
2022-08-28·8 minutes


     What is daydreaming? Daydreaming can be defined as the reverie (遐想) while we’re awake. During moments when we are in this state, our mind drifts. These interludes (插曲) are brief diversions from our current world. Contrary to what we may have been taught, daydreaming about pleasant things is far from useless. By tuning out the noisy “outside” world, we allow our thoughts to flow freely. This fosters mental relaxation and exploration. When our thoughts flow like this, we are calm and not thinking of anything with forced vigor. Actually, daydreaming is just fun; it is necessary for us. Our brains cannot maintain focus and productivity nonstop. Good brain health requires some regular periods of relaxation. After a long day at work or after a disagreement with a friend, we could let our mind float away to something completely unrelated and pleasurable. In fact, having a tool like daydreaming at our disposal (處理) is useful especially when we deal with perceived threats or overly busy environments. Through daydreaming, we can look away from our desk, our work, or any distractions, and think of something pleasant that has meaning to us.
 According to Harvard University’s Medical School, “Mind wandering can help manage anxiety.” Like meditation or restful activities, daydreaming acts a natural remedy for us to alleviate stress and anxiety. Daydreams aren’t merely mini-escapes. Most of us can benefit from approaching our problems with a fresh perspective by daydreaming. While on the surface it might sound unusual, letting our thoughts drift can actually help us solve problems. That is because freely associating can enable our mind to flit (掠過) from memories to something we read, and then back to something we imagine. In other words, daydreaming can lead us down a sort of magical road to insights. These insights can even help us reach our goals.
Children’s minds wander about constantly. It’s no secret that the young are daydreaming a lot. As our mind wanders, we are using diverse aspects of our brain. Both the executive problem-solving network as well as the creativity network in our brain are working simultaneously. We activate different brain areas. Daydreaming inspires us to forge (鍛造) important connections across our brain. It’s like practicing mentally rather than physically for an outcome we desire. A structured daydream can motivate us as it’s realistic. Daydreaming about one of our real-life goals is pleasing. It invites us to think through steps we’d take, ways to stay motivated, and how to overcome obstacles.
Being distracted and allowing our mind to wander is powerfully positive. Those who daydream first, rather than continuing to focus on the problem, do better at generating more creative ideas. We are rarely taught to allow our minds to wander. Daydreaming allows our mind to zoom out, and see the whole forest which creates a different perspective and invites creativity. It even allows us to imagine more new realities. If we are frustrated by a situation, problem, or simply want to expand our imagination or creativity, why don’t we give daydreaming a try and see what mental pathways might open up for us. It’s worth it, because daydreaming has positive health benefits, too.
Let’s face it. Most of us are daydreamers. Whenever we are the least bit bored, our minds naturally wander. What happens in those hours of daydreaming? We explore associations. We make connections. We search for possibilities. Creative thinkers know that daydreaming is hardly a waste of time. In our daydreaming, we find life meanings through interpreting life stories and experiences. It’s true that daydreaming is linked to many positive developmental abilities, including creativity, empathy, insightfulness, and meaning-making. And indeed, for most children and adults, daydreaming is not only a good thing, it’s essential to our creative flourishing as human beings.
Daydream is the power. It is the energy. If we do not have daydreams, we should start to dream them right away. Daydreaming lets us find out our burning desires. Imagine that we wake up with our daydreams. We eat dreams, walk dreams, inhale dreams and exhale dreams. Once we start living our daydreams and visualizing our dreams, we are living in our dream world. Then, like daydreamers, we turn our dreams into reality. Dreams do come, and our lives are going to be changed thereafter.

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