2021.10.24 國際新聞導讀-以色列班耐特總理到索契見俄羅斯總統普丁、土耳其總統宣布10名西方使節將遭驅離出境、阿富汗人道危機將開始,人道救援團體力不能及、以色列破壞從黎巴嫩進口毒品與槍枝的走私事件

2021-10-24·19 分鐘


2021.10.24 國際新聞導讀-以色列班耐特總理到索契見俄羅斯總統普丁、土耳其總統宣布10名西方使節將遭驅離出境、阿富汗人道危機將開始,人道救援團體力不能及、以色列破壞從黎巴嫩進口毒品與槍枝的走私事件

2021 年 10 月 23 日 22:49

納夫塔利·貝內特總理和俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾·普京於 2021 年 10 月 22 日會面。

俄羅斯的Argumenty i Fakty論文週六辯稱,美國“未能通過高超音速武器的測試”。這與中國已測試高超音速武器的報導形成對比。
“據報導,10 月 21 日,北約成員國國防部長計劃批准一項新計劃,以同時從多個方向反擊俄羅斯的理論攻擊,”消息報說。“有人指出,該聯盟'仍決心遏制莫斯科。'”
克里姆林宮知道,貝內特最近也在華盛頓舉行了 8 月的會晤,而且以色列和美國的關係很牢固。這個猶太國家也在改善整個中東的關係。
這意味著結束敘利亞政權在內戰期間受到的冷遇。這對 2015 年代表該政權進行干預的俄羅斯來說是個好消息。俄羅斯在敘利亞的赫邁米姆設有基地,並在這個中東國家擁有海軍資產和特種部隊,以及防空和其他國防資產。這是莫斯科的重要國家。

俄羅斯總統普京周三準備在莫斯科郊外的新奧加廖沃州官邸發表講話。(來源:SERGEY ILYIN/SPUTNIK/VIA REUTERS)

敘利亞政權經常假裝是“抵抗”以色列的一部分,儘管該政權自 1970 年代以來就承認與以色列作戰是徒勞的。然而,敘利亞擁有反以色列分子,政權的軟弱意味著伊朗代理人已經回填敘利亞南部的地區,威脅以色列並轉移武器。
這與中國最近在 5 月加沙沖突期間發表的聲明不同,當時北京對以色列更為批評,也許已經開始將其視為全球存在的更廣泛的美中緊張局勢中的潛在對抗點。美國經常強調以色列需要與中國保持距離。
Putin-Bennett talks come amid Russia tensions with West - analysis
Russia has been in the news lately, mainly for its competition with the West. It has suspended a diplomatic mission with NATO and there are other concerns on the horizon.
OCTOBER 23, 2021 22:49

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Russia President Vladimir Putin meeting, October 22, 2021.

(photo credit: KOBI GIDEON/GPO)
Russia’s Tass news agency highlighted the talks between Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Russian President Vladimir Putin, illustrating the importance not only of the length of the talks but the overall Russian state news media view of Israel and its role in Moscow’s foreign policy.
Russia has been in the news lately, mainly for its competition with the West. It has suspended a diplomatic mission with NATO and there are other concerns on the horizon. For instance, there are questions about Russia using energy policy to strong-arm Europe.
CNN says that “it’s undeniable that Putin and the Russian president’s inner circle have grown in confidence during this period. Whether it be through annexing parts of another nation, backing a dictator in a foreign war or poisoning dissidents on Russian soil, Putin’s Kremlin seemingly no longer seeks validation from a West that has allowed Moscow’s belligerence to grow with little effect on his behavior.”
Russia’s Argumenty i Fakty paper argued on Saturday that the US had “failed the test of hypersonic weapons.” This is in contrast to reports that China has tested a hypersonic weapon.
Meanwhile, Russian media reports that Kyrgyzstan has refused to host a US military base. Russian media also says that the leader of the Social Democrats in Germany supports the Nord Stream 2 Russian pipeline. And Russia has carried out a joint naval drill with China, Tass media says.
Meanwhile, NATO is “consistently pulling its forces to Russian borders amid calls for military deterrence of Russia,” Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Saturday. This is part of the wider context where Moscow wants to put NATO on notice.
Russia’s Izvestia pointed out concerns about the US using Pakistani airspace, adding that foreigners have been “amazed” by the precision of the Russian Iskander missile. Russia also notes that US air defenses are not sufficient, while expressing concerns about America’s export of Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine.
Overall, then, the stance of Russia is clear. It is concerned about NATO and playing up reports of the treaty organization’s “massing” of troops.

