《音樂製作系列》DJ live for Complex IDM style music 1 現場live DJ 智能舞曲風格

2020-10-22·21 minutes


Well....... When i produce this music just like drive a car in the highway of course with the high speed. Especially in the middle of this music,just rest the beat made me feel exciting and be satisfied with my listening . I feel sometimes what we listening will connect with our heart directly,so music surely is so powerful more than our imagination. Anywayi hope you also will enjoy this music like me cuz I love it so so much.😍🤪😎 Blessing ✨🤩

嗯.......當我製作這個音樂時就像在高速公路上高速駕駛汽車一樣。尤其是在這音樂的中間,只是靜止的節拍讓我感到興奮,對我的聆聽感到滿意。我覺得有時候我們聽到的會直接與我們的心聯繫在一起,所以音樂肯定比我們想像的更有力量。 總之,希望你也能像我一樣喜歡這首音樂,因為我非常喜歡它。😍🤪😎祝福你們✨🤩

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