2021.06.01 國際新聞導讀-未選先揭曉結果之伊朗總統選舉將由強硬派司法部長萊西勝選、卡達與波灣GCC國家不接受敘利亞總統大選結果、以色列左右團結政府組閣順利但仍有阻礙在前、中國實施三孩政策但效果恐怕有限且80年後人口斬半成為7億,

2021-06-01·31 minutes


2021.06.01 國際新聞導讀-伊朗總統選舉將由強硬派司法部長萊西勝選、卡達與波灣GCC國家不接受敘利亞總統大選結果、以色列左右團結政府組閣順利但仍有阻礙在前、中國實施三孩政策但效果恐怕有限且80年後人口斬半成為7億,


昨天下午12:09 ·
這三人分別是現任副總統賈汗吉里(Es'haq Jahangiri)、前總統艾哈邁迪內賈德(Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)和前國會議長國會議長拉里賈尼(Ali Larijani)。有趣的是,被DQ之後他們不約而同的…..發了IG,告訴大家自己去做了什麼。
艾哈邁迪內賈德則是跑去聖陵參拜,可以,這很伊朗,也很符合他一貫喜歡炒作宗教意識型態的路線。而且還是距離德黑蘭10個小時火車車程左右的馬什哈德伊瑪目里薩聖陵(那裡以烤羊膝出名)。話說他之前發推特秀出自己的macbook air,還被網民嘲諷哪來這麼多錢買蘋果。
拉里賈尼則是跑去…..爬山,這也很伊朗,也不是爬什麼隨便的山,是伊朗最受尊重的Mount Damavand,就是在波斯史詩列王紀當中,英雄法里東擊敗蛇王扎哈克,然後就把他關在這座山洞穴中。
【伊朗大選】改革派、民粹、政壇元老通通出局 保守派司法部長未選先贏?
讚 98

張育軒 2021年05月26日 20:00:00
伊朗即將在6月18日舉行四年一度的總統大選,而5月26日公布候選人名單,不出外界意料,選前呼聲很高的幾位候選人通通沒通過憲法監護委員會資格審查,讓此次伊朗大選很可能還沒選就知道獎落誰家:現任司法總長,強硬派的萊西(Ebrahim Raisi)。
在伊朗的體制之下,國家最高領導人是最高領袖(Rahbar),但在最高領袖底下有民選總統,四年一選。但伊朗所有國家級選舉需要通過憲法監護委員會(Guardian Council)同意,當局一方面透過這種方式禁止亂七八糟的人參選,也過濾掉自己不喜歡的人。因此伊朗選舉被外界批評為有限的選舉。
就伊朗內政部公布的名單,此次總共有七名參選人通過資格審查,分別是 萊西(Ebrahim Raeisi), Mohsen Rezaei, Mohsen Mehr-Alizadeh, Sa’eed Jalili, Alireza Zakani, Abdol-Nasser Hemmati, 與 Amirhossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi。
該名單所透露最重要的其實是不在名單上面的,選前有三位知名度較高的參選人通通沒有通過資格審查,分別是前總統艾哈邁迪內賈德(Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)、國會議長拉里賈尼(Ali Larijani)和現任副總統賈汗吉里(Es'haq Jahangiri)。

賈汗吉里不算政壇菜鳥,從1984年開始擔任議員,後來又擔任過省長、礦業部長等職。幾乎都是在改革派總統底下任職。不過他的參選之路還沒開始就不順,他的兄長Mehdi Jahangiri在一月遭到司法部以貪腐罪判刑兩年不得上訴。
艾哈邁迪內賈德卸任之後,顯然沒有放棄政治生涯,但最高領袖等的保守派人士其實不太喜歡他,最後安排他到確定國家利益委員會(Expediency Council)擔任一名閒差委員。不過他先是開設推特又經常針砭時事發言,任何人都看出他仍有政治企圖,這次被憲法監護委員會擋下參選企圖,只是剛好而已。

最後一個沒通過審查的是拉里賈尼,這人有點像是台灣的王金平,2008年以來擔任國會議長。拉里賈尼算是政壇大戶,當過革命衛隊指揮官,哥哥Amoli Larijani從1979年以來就在司法部任職至今,兩人的父親還是一名阿亞圖拉,家世顯赫。他哥哥也對監護委員會否決他的參選資格一事在推特上為他打抱不平,稱「我20年來從沒見過這麼不可原諒的事情。」

