[幼教老師玩外文]#44 Caillou: A Special Friend

2022-04-10·3 minutes


Caillou: A Special Friend by Rebecca Klevberg Moeller
Illustrated by Eric Sevigny

「建議年紀」- 3~6歲



Outside 外面
Lunch 午餐
Chair 椅子
Clean up清理

Caillou is playing outside.
He is playing with George.
George is Caillou’s special friend.
Only Caillou can see George. 
Mommy can’t see George.
Grandma can’t see George.
That makes George special.
Caillou loves running with George.
“Let’s run to that barrel!” says Caillou.
Caillou runs across the grass.
He is fast.
Caillou touches the barrel.
“I’m the fastest!” he shouts.
Oh no, Mommy’s flowers!
They’re falling.

Oops, Mommy’s flowers are on the grass!
Rosie calls. Time for lunch.
Caillou goes to the house.
Everyone is having lunch.
“Can George eat, too? Caillou asks.
Mommy smiles. “Okay.”
Caillou finds George a chair.

Caillou talks about George.
“George can run fast. But I can run faster.”
“Where does George live?” Gradma asks.
“In our house,” says Caillou.

Caillou tells more.
“George is my best friend. He is very special and …”
“Caillou, your lunch is getting cold,” Mommy says.
“Can George wait outside, please?”

Caillou pulls on George’s chair.
“Please wait outside, George.”
Mommy thanks George.

After lunch, Caillou plays outside again.
Then Daddy calls Caillou.
Uh-oh, Daddy is by the barrel.
He is not happy.

Daddy points to Mommy’s flowers.
“Who did that?” he asks.

“Um… George did it.”
“George?” Daddy asks.
“Your special friend?”
“Yes. He didn’t mean to.”

“Really?” Daddy asks.
“No,” says Caillou.
“I knocked the flower off.”

Caillou looks down.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“That’s okay,” Daddy says.
“Now, let’s clean up!”

“Okay,” Caillou says. 
“And George wants to help, too.”
“He does?” Daddy laughs.
“Yes,” says Caillou.
“George really is a special friend!”

Boys and girls, do you have a special friend?
Who is your special friend?
What do you usually do with your special friend?
You may talk about it with your parents.
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