這句英文怎麼說 #189 英該美問題 feat.Dom

2024-05-15·36 分鐘


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那我們來簡單訪問一下DomHow many languages do you speak? What are they?What do you do for a living?How long have you lived in Taiwan?
英式英文常見單字knackered - exhausted 筋疲力盡的”It’s been long day at work. I’m absolutely knackered.”cheeky - in a teasing, playful manner / naughty 調皮的,放肆的,很快地做的“He’s a good kid but he can be a bit cheeky.” ”You cheeky bastard.” / “have a cheeky pint”gutted - very disappointed 沮喪的,失望的“I was gutted when I saw my test results.”
”The kids will be gutted when he hears the trip was canceled.”faff (around/about) - waste time 瞎忙”Don’t you have work to do?, You should quit faffing around.”
”I’ve been faffing about all morning, I should get going.naff - poor quality / crap 劣質的,品質很差的“This phone I bought is pretty naff, I’m going to return it.”

盤點五大學習語言的方法讀高難度小說學文法 Read long and difficult novel to learn grammar跟讀 Shadowing看到不會的單字馬上查字典 Look up new words that you don’t know狂背單字 Memorize a large amount of words看影集、聽音樂 Watch TV series or listen to music


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