《衛報》報導稱名單在伊朗引起許多批評,例如一名改革派Azar Mansouri就稱監護委員會的決定是非法的,侵犯人民自由選舉的權利。一名伊朗政治評論家Majid Rafizadeh撰文稱,伊朗人可能會為此抵制大選。
از دیروز عصر که از نتایج تعیین صلاحیت‌ها مطلع شدم، شاید شماها و خود آقایان هم خبر نداشته باشند، من تماس‌هایی گرفتم و در حال انجام رایزنی‌هایی هستم که صحنه انتخابات، رقابتی‌تر و مشارکتی‌تر شود.
— سید ابراهیم رئیسی (@raesi_org) May 25, 2021
2021 年 5 月 31 日 21:33

土耳其總統塔伊普·埃爾多安於 2020 年 8 月 7 日在土耳其伊斯坦布爾聖索菲亞大清真寺參加週五祈禱後與媒體交談。
Turkish intelligence agents appear to have kidnapped a man from a foreign country and renditioned him back to Turkey in a secret operation, one of many similar renditions Turkey has undertaken in recent years. It comes just days after Belarus forced a civilian airliner to land so it could take a dissident off the plane. The Belarus incident has led to widespread condemnation in Europe. Turkey’s kidnapping of dissidents usually receives less attention, but appears more widespread than Belarus.
據土耳其媒體報導,土耳其國家情報局“抓獲”並“遣返”了一名居住在美國的持不同政見的神職人員的侄子。Fethullah Gulen 曾與執政的 AK 黨關係密切,但被安卡拉領導層指控為 2016 年未遂政變的幕後黑手並經營著一個“FETO 恐怖組織”。沒有證據表明居倫參與了政變,或者甚至存在一個以這個名字命名的“恐怖組織”。土耳其已催促數十萬公務員,並已成為世界上最大的記者監獄,主要是在沒有任何證據的情況下以神話般的“恐怖主義”指控監禁他們。土耳其也入侵了自稱與“恐怖主義”作鬥爭的敘利亞北部和伊拉克,儘管這些國家近年來沒有發生恐怖襲擊。
最近對 Selahaddin Gulen 的“捕獲”發生在一個未命名的國家。美國之音報導說,“據官方媒體報導,土耳其間諜強行遣返了美國穆斯林神職人員費圖拉·古倫的侄子。Selahaddin Gulen 面臨恐怖組織成員的指控。” 報告指出,土耳其“沒有說明他在何處被捕或何時返回土耳其。然而,據信居倫的侄子住在肯尼亞。”
這不是土耳其第一次派特工前往肯尼亞綁架他們指控為恐怖主義的人。土耳其還於 1999 年在肯尼亞抓獲了庫爾德工人黨領導人阿卜杜拉·奧賈蘭。 這被稱為“戲劇性抓捕”。與最近的行動一樣,目前尚不清楚土耳其能夠從不同國家引渡人員並將他們偷運回土耳其的法律和合法性。通常,各國的法院必須引渡人員。土耳其在 1999 年得到了當時已被捲入“反恐戰爭”的各個強國的支持。在許多方面,在 9 月 11 日美國情報部門和軍方從不同國家抓獲和帶走嫌疑人之後,奧賈蘭的被捕幫助為美國的引渡計劃奠定了基礎。根據馬克·默里 2011 年的一份學術報告,嫌疑人“然後使用美國資產被運送到許多目的地之一,包括埃及、敘利亞、羅馬尼亞、約旦、波蘭或阿富汗。一些人被送往東道國政府運營的已知監獄,但其他人則被關押在由東道國運營的“黑場”美國政府在外國領土。” 土耳其使用了相同的方法,並在很大程度上對其進行了改進,而不受國際法的懲罰。
在一個日益霍布斯式的世界裡,基於自由國際規則的秩序已經瓦解,威權主義政權正在崛起,而歐洲、美國和西方則越來越弱,土耳其這樣的國家表現得好像世界上沒有國界。雖然美國總統喬拜登曾表示“美國回來了”,但尚不清楚美國是否會抵制安卡拉的引渡。2021 年的電影《毛里塔尼亞人》將演繹的嚴酷現實搬上銀幕,講述了穆罕默德·烏爾德·斯拉希 (Mohamedou Ould Slahi) 的故事。土耳其將其引渡隱藏在“強制遣返”之類的詞後面。然而,土耳其在這種情況下是虛偽的。它抱怨沙特阿拉伯於 2018 年在伊斯坦布爾將持不同政見者賈馬爾·卡舒吉 (Jamal Khashoggi) 作為目標。他顯然是在一次拙劣的引渡中喪生的。
土耳其在包括歐洲在內的世界各地非法綁架和引渡人員。國際特赦組織表示,“應雷傑普·塔伊普·埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdoğan)日益鎮壓的政府的要求,摩爾多瓦當局必須緊急糾正他們未能查明參與 2018 年 9 月令人震驚的非法引渡七名土耳其國民並將其繩之以法的行為,國際特赦組織表示。3 月 8 日,歐洲委員會部長委員會將考慮執行歐洲人權法院對此案的裁決。” 阿拉伯新聞透露,“總部位於德國的非盈利新聞編輯室 Corrective,
土耳其還綁架了來自阿爾巴尼亞的人。“就在一年前,土耳其公民 Harun Celik 從阿爾巴尼亞監獄獲釋,並被迅速送往機場。幾小時後他回到了土耳其,那裡的官方媒體吹噓他是在土耳其情報部門開展的一次行動中被遣返的,”英國《金融時報》寫道。文章指出:“這是土耳其總統雷傑普·塔伊普·埃爾多安 (Recep Tayyip Erdogan) 自信、有時不妥協的外交政策的一部分,該政策賦予了土耳其情報部門權力,並在該國傳統的西方盟友中引起了恐慌。由於該地區靠近歐盟,土耳其和俄羅斯和中國等其他專制大國將巴爾乾地區視為具有戰略意義的地區。在過去的三年半中,土耳其至少參與了來自 17 個國家的 60 次引渡,
雖然土耳其綁架了來自許多國家的人,但目前尚不清楚為什麼安卡拉沒有採取行動阻止伊斯蘭國領導人阿布·貝克爾·巴格達迪,他被發現居住在距離敘利亞土耳其邊境僅幾公里的土耳其控制地區。土耳其可以在肯尼亞找到人,但找不到高級別 ISIS 成員,其中許多人都曾通過土耳其過境。
Did Turkey conduct illegal rendition of “terrorist” abroad
It is not the first time Turkey sent agents to abduct someone they accuse of terrorism. What laws enable Turkey to do so remains unclear.
MAY 31, 2021 21:33