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“On October 21, it was reported that the heads of defense departments of NATO member states plan to approve a new plan to counter a theoretical attack by Russia in several directions at once, Izvestia says. “It was noted that the alliance ‘is still determined to contain Moscow.’”
Furthermore, “on the same day, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that NATO and the organization’s secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg, had driven relations with Russia into a state where they hadn’t even been during the Cold War. According to her, in such circumstances, it is impossible to work with the alliance on urgent international challenges.”
In this context, Russia held its long meeting with Bennett. It is important for Moscow that he stayed over for Shabbat because it gives Russia more time to observe and become familiar with the Israeli leader.
The Kremlin knows that Bennett also had a recent meeting in Washington in August and that Israel-US relations are strong. The Jewish state is also improving relations across the Middle East.
Russia cares about increasing its power in the region and has forces in Syria as well as military contractors who have been reported in Libya, the Central African Republic and other countries. Moscow enjoys close relations with Tehran, while Iran and Israel are bitter foes.
Russia also works with Turkey and Iran via the Astana process to discuss the situation in Syria. Moscow wants the US to leave Syria. In recent days, there was a drone attack on the US facility at Tanf. Russia also knows that Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and the Gulf states want to return Syria to regional respectability.
That means ending the cold shoulder the Syrian regime got during the civil war. This is good news for Russia, which intervened on behalf of the regime in 2015. Russia has a base at Khmeimim in Syria and has naval assets and special forces, along with air defense and other defense assets in the Middle Eastern country. This is an important country for Moscow.

RUSSIAN PRESIDENT Vladimir Putin prepares to speak at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow on Wednesday. (credit: SERGEY ILYIN/SPUTNIK/VIA REUTERS)
FOR ISRAEL, the issue in Syria is that Iran has entrenched itself there and that Tehran and its proxies like Hezbollah threaten Israel from there. Israel’s former Chief of Staff said Israel had struck more than a thousand Iranian targets in Syria. This campaign between the wars has become important for the Jewish state.
Besides the Iranian nuclear issue, Israel has other concerns that Russia is aware of. An Israeli security official recently said that “Iran resorts to using subversion, terrorist financing and arms exports. Iran is continuing its project of entrenching itself in countries rife with instability, with the aim of threatening other countries of the region.”
Israel has also highlighted the Iranian drone threat. In recent months, it has been seeing how Iran uses drones to attack targets across the Middle East.
Jerusalem continues to be concerned about the transfer of precision-guided missiles to Hezbollah. “Iran and the terrorist organization Hezbollah continue to establish themselves in Syria and threaten Israel. Israel will continue its campaign in this gray area – and will continue for as long as it takes in order to protect the citizens of Israel,” the Israeli security official said.
In the wider region, Israel is hosting the Blue Flag air force drill with seven countries and is growing relations with Greece and Cyprus, as well as the UAE, Bahrain, India, Egypt and Jordan. It has also officially moved to the US Central Command’s area of operations, after decades under European Command. This has ramifications. The main word from Israel is “stability” – stability from Greece to the Gulf, stability in the Palestinian areas, stability in Lebanon.
Russia also wants stability in the region, but one that will mean more Russian influence and the rollback of US influence. America has a role in Iraq and Syria today and there are traditional US allies in the region. Russia has its friends, such as Tehran and Damascus. It also wants more inroads in the Gulf, Egypt and Iraq, and it wants to encourage Turkey to distance itself from the US.

