【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】In summary, the new product will enter the market next month. 總結來說 ,新產品將在下個月上市!

2023-11-27·10 minutes


M: I am glad that today’s meeting went well.
W: I think we all did a wonderful job today.
M: Is everyone clear on what the company will do next month?
W: We have to get an endorsement, exploring the proper market, questionnaires…
M: Can you put it in short? W: In summary, the new product will enter the market next month.

1. wonderful ['wʌndɚfəl] (adj.) 完美的
2. endorsement [ɪnˋdɔrsmənt] (n.) 代言
3. explore [ɪkˋsplor] (v.) 探測;探勘
4. questionnaire [kwɛstʃə'nɛr] (n.) 問卷
5. put in short [put ɪn ʃɔrt] (phr.) 簡短的說
6. in summary [ɪn 'sʌmərɪ] (phr.) 總而言之

👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSIn summary, ...《Note》 除了 In summary, 也可以用 In conclusion 或 All in all 來做總結的開頭。《Examples》 1. In summary, the job has to be finished by next Tuesday. 2. In summary, evreryone did a wonderful job tonight.
A: Can you put it in summary?
B: _____________________.

💯《Answer Key》: In summary, I love English very much
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