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan talks to media after attending Friday prayers at Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey August 7, 2020.
Turkish intelligence agents appear to have kidnapped a man from a foreign country and renditioned him back to Turkey in a secret operation, one of many similar renditions Turkey has undertaken in recent years. It comes just days after Belarus forced a civilian airliner to land so it could take a dissident off the plane. The Belarus incident has led to widespread condemnation in Europe. Turkey’s kidnapping of dissidents usually receives less attention, but appears more widespread than Belarus.
According to Turkish media the Turkish National Intelligence agency “captured” and “repatriated” a nephew of a dissident cleric who lives in the US. Fethullah Gulen, once close to the ruling AK Party, has been accused by the leadership in Ankara of being behind a 2016 coup attempt and running a “FETO terrorist” group. There is no evidence that Gulen was involved in the coup or that there even exists a “terrorist” group by this name. Turkey has urged hundreds of thousands of civil servants and has become the world’s largest jailor of journalists, largely imprisoning them on mythical “terrorism” charges without ay evidence. Turkey has also invaded northern Syria and Iraq claiming to fight “terrorism” even though there are no terrorist attacks in recent years from those countries.
The recent “capture” of Selahaddin Gulen took place in an unnamed country. US-based VOA reported that “Turkish spies have forcibly repatriated a nephew of the US-based Muslim cleric Fetullah Gulen, according to state media. Selahaddin Gulen faces charges of membership of a terror organization.” The report notes that Turkey “did not say where he was seized or when he was returned to Turkey. Gulen's nephew, however, was believed to be residing in Kenya.”
It is not the first time Turkey sent agents to Kenya to abduct someone they accuse of terrorism. Turkey also grabbed Abdullah Ocalan, the PKK leader, in Kenya in 1999. It was called a “dramatic capture.” Like the recent operation it was unclear by what laws and legality Turkey is able to rendition people from various countries and smuggle them back to Turkey. Usually courts in countries have to extradite people. Turkey in 1999 had the support of various powerful countries which it had roped into its “war on terror” at the time. In many ways the capture of Ocalan helped set the stage for the US renditions program after September 11 where the US intelligence and military captured and took suspects from various countries. According to an academic report by Mark Murray in 2011 the suspects “are then transported using U.S. assets to one of many destinations, including Egypt, Syria, Romania, Jordan, Poland, or Afghanistan. Some individuals are destined for known prisons operated by host governments, but others are held in ‘black sites’ which are operated by the US Government in foreign territories.” Turkey has used the same method and improved upon it largely with impunity from international law.
In an increasingly Hobbesian world where the liberal international rules-based order has broken down and authoritarian regimes are rising, while Europe, the US and the West become weaker, countries like Turkey behave as if there are no borders in the world. While US President Joe Biden has said “America is back,” it is unclear if the US will stand up to Ankara’s renditions. The 2021 movie The Mauritanian brought to the screen the harsh reality of renditions, telling the story of Mohamedou Ould Slahi. Turkey hides its renditions behind words like “forced repatriation.” Turkey however is hypocritical in this context. It has complained that Saudi Arabia targeted dissident Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul in 2018. He was killed apparently in a botched rendition.
Turkey has illegally kidnapped and renditioned people all over the world, including in Europe. Amnesty International said that “the Moldovan authorities must urgently rectify their failure to identify and bring to justice those involved in the shocking unlawful rendition of seven Turkish nationals in September 2018, at the request of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s increasingly repressive government, said Amnesty International. On 8 March the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe will consider implementation of the European Court of Human Rights’ ruling on the case.” Arab New revealed that “Germany-based Corrective, a not-for-profit newsroom, worked alongside a team of nine media organizations from eight countries to reveal how the regime of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is kidnapping dozens of members of the country’s Gulen political movement from around the world.”
Turkey has also kidnapped people from Albania. “Just over a year ago, Turkish citizen Harun Celik was released from an Albanian prison and whisked away to the airport. Hours later he was back in Turkey, where state media boasted that he had been returned in an operation carried out by the Turkish intelligence services,” the FT wrote. The article notes “ It is part of an assertive, sometimes uncompromising foreign policy by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that has empowered the Turkish intelligence service and caused alarm among the country’s traditional western allies. Turkey and other authoritarian powers, such as Russia and China, view the Balkans as strategic because of the region’s proximity to the EU. Turkey has been involved in at least 60 renditions from 17 countries over the past three and a half years, according to the US-based democracy watchdog group Freedom House.”
While Turkey kidnaps people from numerous countries, it is unclear why Ankara did not act to stop ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi who was found living just a few kilometers from the Turkish border in Syria, in an area Turkey controls. Turkey can find people in Kenya, but not high level ISIS members, many of whom have transited through Turkey.
2021 年 5 月 30 日 13:02
敘利亞總統巴沙爾·阿薩德在 2020 年 8 月 12 日由 SANA 發布的這份講義中向敘利亞大馬士革的新議會成員發表講話
(圖片來源:SANA/Handout via REUTERS)
沙特阿拉伯在 1 月宣布了一項協議,以結束該王國、阿聯酋、巴林和埃及於 2017 年因卡塔爾支持恐怖主義的指控——廣泛暗指伊斯蘭運動——而與卡塔爾斷絕所有關係的爭執,但沙特否認了這一指控。
Qatar not mending ties with Syria, but discussing possibility with UAE
"So far we see nothing on the horizon for a political solution acceptable to the Syrian people, the [regime's] approach and conduct has not changed."
MAY 30, 2021 13:02