THESE DIFFERING policies are not necessarily in line with Israel’s interests. Turkey’s current ruling party is intensely hostile to the Jewish state, even though it signaled some reconciliation over the last year. Iran is also hostile to Israel.
Syria’s regime has often pretended to be part of the “resistance” against Israel, even though the regime since the 1970s has recognized that fighting Israel is futile. Nevertheless, Syria hosts anti-Israel elements, and the weakness of the regime means Iranian proxies have backfilled areas in southern Syria, threatening Israel and transferring arms.
All of this is well-known in Moscow. The question being asked there is how to manage the situation. This shows that Israel is important to its policy.
This is different than recent statements from China during the Gaza conflict in May where Beijing was more critical of Israel and perhaps has come to see it as a potential point of confrontation in the wider US-China tensions that exist globally. America has often stressed the need for Israel to distance itself from China.
US policymakers have not generally said the same about the meetings between Israeli and Russian officials – and Moscow also doesn’t talk up the idea that its ties with Israel somehow are at odds with close Israel-US ties.
在呼籲“緊急釋放”慈善家奧斯曼卡瓦拉後,土耳其不再歡迎 10 名西方國家大使。
2021 年 10 月 23 日 21:38

土耳其總統塔伊普·埃爾多安於 2021 年 3 月 4 日在土耳其安卡拉通過視頻鏈接參加了他執政的 AK 黨的會議。

土耳其總統塔伊普·埃爾多安週六表示,他已下令外交部宣布 10 名西方國家的大使為“不受歡迎的人”,因為他們呼籲釋放慈善家奧斯曼·卡瓦拉。
驅逐 10 位大使,其中 7 位代表土耳其北約盟國政府,這將標誌著埃爾多安執政 19 年期間與西方最深的外交裂痕。
卡瓦拉已入獄四年,被控為 2013 年的全國抗議活動提供資金,並參與 2016 年未遂政變。在繼續審判期間,他一直被拘留,並否認指控。
在 10 月 18 日的聯合聲明中,加拿大、丹麥、法國、德國、荷蘭、挪威、瑞典、芬蘭、新西蘭和美國的大使呼籲公正、迅速地解決卡瓦拉的案件,並呼籲他的“緊急釋放。” 他們被外交部傳喚,稱該聲明不負責任。
埃爾多安在一次演講中說:“我向我們的外交部長發出了必要的命令,並說必須做什麼:必須立即宣布這 10 位大使為不受歡迎的人。你們會立即解決問題,”埃爾多安在講話中說,使用的術語的意思是外交官在國內已經不受歡迎了。

上週,土耳其總統塔伊普·埃爾多安在安卡拉議會舉行的一次會議上向執政的 AK 黨(AKP)的成員致意。(信用:穆拉特 CETINMUHURDAR/REUTERS)
埃爾多安此前曾表示,他計劃下週末在羅馬舉行的 G20 峰會上會見美國總統喬·拜登。
卡瓦拉去年因與 2013 年抗議活動有關的指控而被無罪釋放,但今年該裁決被推翻,並與另一起與未遂政變有關的案件的指控相結合。
歐洲人權法院呼籲在 2019 年底立即釋放卡瓦拉,稱沒有合理懷疑他犯了罪,並認定他被拘留是為了讓他保持沉默。
今年,它就親庫爾德人民民主黨(HDP)前主席塞拉哈丁·德米爾塔斯(Selahattin Demirtas)的案件發布了類似的裁決,他已被關押近五年。
針對 Kavala 和其他人的案件的下一次聽證會將於 11 月 26 日舉行。
Turkey to banish 10 Western ambassadors, Erdogan says
10 ambassadors from Western countries are no longer welcome in Turkey after calling for the 'urgent release' of philanthropist Osman Kavala.
OCTOBER 23, 2021 21:38

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan attends a meeting of his ruling AK Party via video link in Ankara, Turkey March 4, 2021.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday he had ordered the foreign ministry to declare 10 ambassadors from Western countries 'persona non grata' for calling for the release of philanthropist Osman Kavala.
Expelling the 10 ambassadors, seven of whom represent governments from Turkey's NATO allies, would mark the deepest diplomatic rift with the West during Erdogan's 19 years in power.
Kavala has been in prison for four years, charged with financing nationwide protests in 2013 and with involvement in a failed coup in 2016. He has remained in detention while his trial continues, and denies the charges.

