2021.08.08 國際新聞導讀-真主黨表示將隨時反擊以色列空襲不再容忍、以色列體操選手Linoy Ashram獲得奧運金牌成為國家驕傲、伊維菌素被以色列醫生實驗證明極為有效但生產廠商默克藥廠與FDA及世衛組織都不願承認其有效

2021-08-08·23 分鐘


2021.08.08 國際新聞導讀-真主黨表示將隨時反擊以色列空襲不再容忍、以色列體操選手Linoy Ashram獲得奧運金牌成為國家驕傲、伊維菌素被以色列醫生實驗證明極為有效但生產廠商默克藥廠與FDA及世衛組織都不願承認其有效

“這保持了現有的交戰規則,”哈桑納斯魯拉在黎巴嫩恐怖組織向以色列發射自 2006 年戰爭以來最大的火箭彈後說
通過TOI人員今天,下午 6:24

真主黨領袖哈桑·納斯魯拉於 2021 年 8 月 7 日發表講話。(截圖:推特)
“這保持了現有的交戰規則,”哈桑納斯魯拉在黎巴嫩恐怖組織向以色列發射自 2006 年戰爭以來最大的火箭彈後說
納斯魯拉在一次慶祝真主黨在 2006 年對以色列戰爭中自稱為“勝利”的演講中發表講話。該演講是在以色列與黎巴嫩邊境的恐怖組織之間的緊張局勢升級之前安排的。
納斯魯拉說,就目前而言,真主黨的反應僅限於在黎巴嫩人視為被佔領土的 Har Dov 開放的軍事區。

在真主黨向以色列發射了 19 枚火箭彈,這是自 2006 年第二次黎巴嫩戰爭以來最猛烈的砲火之後的第二天,侯賽因·薩拉米少將和卡西姆在德黑蘭舉行了伊朗新總統易卜拉欣·賴西的就職典禮。以色列以有限的砲火作為回應。
薩拉米告訴卡西姆,“真主黨對猶太復國主義軍隊侵略的最新反應向猶太復國主義實體的新總理 [納夫塔利·貝內特]證明,反應方程式沒有改變。” 據伊朗國家電視台的阿拉伯語服務 Al-Alam 報導。
由TOI 工作人員和機構提供今天,晚上 8:28

在這張 2019 年 4 月 24 日的照片中,伊朗革命衛隊指揮官侯賽因·薩拉米將軍出席在伊朗德黑蘭舉行的會議。(Sepahnews 通過美聯社)
真主黨最近從黎巴嫩向以色列發射火箭彈是向 6 月宣誓就職的以色列總理納夫塔利·貝內特發出的“信息”,“反應方程式沒有改變”,而且以色列沒有在該地區設定議程,他說。週六,伊朗革命衛隊(IRGC)指揮官侯賽因·薩拉米少將。
週六的會議是在真主黨以自 2006 年第二次黎巴嫩戰爭以來最猛烈的砲火向以色列發射了 19 枚火箭彈之後的第二天舉行的。
“我們想告訴我們的以色列敵人,對黎巴嫩的任何空襲絕對會得到回應——但要以適當的、相稱的方式,”納斯魯拉在慶祝真主黨在 2006 年自稱為“勝利”的預先安排的電視講話中說。對以色列的戰爭。
據以色列軍方稱,以色列週三晚間襲擊了黎巴嫩南部的目標,以回應該地區巴勒斯坦恐怖組織發射的火箭彈。星期五早上,真主黨向以色列北部發射了 19 枚 122 毫米火箭彈,導致戈蘭高地和加利利的一些城鎮的居民爭先恐後地避難。
真主黨首領說:“這是一個明確的信息:你們轟炸了開放地區,所以我們轟炸了開放地區。” “這保持了現有的交戰規則。”
根據周六第 12 頻道的無來源報導,以色列國防機構一直在密切監視事件,並估計以色列和真主黨之間很快就會發生幾天的戰鬥。

2021 年 8 月 6 日,真主黨從邊境黎巴嫩一側發射火箭後,以色列自行榴彈砲從以色列北部城鎮基里亞特什莫納附近的一個位置向黎巴嫩開火。(Jalaa Marey/法新社)
Hezbollah rocket attack on Israel a ‘message’ to new PM, says Iranian commander
Iranian Revolutionary Guards chief meets with deputy secretary-general of Lebanese terror group in Tehran, says barrage signals unchanged response policy
By TOI STAFF and AGENCIESToday, 8:28 pm