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad addresses the new members of parliament in Damascus, Syria in this handout released by SANA on August 12, 2020
Qatar has announced its intentions Sunday not to renew its ties with Syria following the country's fourth election, but it did discuss the possibility of mending its agreement with the United Arab Emirates.
Qatar has no plans to normalize ties with Syria, the Gulf state's foreign minister said, after Syrian President Bashar Assad won a fourth term in office last week in an election derided by the opposition and the West as a farce.
Qatar was among several regional states including Saudi Arabia that backed rebels in Syria's decade-old civil war. Some like the United Arab Emirates have sought to normalize ties after Assad regained control of most of the country.
"So far we see nothing on the horizon for a political solution acceptable to the Syrian people…the [regime's] approach and conduct has not changed," Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani told UK-based Al Araby television in an interview aired on Friday.
"There is no motivation for us to re-establish ties with the Syrian regime at this time," Sheik Mohammed said. "The Syrian regime is committing crimes against its people."
However, regarding the UAE, Qatar has held several rounds of talks to mend fences following an agreement to end an inter-Arab feud and there is a "positive vision" to overcome differences, the Qatari foreign minister said.
Saudi Arabia in January announced a deal to end the row in which the kingdom, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt severed all ties with Qatar in 2017 over accusations it supports terrorism - a broad allusion to Islamist movements - a charge that it denies.
Diplomats and regional sources have said Riyadh and Cairo were moving faster than the UAE and Bahrain to rebuild the relationship with Doha.
Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani told UK-based Al Araby television in an interview aired on Friday that it was natural for talks to have different paces.
He said there has been positive progress in talks with Saudi Arabia, which Qatar's emir visited recently, and with Egypt, where Sheikh Mohammed held talks last week. He said Qatar was discussing economic cooperation with both countries.
"With the UAE, the committees held several meetings … and we sensed from the working teams a positive vision to overcome differences," the minister said. He said the last round was held a few weeks ago and he was also in touch with Emirati officials.