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In a joint statement on Oct. 18, the ambassadors of Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, New Zealand and the United States called for a just and speedy resolution to Kavala's case, and for his "urgent release." They were summoned by the foreign ministry, which called the statement irresponsible.
"I gave the necessary order to our foreign minister and said what must be done: These 10 ambassadors must be declared persona non grata at once. You will sort it out immediately," Erdogan said in a speech, using a term meaning that a diplomat is no longer welcome in the country.

TURKISH PRESIDENT Tayyip Erdogan greets members of his ruling AK Party (AKP) during a meeting at the Parliament in Ankara, last week. (credit: MURAT CETINMUHURDAR/REUTERS)
"They will know and understand Turkey. The day they do not know and understand Turkey, they will leave," he said to cheers from the crowd in the northwestern city of Eskisehir.
The US, German and French embassies and the White House and US State Department did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Erdogan has said previously that he plans to meet US President Joe Biden at a G20 summit in Rome next weekend.

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The Norwegian Foreign Ministry said its embassy in Ankara had not received information from Turkish authorities regarding the matter at this time.
"Our ambassador has not done anything that warrants an expulsion," the ministry's head of communications, Trude Maaseide, told Reuters in an emailed statement, adding that Turkey was well aware of Norway's view on this case.
"We will continue to call on Turkey to comply with democratic standards and the rule of law to which the country committed itself under the European Human Rights Convention," Maaseide said.
Kavala was acquitted last year of charges related to the 2013 protests, but the ruling was overturned this year and combined with charges in another case related to the coup attempt.
Rights groups say his case is emblematic of a crackdown on dissent under Erdogan.
Six of the countries involved are EU members, including Germany and France. European Parliament President David Sassoli said on Twitter: "The expulsion of ten ambassadors is a sign of the authoritarian drift of the Turkish government. We will not be intimidated. Freedom for Osman Kavala."
Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod said his ministry had not received any official notification regarding the issue and that it was in close contact with its friends and allies.
"We will continue to guard our common values and principles, as also expressed in the joint declaration," he said in an emailed statement.
Kavala said on Friday that it would be "meaningless" for him to attend his trial as a fair hearing was impossible given recent comments by Erdogan.
Erdogan was quoted on Thursday as saying the ambassadors in question would not release "bandits, murderers and terrorists" in their own countries.
The European Court of Human Rights called for Kavala's immediate release in late 2019, saying there was no reasonable suspicion that he had committed an offense, and finding that his detention had been intended to silence him.
It issued a similar ruling this year in the case of Selahattin Demirtas, former head of the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), who has been held in jail for nearly five years.
The Council of Europe, which oversees the implementation of ECHR decisions, has said it will begin infringement proceedings against Turkey if Kavala is not released.
The next hearing in the case against Kavala and others is due on Nov. 26.
2021 年 10 月 23 日 08:27

2007 年,紅十字國際委員會的成員站在埃雷茲十字路口附近。

在西方支持的政府垮台和塔利班於 8 月重新掌權後,數十億美元的外國援助突然中斷,阿富汗陷入危機。
“阿富汗是一場日益惡化的複雜危機,”他說,並引用了數十年因氣候變化和 COVID-19 大流行的影響而加劇的衝突。
馬爾蒂尼說,阿富汗 3900 萬人口中有 30% 面臨嚴重營養不良,該國 1800 萬人需要人道主義援助或保護。
塔利班在 1996 年至 2001 年上次執政期間驅逐了許多外國援助團體,但這次表示歡迎外國捐助者並將保護其工作人員的權利。
Red Cross warns aid groups not enough to stave off Afghan humanitarian crisis
Afghanistan has been plunged into crisis by the abrupt end of billions of dollars in foreign assistance following the collapse of the Western-backed government and return to power by the Taliban.
OCTOBER 23, 2021 08:27

Members of the International Committee of the Red Cross stand near Erez Crossing in 2007.