In this April 24, 2019 picture, Iran's Revolutionary Guard commander Gen. Hossein Salami attends a meeting in Tehran, Iran. (Sepahnews via AP)
Hezbollah’s latest rocket fire on Israel from Lebanon was a “message” to Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who was sworn in in June, “that the equation of response has not changed” and that Israel does not set the agenda in the region, said Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami on Saturday.
Salami made the comments to Hezbollah deputy secretary-general Naim Qassem during a meeting between the two in Tehran, according to Iranian media.
The meeting Saturday came a day after Hezbollah fired 19 rockets at Israel in the heaviest barrage since the 2006 Second Lebanon War.
A photo of Salami and Qassem was published on Saturday on the IRGC’s Telegram channel. Qassem was in Tehran for the inauguration of ultra-conservative Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. At his inauguration ceremony on Thursday, both Qassem and Hamas terror group chief Ismail Haniyeh could be seen in the audience.
On Saturday, Salami told Qassem during the meeting that “the capacities are ready for the collapse of the Zionist regime,” according to Iranian state-linked media Tehran Times.
Salami also stressed (Arabic) the continued support of Iran for “the resistance” in Lebanon.
Back in Lebanon, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah said Saturday that the terror group was not seeking escalation with Israel, but would respond in kind to any Israeli airstrikes.
“We wanted to tell our Israeli enemy that any airstrike against Lebanon will absolutely be met with a response — but in an appropriate, proportional way,” Nasrallah said in a pre-scheduled televised address celebrating Hezbollah’s self-described “victory” in the 2006 war against Israel.
Israel struck targets in south Lebanon late Wednesday in response to rocket fire by Palestinian terror groups in the area, according to the Israeli military. On Friday morning, Hezbollah fired a barrage of nineteen 122mm rockets into northern Israel, sending residents in a number of towns in the Golan Heights and Galilee scrambling to shelters.
The terror group immediately took responsibility for the rocket fire and released a video of the assault showing a mobile rocket launcher maneuvering into position, raising the launcher and firing the salvo of rockets at Israel.
For now, Nasrallah said Saturday, Hezbollah’s response has been confined to open military zones in Har Dov, which Lebanese see as occupied territory.
“This is a message that is clear as day: you bombed open areas, so we bombed open areas,” said the Hezbollah chief. “This maintains the existing rules of engagement.”
He added, however, that if Israel continues to conduct airstrikes in Lebanon, Hezbollah may broaden its range of fire.
“Our response could be in the Galilee, or parts of the Lebanese Golan that Israel has occupied. But this will all be considered in due time,” Nasrallah said.
On Friday, Qassem told reporters that although the group did not believe it was heading towards an escalation with Israel, they were “prepared to respond” should Israel strike Lebanese territory again.
The Israeli defense establishment has been closely monitoring events and estimated that there could soon be several days of fighting between Israel and Hezbollah, according to an unsourced report by Channel 12 on Saturday.

Israeli self-propelled howitzers fire towards Lebanon from a position near the northern Israeli town of Kiryat Shmona, following Hezbollah rocket fire from the Lebanese side of the border, on August 6, 2021. (Jalaa Marey/AFP)
The United States, meanwhile, urged Lebanon’s government to prevent Hezbollah from firing rockets into Israel
A Shiite terror organization backed by Iran, Hezbollah has long exerted a powerful role in Lebanon, which is wracked by an economic meltdown and has only had a caretaker government for nearly a year.