"It could take some time to move past this difficult period," he added.
The UAE and Egypt oppose Qatari support for Islamist groups, especially the Muslim Brotherhood, outlawed by all four states.
Asked whether the topic of the Brotherhood had been discussed with Egypt, Sheikh Mohammed said: "This file was not brought up as far as I know."
"We do not have many outstanding issues with Egypt and there is positive progress," he said without elaborating, while noting coordination between the two countries to secure a ceasefire brokered by Egypt in the Gaza Strip
2021 年 5 月 30 日 17:01
自 2020 年 9 月 2 日在梵蒂岡的聖達馬索庭院爆發冠狀病毒病 (COVID-19) 以來,教皇方濟各首次每週一次的普通觀眾重新入場
梵蒂岡城——教皇方濟各承諾,如果暴躁的政客就新政府達成一致,他將訪問黎巴嫩,他週日表示,他將與基督教領袖會面,討論該國自 1990 年內戰結束以來最嚴重的危機。
去年,黎巴嫩在貝魯特港口發生了一場巨大的化學爆炸,造成 200 人死亡並造成數十億美元的損失,這進一步削弱了已經面臨崩潰的經濟。
三屆總理哈里裡在全國抗議政治精英後於 2019 年辭職,示威者指責示威者將國家推入危機。
他於 10 月再次被提名為總理,但未能組建新政府。
哈里裡 4 月在梵蒂岡會見教皇后說,教皇告訴他他將訪問該國,但只有在政府成立後才能訪問。
黎巴嫩的經濟崩潰使大部分人口陷入貧困,並對穩定構成了自 1975-1990 年內戰以來的最大威脅。
2021 年 5 月 31 日 23:54
NAFTALI BENNETT 準備好一路走來結束本傑明·內塔尼亞胡對以色列的統治了嗎?
議長 利庫德黨的消息人士說,以色列議會發言人雅里夫·萊文可能會利用他的合法權利,推遲以色列議會特別會議的投票,並在新政府任期中宣誓就職, 以期防止新政府成立。週一。
根據法律,一旦 Yesh Atid 領導人 Yair Lapid 告訴總統 Reuven Rivlin 他可以在周二或週三組建政府,議會特別會議可以在所有聯盟協議提交後 24 小時舉行。
利庫德集團消息人士稱,但萊文將與總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡協商,並決定利用他的權利將議會特別會議推遲 7 天,以最大限度地向組建政府的政黨施加壓力。
Blue and White 和 Yisrael Beytenu 就農業和 Aliyah 以及整合投資組合進行了爭論。
Yisrael Beytenu 領袖 Avigdor Liberman 向他的派系抱怨說他已經做出了足夠的犧牲。他說,Blue and White 已同意將農業投資組合交給他的政黨,他們無法收回。
利伯曼(Liberman)指責藍白黨領袖本尼·甘茨(Benny Gantz)通過在如此溫和的職位上進行“神聖的戰爭”來“製造不在場”。
週一,甘茨表示,根據之前的聯盟協議,他放棄了原定於 11 月獲得的首相職位,因此他需要得到獎勵。
Yesh Atid 和 New Hope 之間也有關於以色列議會發言人職位和通訊部的爭執。
前司法部長 Ayelet Shaked 要求,工黨不會獲得為其領導人 Merav Michaeli 和 Yamina 為其領導人保留的司法遴選委員會部長的職位,而 Yamina 將獲得 Shaked 的部長職位。但一位接近 Shaked 的消息人士否認了該請求是作為最後通牒提出的報導,雙方的消息來源都稱爭議可以解決。
Yesh Atid、Yamina、New Hope 和 Blue and White 的團隊一直工作到凌晨 3 點之後,並在周一繼續工作。
Meretz 領導人 Nitzan Horowitz 承認,建立如此多元化的聯盟將是一個挑戰。但他說,這比開始第五次選舉更可取,這將使內塔尼亞胡能夠繼續執政。
薩爾說,當他成立新希望時,他致力於取代內塔尼亞胡,並補充說他遵守了這一承諾並且他會成功。他引用了梅納赫姆·貝京 (Menachem Begin) 的話,警告稱一黨執政太久會導致腐敗。
不久之後,沙斯黨在一份聲明中回應了利庫德集團的推文,稱:“鑑於最近幾天向我們展示的關於政治事件的一切,我們絕對相信有可能立即形成一個65 MK 的右翼政府。”
“我們最後一次呼籲 Naftali Bennett、Ayelet Shaked、Gideon Sa'ar 和 Ze'ev Elkin:不要為建立一個會危及以色列土地和以色列律法的左翼政府伸出援手, ”沙斯說。“請記住,左翼政府的組成是永遠不會被遺忘的恥辱。”
Levin might postpone vote on new gov’t as Likud vows to ‘torpedo’ move
Lapid downplayed the tension among the parties in the coalition he is forming, saying there are always negotiations ahead of a deadline, and he was sure compromises would be reached.
MAY 31, 2021 23:54