(photo credit: REUTERS)
The Red Cross on Friday urged the international community to engage with Afghanistan's new Taliban rulers, saying that aid groups on their own would be unable to stave off a humanitarian crisis.
Afghanistan has been plunged into crisis by the abrupt end of billions of dollars in foreign assistance following the collapse of the Western-backed government and return to power by the Taliban in August.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has since increased its efforts in the country while other organizations were also stepping up, Director General Robert Mardini said.
But he told Reuters that support from the international community, who had so far taken a cautious approach in engaging with the Taliban, was critical to providing basic services.
"Humanitarian organizations joining forces can only do so much. They can come up with temporary solutions."
The United Nations on Thursday announced it had set up a fund to provide cash directly to Afghans, which Mardini said would solve the problem for three months.
"Afghanistan is a compounded crisis that is deteriorating by the day," he said, citing decades of conflict compounded by the effects of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mardini said 30% of Afghanistan's 39 million population were facing severe malnutrition and that 18 million people in the country need humanitarian assistance or protection.
The Taliban expelled many foreign aid groups when it was last in power from 1996-2001 but this time has said it welcomes foreign donors and will protect the rights of their staff.
But the hardline Islamists, facing criticism it has failed to protect rights, including access to education for girls, have also said aid should not be tied to conditions.
敘利亞基地組織高級指揮官被美軍擊斃 - 五角大樓
2021 年 10 月 23 日 08:01


(圖片來源:KHALIL ASHAWI / 路透社)
襲擊發生在美國在敘利亞南部的一個前哨基地遭到襲擊兩天后。Rigsbee 沒有說明美國的無人機襲擊是否是為了報復。
Senior al-Qaeda commander in Syria killed by US army - Pentagon
The US millitary killed a senior al-Qaeda leader in Syria said the Pentagon.
OCTOBER 23, 2021 08:01

Protesters carry Al-Qaeda flags during an anti-government protest after Friday prayers in the town of Marat Numan in Idlib province, Syria

(photo credit: KHALIL ASHAWI / REUTERS)
The US military killed senior al-Qaeda leader Abdul Hamid al-Matar in a drone strike in Syria on Friday, a US Central Command spokesman said.
"The removal of this al Qaeda senior leader will disrupt the terrorist organization's ability to further plot and carry out global attacks threatening US citizens, our partners, and innocent civilians," US Army Major John Rigsbee said in a written statement.
The strike comes two days after a US outpost in southern Syria was attacked. Rigsbee did not say if the US drone strike was carried out in retaliation.
IDF, Police foil attempt to smuggle drugs, guns across Lebanon border
A smuggling attempt across the Israeli-Lebanese border was spotted by IDF soldiers and around NIS 350,000 worth of contraband was seized.
OCTOBER 23, 2021 21:46

An Israeli soldier cleans the cannon of an artillery unit on the Israeli side of the border with Lebanon, August 6, 2021.

(photo credit: REUTERS/AMMAR AWAD)
IDF soldiers and Israel Police foiled an attempt to smuggle weapons and drugs across Israel’s border with Lebanon, the Police said on Saturday.
The attempt was spotted by IDF soldiers and around NIS 350,000 worth of contraband was seized. Two guns and nine kg. of hashish were seized, Police said.
The IDF and Police are investigating the incident and examining the possibility that the attempt was aided by Hezbollah, the IDF said.

Edelstein mocks Netanyahu for saying current gov't may last until 2025
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The economic situation in Lebanon leaves the IDF concerned that there may be an increase of drug smuggling and infiltration of migrant workers and refugees along the northern border.

Drugs and weapons seized after a smuggling attempt across the Israel, Lebanon border. (credit: ISRAEL POLICE)
“The Lebanese economy is not good, and that can lead to things happening on the border,” Lt.-Col. Raz Haimlich, commander of the Artillery Corps Fire Brigade 411th “Keren” Battalion, told The Jerusalem Post in July. “I’m always ready for something to happen… whether it’s drugs being smuggled or people infiltrating, looking for work. I think the work that the IDF is doing will stop people from trying to smuggle.”

