【一天10分鐘 英語說得通】第一次說外語Talk about the first time you used a foriegn langauge to communicate.

2021-08-30·10 minutes


#歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評


〔Question: Talk about the first time you used a foriegn langauge to communicate.〕
I remember the first time I talked with other people in English happened about three years ago.
At that time, I was hanging out with my friends. Suddenly, a foreigner came up to me and asked for directions to the national museum. I was a bundle of nerves, so I didn’t understand him. But after he repeated his words, I started to understand him. I tried my best to explain the directions to him, and I used body language a lot, since I didn’t speak English well then. But thank God! He seemed to understand and said “Thank you” to me.
Now I totally realize how important English is.
1. I remember the first time ... I remember the first time I saw you.2. I haven’t had ... Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet.3. At that time, I was + Ving ... At that time, I was living in New York, in a middle-sized apartment. 
1. remember [rɪˋmɛmbɚ] (v.) 記得,想起,回憶起[+(that/+wh-)]
2. hang out (with) (phr.) (與某人)廝混
3. suddenly [ˋsʌdnlɪ] (adv.) 意外地;忽然
4. foreigner [ˋfɔrɪnɚ] (n.) [C] 外國人
5. ask for directions (phr.) 問路
6. a bundle of nerves (idiom) 神經極度緊張
7. repeat [rɪˋpit] (v.) 重複;重做
8. seem [sim] (v.) 看來好像,似乎
9. totally [ˋtot!ɪ] (adv.) 完全;整個地
10. realize [ˋrɪə͵laɪz] (v.) 領悟,了解

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