2021 年 8 月 7 日,在 2020 年東京奧運會期間,以色列金牌得主 Linoy Ashram 參加藝術體操項目個人全能決賽。(Lionel Bonaventure/法新社)
總理納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett) 還稱讚道場是“努力和辛勤工作的象徵”。
“就像她的母親 Hedva 所說:一個真正的神奇女俠,”Bennett 補充道。
文化和體育部長 Chili Troper 說她是以色列歷史上最偉大的運動員之一。

Linoy Ashram:我從小就夢想獲得奧運金牌

2021 年 8 月 7 日,在東京有明體操中心舉行的 2020 年東京奧運會期間,以色列選手 Linoy Ashram 在藝術體操項目個人全能決賽的領獎台上與金牌合影。(Lionel Bonaventure/法新社)
奧運藝術體操冠軍Linoy Ashram說,她從小就夢想贏得金牌。
8 分鐘前

Haredi MKs 加入批評內塔尼亞胡對安息日的奧運祝賀

2021 年 5 月 6 日,在耶路撒冷議會舉行的新聞發布會上,Haredi 黨領袖 Shas(中)和 Yaakov Litzman(左)以及聯合律法猶太教的 Moshe Gafni 舉行了新聞發布會。(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
“奧運會不是拯救生命的行為,反對派領導人是一個國家職位,禁止發表褻瀆安息日的聲明,”聯合托拉猶太教 MK Ganfi 說,指的是內塔尼亞胡目前的職位。
UTJ MK Yaakov Litzman 也譴責內塔尼亞胡,稱他沒有“真正需要”在安息日發表聲明。
Shas 首領 Aryeh Deri 說,內塔尼亞胡發表的聲明“傷害了許多遵守安息日的猶太人,也傷害了他的忠實夥伴,他們對安息日非常珍視。”
像斯莫特里奇的政黨一樣,UTJ 和 Shas 與內塔尼亞胡的利庫德集團結盟。


2021 年 7 月 12 日,猶太復國主義宗教領袖 Bezalel Smotrich 在以色列議會派系會議上發表講話。 (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)
“我為 Linoy 的黃金感到高興,為安息日的褻瀆感到難過。我很高興總理和總統一直祝賀安息日結束,內塔尼亞胡在安息日期間發表聲明感到難過,”他在推特上寫道。
嚴重的 COVID 病例超過 300,創 4 個月新高;週五 14 人死亡
據衛生部稱,嚴重的冠狀病毒病例激增至 324 例,這是自 4 月初以來首次超過 300 例。
死亡人數躍升至 6,535,昨天有 14 人死亡。
以色列有 31,736 例活躍病例,其中 49 人使用呼吸機。本週末到目前為止,已記錄了 6,315 例新感染病例。
昨天的陽性檢測率為 3.79%。
自以色列開始向 60 歲以上和免疫功能低下的以色列人提供第三劑 COVID-19 疫苗以來,已有 412,308 人接受了加強注射。總共有 5,805,286 人至少接受了一次注射,5,393,198 人接受了兩次注射。

美國現在平均每天有 100,000 例新的 COVID 感染
佛羅里達州勞德代爾堡 — 美國現在平均每天有 100,000 例新的 COVID-19 感染,回到了冬季激增期間最後一次出現的里程碑,這再次令人沮喪地提醒人們,Delta 變種在全國傳播的速度有多快。
衛生官員擔心,如果更多美國人不接受 COVID-19 疫苗,病例、住院和死亡人數將繼續飆升。
在全國范圍內,50% 的居民已完全接種疫苗,超過 70% 的成年人至少接種了一劑。
美國疾病控制與預防中心 (CDC) 主任羅謝爾·瓦倫斯基 (Rochelle Walensky) 表示:“我們的模型表明,如果我們不[為人們接種疫苗],每天可能會有多達數十萬例病例,類似於 1 月初的激增情況。”美國有線電視新聞網本週。
美國花了大約九個月的時間才在 11 月突破了 10 萬平均病例數,然後在 1 月初達到了約 25 萬的峰值。
病例數在 6 月份觸底,平均每天約 11,000 例,但六週後該數字為 107,143 例。
根據 CDC 的數據,目前有超過 44,000 名美國人因 COVID-19 住院,一周內增加了 30%,幾乎是 6 月份住院人數的四倍。1 月份有超過 120,000 人住院。
根據約翰霍普金斯大學的數據,7 天的平均死亡人數也有所增加。它從兩週前的每天約 270 人死亡增加到昨天的每天近 500 人。一月份的死亡人數達到每天 3,500 人的峰值。死亡通常落後於住院治療,因為這種疾病通常需要幾週才能殺死。
以色列科學家說 COVID-19 的治療費用低於 1 美元/天
雙盲研究表明伊維菌素可減少疾病的持續時間和傳染性 • FDA 和 WHO 警告不要使用它
2021 年 8 月 2 日 21:01


