EPISODE 27 | 在瑞士“被”消费升级 Forced consumption upgrade in Switzerland

2021-12-12·18 分鐘


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Living in Geneva, Switzerland is really expensive! Every time I go out to eat Chinese food, I feel the pain of paying the rent and the pain of taking the bus. Today, I'm going to talk to a partner who lives in Geneva about the experience of living in Switzerland. In addition to the high price of goods, what are the characteristics of Switzerland that we all think of? Ski resorts, Swiss banks, neutral countries? Let's hear what we think of Switzerland in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation!

日内瓦 Geneva | Rìnèiwǎ 
 瑞士 Switzerland | ruìshì 
 实习 Internship | shíxí 
 搭讪 Pickup | dāshàn 
 搞笑 Funny | gǎoxiào 
 随机 Random | suíjī 
 乌克兰 Ukraine | wūkèlán 
 渠道 Channel | qúdào 
 系统的 System of | xìtǒng de 
 凭借 With | píngjiè 
 资源 resources | zīyuán 
 无心插柳柳成荫 the willow will grow | wúxīn chā liǔ liǔchéngyīn 
 撒下 sowing | sā xià 
 种子 seeds | zhǒngzǐ 
 参天大树 the tree will grow | cāntiān dà shù 
 无心 unintentionally | wúxīn 
 无意间 inadvertently | wúyì jiān 
 意义重大 Significantly | yìyì zhòngdà 
 传播文化 spreading culture | chuánbò wénhuà 
 衣食住行 Food, clothing, housing and transport | yīshízhùxíng 
 瑞典 Sweden | ruìdiǎn 
 物价 prices | wùjià 
 显著 Significant | xiǎnzhù 
 提升 increase | tíshēng 
 换算 conversions | huànsuàn 
 强制性 compulsory | qiángzhì xìng 
 消费升级 Consumption escalation | xiāofèi shēngjí 
 工资 Wages | gōngzī 
 比..贵上xx倍 more expensive than... xx times more expensive | bǐ.. Guì shàng xx bèi 
 自助火锅 Hot pot buffet | zìzhù huǒguō 
 吃到撑 Eat till you drop | chī dào chēng 
 人均 per capita | rénjūn 
 不敢 I dare not | bù gǎn 
 保险 Insurance | bǎoxiǎn 
 医疗费用 Medical expenses | yīliáo fèiyòng 
 侧面 side | cèmiàn 
 体现出 Reflects | tǐxiàn chū 
 保单 insurance policy | bǎodān 
 昂贵 Expensive | ángguì 
 冷淡 Cold | lěngdàn 
 南美洲 South America | nán měizhōu 
 大小便 urinate and defecate | dàxiǎo biàn 
 随处可见 everywhere | suíchù kějiàn 
 吸烟 Smoking | xīyān 
 烟头 cigarette butts | yāntóu 
 相对来说 Relatively speaking | xiāngduì lái shuō 
 北欧 Scandinavian | běi'ōu 
 背景 background | bèijǐng 
 有山有湖 with mountains and lakes | yǒu shān yǒu hú 
 独一无二 unique | dúyīwú'èr 
 地理条件 geographical conditions | dìlǐ tiáojiàn 
 造就 the creation of | zàojiù 
 风貌 landscape | fēngmào 
 雪山 snow-capped mountains | xuěshān 
 草地 Grasslands | cǎodì 
 森林 Forests | sēnlín 
 湖泊 Lakes | húbó 
 峡谷 Canyons | xiágǔ 
 度假天堂 Vacation paradise | dùjià tiāntáng 
 涵盖 Covered | hángài 
 分布在 Distributed in | fēnbù zài 
 国土面积 Country area | guótǔ miànjī 
 冬泳 Winter Swimming | dōngyǒng 
 漂流 Rafting | piāoliú 
 充气小船 Inflatable boats | chōngqì xiǎochuán 
 零食 Snacks | língshí 
 清澈 Clear | qīngchè 
 一眼望到 A glimpse of | yīyǎn wàng dào 
 雪山融水 Snow-capped meltwater | xuěshān róng shuǐ 
 造就 Made | zàojiù 
 汉堡 Hamburger | hànbǎo 

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