對友談情 #8 男性是心理諮商中消失的族群、躁鬱症如何影響情感與情慾、Y世代與Z世代晚婚不婚的原因大不同 ft. 說說心理話 安

2022-02-01·49 分鐘


節目中提到的新聞/文章來源 &其他:

- Is Online “Sad Boy” Culture Covering Up a Legitimate Mental Health Crisis?
- Deconstructing the ‘sad boi’: What makes one a sad boi
- impact 貼文 :Why is there a stigma against men’s mental health
- I Have Bipolar Disorder. This Is How It Affects My Sex Life
- Modern Love 影集
- The Side Effect of Bipolar No One Wants to Talk About
- Young people aren’t dating and having sex the same way past generations have. Is their approach to relationships more pragmatic?

追蹤 說說心理話?
IG https://www.instagram.com/lifeisariddle/

(00:20) 對友談情系列是啥、來賓 說說心裡話 安 介紹
(02:55) 本次話題1:sad boi 潮流是好是壞?男性是心理諮商中消失的族群?
(14:00) 本次話題2:躁鬱症如何影響情感與情慾?
(29:39) 性病與心理疾病要不要揭露?在什麼情感階段時揭露?揭露與否的心理壓力與可能原因
(38:55) 本次話題3:Y世代與Z世代都晚婚或不婚,但原因大不同

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