Anna Ahronheim contributed to this report.
IDF, Police foil attempt to smuggle drugs, guns across Lebanon border
A smuggling attempt across the Israeli-Lebanese border was spotted by IDF soldiers and around NIS 350,000 worth of contraband was seized.
OCTOBER 23, 2021 21:46

An Israeli soldier cleans the cannon of an artillery unit on the Israeli side of the border with Lebanon, August 6, 2021.

(photo credit: REUTERS/AMMAR AWAD)
IDF soldiers and Israel Police foiled an attempt to smuggle weapons and drugs across Israel’s border with Lebanon, the Police said on Saturday.
The attempt was spotted by IDF soldiers and around NIS 350,000 worth of contraband was seized. Two guns and nine kg. of hashish were seized, Police said.
The IDF and Police are investigating the incident and examining the possibility that the attempt was aided by Hezbollah, the IDF said.

Edelstein mocks Netanyahu for saying current gov't may last until 2025
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The economic situation in Lebanon leaves the IDF concerned that there may be an increase of drug smuggling and infiltration of migrant workers and refugees along the northern border.

Drugs and weapons seized after a smuggling attempt across the Israel, Lebanon border. (credit: ISRAEL POLICE)
“The Lebanese economy is not good, and that can lead to things happening on the border,” Lt.-Col. Raz Haimlich, commander of the Artillery Corps Fire Brigade 411th “Keren” Battalion, told The Jerusalem Post in July. “I’m always ready for something to happen… whether it’s drugs being smuggled or people infiltrating, looking for work. I think the work that the IDF is doing will stop people from trying to smuggle.”
美國擔心以色列建造 3,000 個定居者家園的計劃
在宣布定居者住房計劃之際,有媒體報導稱,總理納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett) 面臨著美國要求凍結此類計劃的額外壓力。
2021 年 10 月 23 日 22:59

2020 年 6 月 30 日,一名猶太定居者走過耶路撒冷附近西岸 Givat Zeev 和 Ramat Givat Zeev 周圍的以色列定居點建築工地。

美國對以色列國防軍推進 3,000 座西岸定居者住房計劃的意圖感到“擔憂”,包括將兩個前哨基地合法化。
JPost 的熱門文章
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How PM Bennett spent Shabbat in Sochi

2020 年 12 月 1 日,約旦河西岸 Gush Etzion 的 Efrat 猶太人定居點和周邊田地。(圖片來源:GERSHON ELINSON/FLASH90)
該委員會通常每年召開四次會議來推進定居計劃,但今年它只在 1 月份召開了一次會議,以推動 780 戶定居者住房的計劃,這只是過去幾年推進的金額的一小部分。
據左翼非政府組織 Peace Now 稱,高級規劃委員會在 2020 年推進了 12,159 套住房計劃,並在 2019 年推進了 8,457 套移民住房計劃。
在貝內特離開與拜登的第一次會面之前,該委員會最初定於 8 月召開會議,以批准建造 2,223 座定居者房屋的計劃。

歷史悠久的 74 英畝矽谷地產以 1.35 億美元掛牌出售由 Mansion Global 贊助
民政局表示,它打算就涉及 3,144 套住宅計劃的 30 個項目進行辯論。其中,1,800 套房屋將獲得最終批准。
根據現在的和平,這包括將 Mitzpe Danny 前哨站合法化為 Ma'aleh Mishmash 定居點的新社區,以及將 Haroeh Haivri 合法化為教育機構的計劃。它補充說,由於某些計劃的重複計算,其計劃的數量達到了 2,862。
10 月 31 日,該委員會還將在以色列國防軍軍事和文職人員控制下的西岸 C 區推進六個項目,共計 1,303 套巴勒斯坦人住房。
這包括伯利恆地區 Al-Ma'assara 村的 270 所房屋、圖爾卡姆地區 Almasqufa 的 233 所房屋和南希伯倫山 Dkeika 的 200 所房屋。
此外,傑寧地區的計劃將就 Abba a-Sharqiya 的 160 套住宅、Khirbet Abdallah Younas 的 170 套住宅和 Bir Albasha 的 270 套住宅進行辯論。
在所有這些中,只有阿卜杜拉的 170 所房屋將獲得最終批准。在 Gush Etzion 地區的 Khirbet Zakariya 建造 50 座巴勒斯坦人房屋的計劃被取消。
Lahav Harkov 為本報告做出了貢獻。

US concerned about Israeli plans for 3,000 settler homes
The announcement about settler housing plans comes amid media reports that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is under extra US pressure to freeze such plans.
OCTOBER 23, 2021 22:59

A Jewish settler walks past Israeli settlement construction sites around Givat Zeev and Ramat Givat Zeev in the West Bank, near Jerusalem June 30, 2020.

