【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I didn’t get what you meant.我沒有聽懂你的意思~

2024-02-12·10 minutes


M: So is everyone clear on the idea of controlling your budget precisely?
W: I am sorry but I didn’t get what you meant by controlling budget precisely.
M: Which part didn’t you understand?
W: All of it. I don’t understand the process of controlling budgets.
M: Ok, I guess you didn’t hear what I said about evaluating necessity, right?
W: Yeah, I guess so.

1. control [kən'trol] (v.) 控制
2. budget ['bʌdʒɪt] (n.) 預算
3. process ['prɑsɛs] (n.) 過程
4. guess [gɛs] (v.) 猜測
5. evaluate [ɪ'væljuet] (v.) 評估
6. necessity [nə'sɛsətɪ] (n.) 需要性


- I didn’t get what you meant by...
- 《Note》 I didn’t get what you meant by controlling budget precisely. (我沒有聽懂你所謂的仔細控制預算。)
- 《Examples》 1. I didn’t get what you meant by think-aloud. 2. I didn’t get what you meant by controlling our actions with silence.

A: Do you understand?
B: I am sorry but _____________________.

💯《Answer Key》: I didn’t get what you meant by rephrasing
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