IS NAFTALI BENNETT ready to go all the way and bring an end to Benjamin Netanyahu’s reign over Israel?
(photo credit: ABIR SULTAN / REUTERS)
Knesset Speaker Yariv Levin will likely use his legal right to postpone the special Knesset session for a vote of confidence and swearing in the new government for as long as possible, in an effort to prevent it from being formed, sources in the speaker's Likud Party said Monday.
By law, once Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid tells President Reuven Rivlin he can form a government on Tuesday or Wednesday, the special Knesset session can be held 24 hours after all the coalition agreements have been submitted.
Yamina would have liked the new government to be sworn in as soon as possible after that – ideally Thursday – to avoid unnecessary pressure over the weekend.
But Levin would consult with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and decide to use his right to delay the special Knesset session for seven days to maximize pressure on the parties forming the government, Likud sources said.
“Levin has the legal right to delay it by a week,” one of the sources said. “It’s not playing a game with the law. It is understandable that we want to torpedo the formation of the government.”
Asked when he would tell Rivlin he can form a government, Lapid said the deadline is Wednesday night, but he will try to finalize all the coalition deals sooner so he can tell Rivlin sooner. His associates denied a report that Lapid would go to Rivlin on Tuesday at noon.
There were no major stumbling blocks preventing the formation of a government, sources close to Lapid said. Progress was made with all parties that will be part of the coalition on Monday, including the Ra’am (United Arab List) Party of MK Mansour Abbas.