根據 位於 Tel Hashomer 的Sheba 醫療中心最近的研究,伊維菌素是一種用於在第三世界國家對抗寄生蟲的藥物,可以幫助減少每天花費不到 1 美元的冠狀病毒感染者的感染 時間。
Sheba 旅行醫學和熱帶疾病中心創始人 Eli Schwartz 教授從 2020 年 5 月 15 日至 2021 年 1 月進行了一項隨機、對照、雙盲試驗,以評估伊維菌素在減少病毒脫落方面的有效性在輕度至中度 COVID-19 的非住院患者中。
自 1987 年以來,伊維菌素已獲得美國食品和藥物管理局的批准。該藥物的發現者因其治療盤尾絲蟲病(一種由寄生蛔蟲感染引起的疾病)而獲得 2015 年諾貝爾醫學獎。
多年來,它已被用於其他適應症,包括疥瘡和頭蝨。此外,在過去十年中,幾項臨床研究已經開始顯示其對從 HIV 和流感到寨卡病毒和西尼羅河病毒的抗病毒活性。

這種藥物也非常經濟。發表在同行評審的美國治療學雜誌上的一項研究表明,孟加拉國其他治療方法的伊維菌素費用約為 0.60 美元至 1.80 美元,為期五天。施瓦茨說,在以色列,每天的費用高達 10 美元。

在施瓦茨的研究中,大約 89 名符合條件的 18 歲以上被診斷出患有
並住在 COVID-19 國營酒店的志願者被分為兩組:50% 接受伊維菌素,50% 接受安慰劑,根據他們的體重. 他們連續三天服用藥丸,飯前一小時。

使用標準鼻咽拭子 PCR 測試對志願者進行了測試,目的是評估到第六天——治療結束後的第三天,病毒載量是否降低。他們每兩天擦拭一次。

到第 6 天,近 72% 接受伊維菌素治療的志願者的病毒檢測結果呈陰性。相比之下,接受安慰劑的人中只有 50% 的測試結果為陰性。
此外,該研究考察了培養活力,即患者的傳染性,發現只有 13% 的伊維菌素患者在 6 天后具有傳染性,而安慰劑組的這一比例為 50%——幾乎是其四倍。
“我們的研究首先表明伊維菌素具有抗病毒活性,”施瓦茨說。“它還表明,一個人幾乎有 100% 的可能性在四到六天內不會感染,這可能會縮短這些人的隔離時間。這可能會產生巨大的經濟和社會影響。”
例如,今年早些時候發表在《美國治療學雜誌》上的研究強調,“前線 COVID-19 重症監護聯盟的評論總結了 27 項關於伊維菌素預防和治療 COVID-19 感染效果的研究結果。 ,得出的結論是,伊維菌素對 COVID-19 '顯示出強烈的治療效果信號'。”
報告稱:“最近的另一項審查發現,伊維菌素使死亡人數減少了 75%。”
但伊維菌素並非沒有爭議,因此,儘管全球冠狀病毒水平很高,但 FDA 和世界衛生組織都不願意批准它用於對抗病毒。
耶路撒冷希伯來大學研究員 Ya'acov Nahmias 教授質疑該藥物的安全性。
FDA 在其網站上表示,它“收到了多份關於需要醫療支持並在使用伊維菌素自我治療後住院的患者的報告。”
“FDA 尚未批准伊維菌素用於治療或預防人類 COVID-19,”它說。“伊維菌素片被批准以非常特定的劑量治療某些寄生蟲,並且有針對頭蝨和紅斑痤瘡等皮膚病的局部(皮膚)製劑。伊維菌素不是抗病毒藥(一種治療病毒的藥物)。服用大劑量這種藥物是危險的,會造成嚴重傷害。”
施瓦茨說,大約一年前,當“每個人都在尋找一種新藥”來治療 COVID-19 時,他對探索伊維菌素產生了興趣,並且投入了大量精力來評估羥氯喹,因此他決定加入這項工作。
對伊維菌素最強烈的反對聲來自於 1980 年代生產這種藥物的默克公司。在 2 月份在其網站上發布的關於伊維菌素的公開聲明中,它說:“公司科學家繼續仔細檢查所有可用和新興的伊維菌素治療 COVID-19 研究的結果,以證明有效性和安全性。值得注意的是,迄今為止,我們的分析尚未確定臨床前研究中針對 COVID-19 的潛在治療效果的科學依據;沒有關於 COVID-19 疾病患者的臨床活動或臨床療效的有意義的證據,並且在大多數研究中缺乏安全性數據。”
“開發新藥可能需要數年時間;因此,確定可以重新用於 COVID-19 的現有藥物 [和] 通過數十年的使用已經具有既定安全性的藥物可以在抑制甚至結束 SARS-CoV-2 大流行方面發揮關鍵作用,“寫道美國治療學雜誌的研究人員。“使用重新設計的藥物可能特別重要,因為世界上大部分人口接種疫苗可能需要數月甚至數年的時間,尤其是中低收入人群。”
Israeli scientist says COVID-19 could be treated for under $1/day
Double-blind study shows ivermectin reduces disease’s duration and infectiousness • FDA and WHO caution against its use
AUGUST 2, 2021 21:01