(photo credit: AMMAR AWAD/REUTERS)
The US is “concerned” by the IDF’s intention to advance plans for 3,000 settler West Bank homes, including for the legalization of two outposts.
It is the first such large-scale advancement of settler housing plans by the Higher Planning Council for Judea and Samaria since US President Joe Biden was sworn into office.
The announcement comes amid media reports that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is under extra US pressure to freeze such plans. Cabinet ministers and officials close to Bennett have denied those reports.
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US concerned about Israeli plans for 3,000 settler homes
US State Department spokesman Ned Price was queried about the announcement at Friday’s news briefing.
“We are concerned about the announcement of a meeting next week to advance settlement units deep in the West Bank, and believe it is critical for Israel and the Palestinian Authority to refrain from unilateral steps that exacerbate tension and undercut efforts to advance a negotiated two-state solution,” said Price. “This certainly includes settlement activity, as well as retroactive legalization of settlement outposts.”

View of the Jewish settlement of Efrat and the surrounding fields, in Gush Etzion, West Bank, on December 1, 2020. (credit: GERSHON ELINSON/FLASH90)
The council usually meets four times a year to advance settlement plans, but this year it has met only once, in January, to promote plans for 780 settler homes, a fraction of the amount it advanced in past years.
According to the left-wing NGO Peace Now, the Higher Planning Council pushed forward plans for 12,159 homes in 2020, and advanced plans for 8,457 settler homes in 2019.
The council had initially been set to convene in August to approve plans for 2,223 settler homes, prior to Bennett’s departure for his first meeting with Biden.
That meeting was canceled due to a strike and has only now been rescheduled, with a larger number of planned homes.
The Civil Administration has said that it intends to debate 30 projects that involve plans for 3,144 homes. Out of those, 1,800 homes will receive final approval.
This includes plans for the legalization of both the Mitzpe Danny outpost as a new neighborhood in the Ma’aleh Mishmash settlement, and the Haroeh Haivri as an educational institution, according to Peace Now. It added that its count of the plans came to 2,862, due to the double-counting of some plans.
On October 31, the council is also set to advance six projects totaling 1,303 homes for Palestinians in Area C of the West Bank, which is under IDF military and civilian control.
This includes 270 homes in Al-Ma’assara village in the Bethlehem area, 233 homes in Almasqufa in the Tulkarm area and 200 in Dkeika in the South Hebron Hills.
In addition, plans for the Jenin area will be debated regarding 160 homes in Abba a-Sharqiya, 170 homes in Khirbet Abdallah Younas and 270 in Bir Albasha.
Of all those, only the 170 homes in Abdallah will receive final approval. A plan for 50 Palestinian homes in Khirbet Zakariya in the Gush Etzion region was dropped.
Lahav Harkov contributed to this report.
內塔尼亞胡在一次地方當局會議上說:“我們將迅速返回並解決問題。[我們的回歸] 可能需要兩週或三年半的時間。
2021 年 10 月 23 日 22:06


(照片來源:Yonatan Zendel/Flash90)
“所以,即使右翼有 72 個授權,我們也應該在反對派中坐等三年半,讓左翼摧毀猶太國家?” 埃德爾斯坦問道。“我們不會讓這種事情發生。我們現在必須解散這個災難性的政府!”

與內政部長阿耶萊特·沙克德關係密切的消息人士否認了周六晚上 KAN 電視台的報導,即通過預算的最後障礙已被消除。根據該報告,Shaked 和 Ra'am(阿拉伯聯合名單)就為阿拉伯部門的