對友談情 #8 男性是心理諮商中消失的族群、躁鬱症如何影響情感與情慾、Y世代與Z世代晚婚不婚的原因大不同 ft. 說說心理話 安

2022-02-01·49 分


節目中提到的新聞/文章來源 &其他:Is Online “Sad Boy” Culture Covering Up a Legitimate Mental Health Crisis?Deconstructing the ‘sad boi’: What makes one a sad boiimpact 貼文 :Why is there a stigma against men’s mental healthI Have Bipolar Disorder. This Is How It Affects My Sex LifeModern Love 影集The Side Effect of Bipolar No One Wants to Talk AboutYoung people aren’t dating and having sex the same way past generations have. Is their approach to relationships more pragmatic?
追蹤 說說心理話?
IG https://www.instagram.com/lifeisariddle/

(00:20) 對友談情系列是啥、來賓 說說心裡話 安 介紹
(02:55) 本次話題1:sad boi 潮流是好是壞?男性是心理諮商中消失的族群?
(14:00) 本次話題2:躁鬱症如何影響情感與情慾?
(29:39) 性病與心理疾病要不要揭露?在什麼情感階段時揭露?揭露與否的心理壓力與可能原因
(38:55) 本次話題3:Y世代與Z世代都晚婚或不婚,但原因大不同

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