(photo credit: REUTERS)
Ivermectin, a drug used to fight parasites in third-world countries, could help reduce the length of infection for people who contract coronavirus for less than a $1 a day, according to recent research by Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer.
Prof. Eli Schwartz, founder of the Center for Travel Medicine and Tropical Disease at Sheba, conducted a randomized, controlled, double-blinded trial from May 15, 2020, through the end of January 2021 to evaluate the effectiveness of ivermectin in reducing viral shedding among nonhospitalized patients with mild to moderate COVID-19.
Ivermectin has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration since 1987. The drug’s discoverers were awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine for its treatment of onchocerciasis, a disease caused by infection with a parasitic roundworm.
Over the years, it has been used for other indications, including scabies and head lice. Moreover, in the last decade, several clinical studies have started to show its antiviral activity against viruses ranging from HIV and the flu to Zika and West Nile.
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The drug is also extremely economical. A study published in the peer-reviewed American Journal of Therapeutics showed that the cost of ivermectin for other treatments in Bangladesh is around $0.60 to $1.80 for a five-day course. It costs up to $10 a day in Israel, Schwartz said.

In Schwartz’s study, some 89 eligible volunteers over the age of 18 who were diagnosed with
and staying in state-run COVID-19 hotels were divided into two groups: 50% received ivermectin, and 50% received a placebo, according to their weight. They were given the pills for three days in a row, an hour before a meal.

