國際時事跟讀 Ep.K783: 逾 2000 人因挺巴勒斯坦抗議活動席捲美國大學而被捕 Over 2000 Arrested as Pro-Palestinian Protests Sweep U.S. Universities

2024-05-20·14 分鐘


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國際時事跟讀 Ep.K783: 校園動盪:Campus Unrest: Over 2,000 Arrested as Pro-Palestinian Protests Sweep U.S. Universities

Highlights 主題摘要:

- The Israel-Hamas conflict has sparked widespread pro-Palestinian protests on U.S. college campuses, leading to over 2,000 arrests across at least 35 schools since mid-April.
- Universities are grappling with the challenge of balancing free speech and campus safety, with some reaching agreements with protesters while others resort to forceful measures.
- The protests have extended beyond U.S. borders and campus boundaries, and the future impact on campus politics and U.S. involvement in the conflict remains uncertain.

As the Israel-Hamas conflict rages on, college campuses across the United States have become hotbeds of protest, with students demanding their universities divest from companies supporting Israel's military actions in Gaza. The Associated Press reports that arrests related to these demonstrations have now surpassed 2,000, spanning at least 35 schools since the protests began in mid-April at Columbia University.

隨著以色列與哈馬斯(Hamas)的衝突持續升溫,美國各地大學校園已成為抗議活動的熱點,學生要求學校撤資那些支持以色列在加薩(Gaza)軍事行動的公司。美聯社(Associated Press)報導,自 4 月中旬哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)的抗議活動開始以來,與這些示威活動相關的逮捕人數已超過 2,000 人,橫跨至少 35 所學校。

While some institutions have reached agreements with protesters, such as the University of Minnesota and Brown University, others have resorted to more forceful measures. Police have cleared encampments at universities like UCLA and Portland State, often leading to clashes and numerous arrests. Notably, a police officer at Columbia University allegedly fired his gun while clearing protesters from an administration building, though no injuries were reported.

儘管明尼蘇達大學(University of Minnesota)和布朗大學(Brown University)等機構已與抗議者達成協議,但其他大學卻採取了更強硬的措施。警方已經清除了加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)和波特蘭州立大學(Portland State)等大學經常導致衝突和大量逮捕的抗議營地。值得注意的是,一名哥倫比亞大學的警官在清除行政大樓的抗議者時,據稱開了槍,但沒有傳出傷亡報告。

The protests have also spread beyond U.S. borders, with demonstrations popping up in France, South Africa, and Mexico. Republican leaders in California have criticized university administrations for allowing the protests to escalate, calling for the firing of leaders at schools like UCLA and Cal Poly Humboldt. Meanwhile, President Biden has defended the right to peacefully protest but condemned violence, vandalism, and hate speech, emphasizing that "order must prevail."

抗議活動也已擴散到美國境外,法國、南非和墨西哥等地都出現了示威活動。加州的共和黨領導人批評大學行政部門任由抗議活動升級,呼籲解雇加州大學洛杉磯分校和加州州立理工大學洪堡分校(Cal Poly Humboldt)等學校的領導人。同時,拜登總統(President Biden)捍衛和平抗議的權利,但譴責暴力、破壞公物和仇恨言論,強調「秩序必須佔上風」。

As tensions continue to mount, universities find themselves grappling with the challenge of balancing free speech and campus safety. Some argue that the crackdowns demonstrate an unwillingness to engage with students and their demands, while others maintain that civil disobedience comes with an expectation of consequences.


The arrests have not been limited to students alone, with professors from Dartmouth and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville among those taken into custody. In some cases, the protests have moved beyond campus boundaries, as seen in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where demonstrators blocked access to a main gate at Kirtland Air Force Base.

被捕者不僅限於學生,其中包括達特茅斯學院(Dartmouth)和南伊利諾大學艾德華村分校(Southern Illinois University Edwardsville)的教授。在某些情況下,抗議活動已經超出校園範圍,例如在新墨西哥州阿爾伯克基(Albuquerque),示威者封鎖了通往科特蘭空軍基地(Kirtland Air Force Base)主要大門的道路。

University leaders are facing pressure from various angles, with Florida's state university chancellor ordering campus presidents to prevent disruption of graduation ceremonies by protesters. The Pulitzer Prize Board has commended student journalists for their coverage of the protests, recognizing the risks they face in documenting these events.

大學領導人正面臨來自各方的壓力,佛羅里達州立大學校長已下令各校區校長防止抗議者擾亂畢業典禮。普立茲獎評審委員會(Pulitzer Prize Board)讚揚學生記者對抗議活動的報導,肯定他們在記錄這些事件時所面臨的風險。

As the academic year draws to a close, it remains to be seen how this wave of activism will shape the future of campus politics and the ongoing debate over the U.S. role in the Israel-Hamas conflict. The coming weeks and months will likely see continued discussions and potential policy changes as universities navigate the complexities of this highly charged issue.


Keyword Drills 關鍵字:

- Institution (In-sti-tu-tion): While some institutions have reached agreements with protesters, such as the University of Minnesota and Brown University, others have resorted to more forceful measures.
- Protester (Pro-test-er): While some institutions have reached agreements with protesters, such as the University of Minnesota and Brown University, others have resorted to more forceful measures.
- Vandalism (Van-dal-ism): Meanwhile, President Biden has defended the right to peacefully protest but condemned violence, vandalism, and hate speech, emphasizing that "order must prevail."
- Unwillingness (Un-wil-ling-ness): Some argue that the crackdowns demonstrate an unwillingness to engage with students and their demands, while others maintain that civil disobedience comes with an expectation of consequences.
- Demonstrator (Dem-on-stra-tor): In some cases, the protests have moved beyond campus boundaries, as seen in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where demonstrators blocked access to a main gate at Kirtland Air Force Base.

Reference article:
1. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/28/us/student-protests-universities-israel-gaza/index.html
2. https://fox59.com/news/national-world/ap-us-news/ap-the-latest-trump-praises-police-who-broke-up-protests-at-columbia-ucla/

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