故事》 https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010487117 [1]Deborah L. Cabaniss(2021,December 8)Choice Means Loss: The Mourning of Everyday Life Learning to mourn can help us to be happier with our choices. PsychologyToday. [2]Clifford N. Lazarus(2013,November 21)Understanding Mourning Is there a proper way to mourn?PsychologyToday. [3]Molly S. Castelloe(2021,December 30)Blocked Mourning, Melancholia, and Depression's Trap Melancholia and mourning as responses to the loss of a person or thing.PsychologyToday. [4]Robert Berezin(2015,March 4)Mourning – Death, Loss, Trauma, and Psychotherapy Mourning is the universal agent for recovery and change.PsychologyToday. [5]Freud, S. (1917). Mourning and Melancholia. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Volume XIV (1914-1916): On the History of the Psycho-Analytic Movement, Papers on Metapsychology and Other Works, 237-258. [6]Kathryn Betts Adams(2013, May 30).Mourning and Reinvention in Mid-Life “Reinvention” sounds fabulous, but sometimes we feel sad and overwhelmed.PsychologyToday. [7]Bennett K.M., Gibbons K. & Mackenzie-Smith S. (2010). Loss and restoration in later life: an examination of dual process model of coping with bereavement. Omega (Westport), 61(4), 315-32. [8]Richardson, V.E. (2010). The dual process model of coping with bereavement: a decade later. Omega (Westport), 61(4), 269-71. [9]Stroebe, M. & Schut, H. (1999). The dual process model of coping with bereavement: rationale and description. Death Studies, 23(3), 197-224 -- - - - - 🐻海苔熊 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Haitaibear/ 🐱 贊助海苔熊的貓咪罐罐 https://bit.ly/2S6klc2 📬海苔熊信箱 https://haitaibear.com/mailbox - - - - - - 📣 SoundOn APP▶️http://www.soundon.fm/download 官網▶️https://www.soundon.fm Facebook▶️https://reurl.cc/1QxXzQ Instagram▶️ https://www.instagram.com/soundonfm/ 片頭襯樂:Music from Artlis ----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 https://bit.ly/3y7SoFB -- Hosting provided by SoundOn