The volunteers were tested using a standard nasopharyngeal swab PCR test with the goal of evaluating whether there was a reduction in viral load by the sixth day – the third day after termination of the treatment. They were swabbed every two days.
Nearly 72% of volunteers treated with ivermectin tested negative for the virus by day six. In contrast, only 50% of those who received the placebo tested negative.
IN ADDITION, the study looked at culture viability, meaning how infectious the patients were, and found that only 13% of ivermectin patients were infectious after six days, compared with 50% of the placebo group – almost four times as many.
“Our study shows first and foremost that ivermectin has antiviral activity,” Schwartz said. “It also shows that there is almost a 100% chance that a person will be noninfectious in four to six days, which could lead to shortening isolation time for these people. This could have a huge economic and social impact.”
The study appeared on the MedRxiv health-research sharing site. It has not yet been peer reviewed.
Schwartz said other similar studies – though not all of them conducted to the same double-blind and placebo standards as his – also showed a favorable impact of ivermectin treatment.
His study did not prove ivermectin was effective as a prophylactic, meaning that it could prevent disease, he cautioned, nor did it show that it reduces the chances of hospitalization. However, other studies have shown such evidence, he added.
For example, the study published earlier this year in the American Journal of Therapeutics highlighted that “a review by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance summarized findings from 27 studies on the effects of ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infection, concluding that ivermectin ‘demonstrates a strong signal of therapeutic efficacy’ against COVID-19.”
“Another recent review found that ivermectin reduced deaths by 75%,” the report said.
BUT IVERMECTIN is not without controversy, and hence, despite the high levels of coronavirus worldwide, neither the FDA nor the World Health Organization have been willing to approve it for use in the fight against the virus.
Prof. Ya’acov Nahmias, a Hebrew University of Jerusalem researcher, has questioned the safety of the drug.
“Ivermectin is a chemical therapeutic agent, and it has significant risks associated with it,” he said in a previous interview. “We should be very cautious about using this type of medication to treat a viral disease that the vast majority of the public is going to recover from even without this treatment.”
During Schwartz’s study, there was not any signal of significant side effects among ivermectin users.
Only five patients were referred to hospitals, with four of them being in the placebo arm. One ivermectin patient went to the hospital complaining of shortness of breath on the day of recruitment. He continued with the ivermectin treatment and was sent back to the hotel a day later in good condition.
The FDA said on its website it “received multiple reports of patients who have required medical support and been hospitalized after self-medicating with ivermectin.”
The “FDA has not approved ivermectin for use in treating or preventing COVID-19 in humans,” it said. “Ivermectin tablets are approved at very specific doses for some parasitic worms, and there are topical (on the skin) formulations for head lice and skin conditions like rosacea. Ivermectin is not an antiviral (a drug for treating viruses). Taking large doses of this drug is dangerous and can cause serious harm.”
The World Health Organization has also recommended against using the drug except in clinical trials.
IN CONTRAST, Schwartz said he was very disappointed that the WHO did not support any trial to determine whether the drug could be viable.
Last month, Oxford University announced a large trial on ivermectin effectiveness.
Schwartz said he became interested in exploring ivermectin about a year ago, “when everyone was looking for a new drug” to treat COVID-19, and a lot of effort was being put into evaluating hydroxychloroquine, so he decided to join the effort.
“Since ivermectin was on my shelf, since we are using it for tropical diseases, and there were hints it might work, I decided to go for it,” he said.
Researchers in other places worldwide began looking into the drug at around the same time. But when they started to see positive results, no one wanted to publish them, Schwartz said.
“There is a lot of opposition,” he said. “We tried to publish it, and it was kicked away by three journals. No one even wanted to hear about it. You have to ask how come when the world is suffering.”
“This drug will not bring any big economic profits,” and so Big Pharma doesn’t want to deal with it, he said.
SOME OF the loudest opposition to ivermectin has come from Merck Co., which manufactured the drug in the 1980s. In a public statement about ivermectin on its website in February, it said: “Company scientists continue to carefully examine the findings of all available and emerging studies of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 for evidence of efficacy and safety. It is important to note that, to date, our analysis has identified no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies; no meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and a concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.”
But Merck has not launched any studies of its own on ivermectin.
“You would think Merck would be happy to hear that ivermectin might be helpful to corona patients and try to study it, but they are most loudly declaring the drug should not be used,” Schwartz said. “A billion people took it. They gave it to them. It’s a real shame.”
And not moving forward with ivermectin could potentially extend the time it takes for the world to be able to live alongside the virus, he said.
“Developing new medications can take years; therefore, identifying existing drugs that can be re-purposed against COVID-19 [and] that already have an established safety profile through decades of use could play a critical role in suppressing or even ending the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic,” wrote the researchers in the American Journal of Therapeutics. “Using re-purposed medications may be especially important because it could take months, possibly years, for much of the world’s population to get vaccinated, particularly among low- to middle-income populations.”

該黨的一份聲明說,伊朗庫爾德斯坦民主黨(KDPI)中央委員會成員穆薩·巴巴哈尼(Mussa Babakhani)被“與伊朗有關聯的恐怖分子暗殺”。
德黑蘭將總部設在伊拉克自治庫爾德斯坦地區的 KDPI 稱為“恐怖主義”組織。
KDPI 指責伊朗近年來謀殺了其數名領導人。巴巴哈尼出生於 1981 年,1999 年入黨。
該組織在伊朗 1979 年伊斯蘭革命後被禁止。
布魯塞爾——一位歐盟官員今天表示,伊朗準備在新總統易卜拉欣·賴西 (Ebrahim Raisi) 的領導下就恢復與世界大國的核協議恢復談判,會議可能從 9 月初開始在維也納舉行。
這位不願透露姓名的高級官員說,歐盟的文件談判代表恩里克·莫拉 (Enrique Mora) 週四出席了賴西在德黑蘭的宣誓就職典禮,並與指定負責核談判的伊朗官員侯賽因·阿米爾·阿卜杜拉希安 (Hossein Amir-Abdollahian) 進行了交談。
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