國際時事跟讀 Ep.K819: 日本推出採用先進防偽技術的高科技鈔票 Japan Unveils High-Tech Banknotes with Advanced Security Features

2024-07-22·14 minutes


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國際時事跟讀VIP Ep.K819: Japan Unveils High-Tech Banknotes with Advanced Security Features

Highlights 主題摘要:

- Japan has introduced new banknotes with world-first 3D holographic portraits, larger fonts, and tactile elements, balancing advanced security features with improved accessibility for all users.
- The new banknotes feature historical figures who contributed to Japan's economic, social, and scientific progress, alongside iconic Japanese imagery, reflecting the country's rich cultural heritage.
- While promoting cashless transactions, Japan's massive currency update required extensive preparation across various sectors, demonstrating the country's commitment to modernizing its financial system while honoring tradition.

Japan has introduced its first new banknotes in two decades, marking a significant step in the country's efforts to modernize its currency and combat counterfeiting. The new bills, which began circulating on July 3, 2024, feature innovative security measures and fresh designs that reflect Japan's rich history and progressive values.

日本時隔二十年首次推出新版鈔票,象徵著該國在貨幣現代化和打擊偽鈔方面邁出重要一步。這些新鈔票於 2024 年 7 月 3 日開始流通,採用創新的防偽措施和全新設計,反映了日本豐富的歷史和進步的價值觀。

The most striking feature of the new banknotes is the use of three-dimensional holographic portraits, a world-first technology in paper money. These holograms change appearance depending on the viewing angle, making the bills extremely difficult to replicate. The 10,000-yen note showcases Eiichi Shibusawa, known as the "father of Japanese capitalism," while the 5,000-yen bill honors Umeko Tsuda, a pioneer in women's education. The 1,000-yen note depicts Shibasaburo Kitasato, a renowned medical scientist. These choices reflect Japan's commitment to recognizing figures who have contributed to the nation's economic, social, and scientific progress.

新鈔票最引人注目的特色是採用了三維全像肖像技術,這在紙幣領域尚屬全球首創。這些全像圖會隨觀看角度改變外觀,使鈔票極難仿造。一萬日圓鈔票上印有被稱為「日本資本主義之父」的澀澤榮一(Eiichi Shibusawa)肖像,五千日圓鈔票則表彰女子教育先驅津田梅子(Umeko Tsuda),而一千日圓鈔票則描繪了著名醫學科學家北里柴三郎(Shibasaburo Kitasato)。這些人物選擇反映了日本致力於表彰為國家經濟、社會和科學進步做出貢獻的人物。

In addition to the advanced security features, the new banknotes have been designed with improved accessibility in mind. The denominations are printed in larger font sizes, and the notes incorporate tactile elements to assist visually impaired users. The reverse sides of the bills feature iconic Japanese imagery, including Tokyo Station, wisteria flowers, and Hokusai's famous "Great Wave" woodblock print, celebrating the country's cultural heritage.


While the introduction of new banknotes has prompted businesses to upgrade their payment systems, it also highlights the ongoing shift towards digital transactions in Japan. Although cash remains popular, the government is encouraging a move towards cashless payments to enhance economic efficiency. As of 2023, cashless transactions accounted for 39% of consumer spending in Japan, a significant increase over the past decade but still lagging behind many other developed nations.

雖然新鈔票的推出促使企業升級支付系統,但也凸顯了日本正朝向數位交易轉型。儘管現金仍然普及,但政府正鼓勵轉向無現金支付以提高經濟效率。截至 2023 年,無現金交易占日本消費支出的 39%,較十年前大幅增加,但仍落後於許多其他發達國家。

The Bank of Japan plans to print approximately 7.5 billion new bills by the end of the current fiscal year, gradually replacing the 18.5 billion banknotes currently in circulation. This massive undertaking has required extensive preparation, with over 90% of bank ATMs and most retail cash registers already updated to handle the new currency. However, some sectors, such as vending machines and ticket machines in restaurants and parking lots, are still in the process of adapting to the changes.

日本銀行計劃在本財政年度結束前印製約 75 億張新鈔票,逐步替換目前流通的 185 億張鈔票。這項浩大工程需要大量準備工作,目前已有超過 90% 的銀行自動提款機和大多數零售收銀機更新以處理新貨幣。然而,某些領域如自動販賣機、餐廳和停車場的售票機仍在適應這些變化。

As Japan balances tradition with innovation, these new banknotes represent a blend of cutting-edge technology and cultural significance, setting a new standard for currency design and security in the modern era. While the transition may pose temporary challenges for some businesses, it underscores Japan's commitment to maintaining the integrity of its currency while embracing technological advancements. The successful implementation of these high-tech banknotes demonstrates Japan's ability to honor its past while looking towards a more secure and efficient financial future.


Keyword Drills 關鍵字:

- Banknotes (Bank-notes): Japan has introduced its first new banknotes in two decades, marking a significant step in the country's efforts to modernize its currency and combat counterfeiting.
- Dimensional (Di-men-sion-al): The most striking feature of the new banknotes is the use of three-dimensional holographic portraits, a world-first technology in paper money.
- Denominations (De-no-mi-na-tions): The denominations are printed in larger font sizes, and the notes incorporate tactile elements to assist visually impaired users.
- Circulation (Cir-cu-la-tion): The Bank of Japan plans to print approximately 7.5 billion new bills by the end of the current fiscal year, gradually replacing the 18.5 billion banknotes currently in circulation.
- Transition (Tran-si-tion): While the transition may pose temporary challenges for some businesses, it underscores Japan's commitment to maintaining the integrity of its currency while embracing technological advancements.

Reference article:
1. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/east-asia/japan-new-banknotes-yen-holograms-counterfeits-cash-4453516
2. https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Markets/Currencies/Japan-rolls-out-new-banknotes-with-90-of-bank-ATMs-ready

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