【一天10分鐘 英語詞彙通】Household Appliances/家居用品 Ⅷ

2022-03-25·10 minutes


👉🏻00:50 WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語

- stair [stɛr] [名] 樓梯
- street [strit] [名] 街道
- tape [tep] [名] 錄音帶;錄影帶;膠帶
- towel [ˋtaʊəl] [名] 毛巾
- tub [tʌb] [名] 浴缸
- TV [縮寫] 電視
- umbrella [ʌmˋbrɛlə] [名] 雨傘
- video [ˋvɪdɪ͵o] [名] 錄影機;錄影帶
- wall [wɔl] [名] 牆
- wash [wɑʃ] [動] 洗

👉🏻04:40 LANGUAGE FOCUS 學習焦點
.tape 相關用法:
1. (n.) 錄音(影)帶
We had all the words down on tape.
2. (n.) 線帶;膠帶
Please package the boxes with tape.
3. (v.) 用帶子綑
He tapes a sticker on the box.

👉🏻6:35 EXERCISE實戰演練
1. We climbed the _____ to the attic.
(A) streets (B) stairs (C) tubs (D) walls
2. I live on the same _____ as Brian. It’s only one block from my house to his.
3. She dries her hair with a _____.
4. I have seen the music _____ before.

A: Do you have any plan tonight?
B: Yes, I’m going to wash my car.
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💯《Answer Key》: 1. (B) 2. street 3. towel 4. video

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