CAREhER 是亞太高階女性的領導力共學交流平台。提供全球觀點的內容如組織管理、DEI(Diversity 多樣性、Equity 公平性、Inclusion 共融性)、ESG(Environment 環境保護、Social 社會責任、Governance 公司治理)、虛擬貨幣及 NFT(非同質化代幣)和 Podcast 語音專訪、會員專屬的精緻交流學習活動,以及大型策展論壇,透過共學和交流,成為想像中的領袖。
CAREhER 目前有兩個 Podcast 節目,分別是「Future Makers」和「Leading Ladies」,「Future Makers」中 CAREhER 團隊的 Gen Z 製作帶有未來感的單元,她們討論新科技及趨勢,還有那些熟悉的主題,但將會以新視角詮釋。而在每週更新的 Podcast 節目「Leading Ladies」中,創辦人 Tiffany 邀請創業家、企業執行長、二代接班者、改革者,暢談她們的領導力歷程、人生體悟、產業趨勢等,主題涵蓋共好領導力、成長型思維、利害關係人經營、永續議題等,以及她們的真心話。除了在各大串流平台如 Apple Podcast、Spotify 及 KKBOX 上能夠收聽到來自世界的專訪,也能在 上閱讀每一集的專訪文章。
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When it comes to mentorship at the workplace for women - what comes to mind? Professional suits? Intense conversations? Well with CAREhER’s Mentor Her program, there’s no shortage of meaningful exchanges, but the most “intense” sparks come from members’ courage to share their authentic views, their vulnerabilities, and their openness to learn from one another. Join our well loved and respected mentors, Jennifer and Gwen, to hear how they bond with mentees over their shared love for whiskey and wine, or food – and how both of them give and learn from this community of emerging women leaders.【 Their Mentor Her Story 】- Why Mentor Her?- Group mentoring: new dynamics- Reverse mentoring? What’s in it for the mentors?- Advice to their younger selvesSupport this show: a comment and share your thoughts: by Firstory Hosting
新竹縣政府歲末溫馨提醒:🚶♂️車輛慢看停,行人安全行;駕駛減速停讓,共創人本交通文化💚停讓不只為行人,也是為愛的人行人過馬路注意來車遵守號誌,秒數足夠再通過駕駛酒後不上路,相互尊重同理,彼此守護—— 以上為 FMTaiwan 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——Phyllis set a world record of selling the most expensive dinosaur, at US$44.6 million. Her story was covered in The New York Times as well as The Telegraph from the UK. Her role as an auctioneer at Sotheby is both… a little mysterious, but certainly exciting. Join us to hear her story on the path less traveled, her Taiwanese American heritage, but also as she shares the secrets behind how she commands the room and the intensity that’s part of the job.【In this episode】- Story behind ‘The Woman Who Sold the World’s Most Expensive Dinosaur’- Phyllis’s career into a seasoned auctioneer- What it takes to command the room- How technology and social media impacted the auction field- Female artists we should be on the lookout forSupport this show: a comment and share your thoughts: by Firstory Hosting
當金曲歌后徐佳瑩發現在 Uber Eats 上(應該)都點得到,居然狂點一波!雖然點不到白馬和失落沙洲,但香水、辣椒或其他吃的用的都點得到~快上 Uber Eats 想要的都點點看—— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——妳不可能沒注意到這場 AI 的浪潮已席捲我們生活;從手機上的語音助手、圖片編輯工具,到無人車和醫療診斷,AI 技術已不再是未來的夢想,並切切實實融入我們的日常。而 CK 老師身為 NVIDIA AI 技術中心台灣區技術負責人,站在浪頭之上,這次會和我們用深入淺出的方式帶出他對產業的觀察,如影像辨識、醫療影像、自駕車等領域,甚至進入虛擬世界的建構,並分享他自己學習的各種渠道。如果連最專業的產業先鋒都要不斷學習了,妳我又有什麼理由不?準備啟程,和我們一起踏入 AI 的世界吧!【在這集聽他說】- CK 老師從大學物理到 NVIDIA 的職涯- 黃仁勳預言未來每個人都有 AI 助理,將徹底改變我們的工作和生活方式- NVIDIA 的 Inference Microservice、Digital Twins、Omniverse、及 NeMo Framework 等 AI 技術,讓我們的日常生活變得更有趣和高效- 隨著 AI 技術的發展,我們應該注意哪些倫理問題和未來挑戰?- 除了「開始動手練習最重要」之外,妳還該關注些什麼 AI 的學習管道Support this show: a comment and share your thoughts: by Firstory Hosting
妳知道狗狗們都有與生俱來、已經寫進他們 DNA 裡的使命嗎? CAREhER 因為愛狗愛到辦公室常不小心變成主人放風時狗狗的托兒中心,這次也開心邀請到寵物教育品牌 The Doggy Lab 犬研室的創辦人 Edward 來和我們分享,當我們真正理解狗狗時,牠們將成為更快樂、更平衡的生活同伴。就像每位成功的女人,都有強大的 support net,毛孩子不僅是療癒妳的重要支柱,妳也身兼牠們照護者的重要責任。今天,除了聽 Edward 和我們分享他獨特的創業旅程(有愛心又有耐心的男人很帥!),他也會幫助我們學習,如何更好地照顧我們生命裡重要的毛寶貝。【在這集聽他說】- Edward:走上訓犬師這職業道路- 學習不同的訓練方法,並將這些寶貴的國際經驗帶回台灣- 如何創立 The Doggy Lab 犬研室- 探討狗狗從工作犬到家庭伴侶的角色轉變,滿足狗狗的自然需求促進幸福感- 台灣和國外在狗狗訓練及公共空間的人寵共融差異Support this show: a comment and share your thoughts: by Firstory Hosting
新竹縣政府歲末溫馨提醒:🚶♂️車輛慢看停,行人安全行;駕駛減速停讓,共創人本交通文化💚停讓不只為行人,也是為愛的人行人過馬路注意來車遵守號誌,秒數足夠再通過駕駛酒後不上路,相互尊重同理,彼此守護—— 以上為 FMTaiwan 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——Kei Chen's journey into the modeling industry began unexpectedly during college in Tokyo, when a friend suggested she join a modeling agency seeking bilingual talent. Despite lacking prior industry experience, Kei quickly adapted and has since thrived in modeling management. Growing up in Kuala Lumpur's multicultural environment while being half Taiwanese, Kei developed a deep appreciation for diverse cultures, which she now leverages to help her talents succeed both in Japan and globally.Crossover Japan’s management style diverges from traditional transactional methods, focusing on integrating diverse perspectives from different industries into the modeling world. With this approach, Kei creates new synergy while building long-lasting relationships, and encourages her artists to embrace their uniqueness. She believes that while appearance is important for certain brands, the personal values and opinions of talents are paramount.With social media lowering barriers to fame and influence, Kei stresses it’s even more critical for artists to remain authentic while remembering they have more social responsibility to be role models with their platforms and influence. Looking ahead, she envisions greater diversity and women leadership in the talent management industry, emphasizing the need for support systems, compassion, and “seeing people for who they are, not just what they are.”【 In this episode 】- How Kei began her career- Establishing trust with her team and talents- Kei’s entrepreneurial journey- Why diversity? Future of women leadership in talent managementSupport this show: a comment and share your thoughts: by Firstory Hosting