【一天10分鐘 英語說得通】Talk about your favorite movie. 哈囉~你最喜歡的電影是哪一部呢?

2021-08-13·10 minutes


EXERCISE 實戰演練 Question: Talk about your favorite movie. One of my favorite movies is 'Casablanca', which is a very old movie. It was a romantic drama film and the storyline was set during World War II. Rick and Ilsa met in Paris and fell in love with each other, but unfortunately they lost each other in the war. Many years later, they met again, in Casablanca, a city in Africa. But this time Ilsa was accompanied by her husband, Laszlo, an anti-Nazi leader. They needed escape to America. Although Rick still loved Ilsa, he decided to help them. The story is excellent, and all the aspects of the movie are superb. The movie deeply touched me and became my favorite movie.
LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點 1. one of my favorite + nouns
It's been one of my favorite classical piano pieces.
2. … but unfortunately …
I already bought a ticket but unfortunately I cannot attend the concert.
3. … deeply touch me …
These words deeply touch me.
WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 1. romantic [rəˋmæntɪk] (adj.) 浪漫的,愛情的
2. drama [ˋdrɑmə] (n.) [C] 戲劇;劇本
3. film [fɪlm] (n.) [C]電影;[U][C](膠捲)底片
4. storyline [ˋstorɪ͵laɪn] (n.) 故事情節
5. fall in love (with) (phr.) 愛上...
6. accompany [əˋkʌmpənɪ] (vt.) 陪同、伴隨
7. anti-Nazi [ˋæntɪ ˋnɑtsɪ] (adj.) 反納粹的
8. leader [ˋlidɚ] (n.) [C] 領袖,領導者
9. escape [əˋskep] (v.) 逃跑;逃避
10. excellent [ˋɛkslənt] (adj.) 傑出的;極好的
11. aspect [ˈæs.pɛkt] (n.) 方面
12. superb [s ʊ ˈpɝb] (adj.) 極好的,傑出的


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