Nevertheless, efforts by Yamina leader Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid to build a governing coalition that would replace Netanyahu faced new challenges on Monday.

Blue and White and Yisrael Beytenu sparred over the Agriculture and Aliyah and Integration portfolios.

Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman complained to his faction that he had already sacrificed enough. He said Blue and White had agreed to give his party the Agriculture portfolio, and they could not have it back.

Liberman accused Blue and White leader Benny Gantz of “building an alibi” by engaging in a “holy war” over such a modest post.
In response, Blue and White said it was committed to the success of the new government being formed and “recommends to everyone to conduct their negotiations behind closed doors and not in unnecessary public statements.”
On Monday, Gantz said he needed to be rewarded for giving up the premiership, which he was set to receive in November, according to the previous coalition deal.
“Our faction is larger,” Gantz said at the Bar Association conference in Eilat. “I expect people to appreciate that.”
Blue and White is also complaining that it was given only one ministerial position in the security cabinet when other parties were given two.
There are also fights between Yesh Atid and New Hope over the Knesset speaker post and the Communications Ministry.
Former justice minister Ayelet Shaked requested that instead of Labor receiving the slot reserved for a minister on the Judicial Selection Committee for its leader, Merav Michaeli, and Yamina receiving the slot for an MK, Yamina would receive the ministerial slot for Shaked. But a source close to Shaked denied reports that the request was delivered as an ultimatum, and sources in both parties called the dispute solvable.
Another dispute revolved around a request from New Hope to split the attorney-general’s role into two separate posts.
Lapid downplayed the tension among the parties in the coalition he is forming, saying there are always negotiations ahead of a deadline, and he was sure compromises would be reached.
“If you want to know why we have to change the leadership in Israel, go and listen to Netanyahu’s speech, which was a dangerous and unhinged speech by someone who has no limits anymore,” Lapid told his faction. “There are still plenty of obstacles in the way of the formation of the new government. Maybe that’s a good thing because we’ll have to overcome them together. That’s our first test: to see if we can find smart compromises in the coming days to achieve the greater goal.”
There was significant progress in coalition talks overnight, a source in the change bloc said Monday morning.
The teams of Yesh Atid, Yamina, New Hope and Blue and White worked until after 3 a.m. and were continuing on Monday.
Meretz leader Nitzan Horowitz admitted that building such a diverse coalition would be a challenge. But it would be preferable to embarking on a fifth election, which would enable Netanyahu to remain in office, he said.
Michaeli told her faction she was proud that one of the portfolios her party would receive is the Diaspora Affairs Ministry. It was important to improve relations with progressive American Jews and the Democratic Party in the US, she said.
New Hope leader Gideon Sa’ar on Monday said any compromise with Netanyahu would have led to him remaining in power, even if Netanyahu would not have gone first as prime minister.
When he formed New Hope, he was committed to replacing Netanyahu, Sa’ar said, adding that he has kept that promise and that he will succeed. He quoted Menachem Begin, warning that a single party ruling too long leads to corruption.
Netanyahu’s Likud Party on Monday said in a tweet: “The Left failed to return to power for two decades, and then came Bennett and Gideon.”
“Many lofty words will not be able to hide the simple truth that Gideon and Bennett are trying to hide: It is possible to form a right-wing government in a short time, instead of galloping into a dangerous left-wing government. It’s not too late to recover,” Likud said.
The Shas Party echoed the Likud’s tweet in a statement a short time later, saying: “In light of everything that has been presented to us about the political events of recent days, we are convinced with absolute confidence that it is possible to immediately form a right-wing government of 65 MKs.”
Shas referred to a proposal that Sa’ar rejected the previous day, saying that “unfortunately, such a government has so far not been formed solely for personal reasons.”
“We call on Naftali Bennett, Ayelet Shaked, Gideon Sa’ar and Ze’ev Elkin one final time: Do not give your hand to the establishment of a left-wing government that will endanger the Land of Israel and the Torah of Israel,” Shas said. “Remember that the formation of a left-wing government is a disgrace that will never be forgotten.”
Idan Zonshine contributed to this report

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