
2020-10-12·4 分


如常的生活: 不管退休與否,過如常(日常)的生活就好!
Life is just as usual. We all have 24 hours a day. No matter whether we retire or not, life is as it is (生活就是這樣). I am an ordinary person living in a plain life.
In the morning, I wake up at 7:00, I drink 精力湯, eat two水煮蛋and水果. Then, I turn on my cell phone and browse line, Facebook, emails and website information. I open the Diary App in the beginning of the day, and start to write my diary. At 10:00 a.m., I turn on my computer, and edit the word files for the reading notes. At the same time, if my grandson, Charlie Tsai, wakes up, I need to take care of him first, instead of typing the words on computer.
In the afternoon, I eat my lunch at 12:30. I keep on taking care of my grandson and, hopefully, take a nap with him. At 3:30, Charlie’s mother, Sandy (my daughter-in-law), would feed Charlie baby food and give him a bath. At 3:30-6:00, I, too, get up from a short sleep. I, then, practice yoga, play the piano, or take a walk.
In the evening, at 7:00, I have dinner with all my family members. Sometimes, my son cooks the meal, or I cook for everybody. But, most of the time, my husband makes dinner for us. We feel grateful to him very much. At 9:00 p.m., my husband and I watch TV. Occasionally, I practice writing calligraphy in the living room. At 10:30 p.m., I take a bath, read books, and finish writing my daily diary. Normally, I go to sleep at 12:00 p.m. or even later.
In fact, I enjoy living a normal life. Neither special dates, nor big events happen in our daily life. We just have our simple everyday life day by day. Is it so boring? I don’t think so. After the retirement, my life is still as usual. I still have my “Monday Reading Group,” and “GNTC Toastmaster Club.” I still follow my routine lifestyle.

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