【一天10分鐘 口說英語通】Talk about your childhood activity. 談論你的童年活動

2022-07-22·10 minutes


Question: Talk about any childhood activity that you used to do after your school hours.
You can say:what it waswhen you did thathow often you did thisChildhood is the best part of life. I can still remember, when I was a kid, about 10 or 11 years old, I used to play with my friends after school. We played a variety of outdoor sports. I was not the super athletic type, but I did love sports. I used to take part in some outdoor sporting activities after school. Most of the time, I used to play ball in the school playground, any kind of ball: dodgeball, baseball, basketball, you name it. Therefore, I had a very enjoyable childhood at that time. I no longer participate in such outdoor activities. First, it is not easy to have a group of friends playing ball together. Besides, I need to work. So now I usually go to the gym alone and lift some weights. This is a change of life and I think the changes are natural too.

used to + verb ...
例:We used to go there every year.
例:Things aren't what they used to be.
例: We used to head down to the coffee shop and just sit for hours.

1. a variety of (phr.) 各種各樣的
2. athletic [æθˈlɛt̬ɪk] (adj.) 運動員的;運動的
3. take part in [tek pɑrt ɪn] (phr.) 參與;參加
4. sporting [ˈspɔrtɪŋ] (adj.) 體育運動的
5. dodgeball [ˈdɑdʒ bɔl] (n.) 躲避球
6. you name it (phr.) 凡是你說得出的(我都能做)
7. no longer (phr.) 不再,再也不
8. participate in [pɑrˈtɪsəpet ɪn] (phr.) 參與
9. gym [dʒɪm] (n.) 體操館,健身房
10. lift weights (phr.) 舉重;健身鍛鍊
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