【一天10分鐘 英語說得通】理想中的工作 Talk about what you think would be the perfect job (or "dream job") for you.

2021-09-03·10 minutes


#歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評!

把範文讀順,然後充分發揮利用,下次遇到英文母語人士,不只會說"Hello, how are you?""I'm fine, thank you, and you?"喔,和他人聊聊你們理想中的工作吧!聊天愉快!

〔Question: Talk about what you think would be the perfect job (or "dream job") for you. 〕
It has always been my dream to be a singer ever since I was a child. I love singing when I was very little.
I used to sing in many competitions and represented the school in the choir. The main reason why I'd like to be a singer is that great music inspires the world. I'm quite fond of the idea that people would enjoy listening to my songs. Now, I don’t sing as much. I sing only when I'm at a karaoke bar with my friends.
If I had a chance, I would definitely choose to be a singer. But now I'm trying to be realistic and that's why I'm going abroad to study business.
1. It has always been my dream to + verb .... It has always been my dream to travel the world.2. used to + verb ... I used to eat meat but I became a vegetarian 5 years ago.3. ... the idea that + S + verb No one likes the idea that they may lose their job,
1. competition [͵kɑmpəˋtɪʃən] (n.) 比賽,競賽
2. represent [͵rɛprɪˋzɛnt] (v.) 代表,代理
3. choir [kwaɪr] (n.) 歌唱隊,合唱團
4. main [men] (adj.) 主要的,最重要的
5. reason [ˋrizn] (n.) 理由,原因
6. inspire [ɪnˋspaɪr] (v.) 鼓舞,激勵
7. be fond of (phr.) 喜歡,愛好
8. karaoke bar [͵kɑrɪˋoke bɑr] (n.) 卡拉 OK 酒吧
9. definitely [ˋdɛfənɪtlɪ] (adv.) 肯定地;當然
10. realistic [rɪəˋlɪstɪk] (adj.) 現實的,注重實際的


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