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—— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——
💡 你們在聊什麼 What are you ( guys / all ) talking about?
- What’s the topic?
- What's the word ? (結果 / 特別的一件事情 / 期待會發生的事情 )
- What’s the tea? (這是比較八卦的用法 / gen z )
- tea 在這邊是指『八卦』或是『內幕消息』
- 補充:Spill the tea! 快說說看!(透露消息)
- FOMO (syndrome) = fear of missing out 錯失恐懼
FOMO stands for the english term fear of missing out.
That we won’t get some important information, we won’t be perfectly up to date with all the news in the industry or maybe we will miss an event that would be worth attending. Whether it’s business or friendship.
- The hallmark of FOMO is the fear that makes you go against yourself.
- self-conscious (adj.) 不自在的
- up to date (adj.) (含有)最新資訊的
- JOMO = joy of missing out 自在的生活狀態、不被社群綁架,享受錯過的樂趣
JOMO represents a mindset shift where you experience a sense of contentment and peace in the moments when you are alone and taking care of yourself and your soul.
You allow yourself time for activities that truly make you happy, even if it means you miss out on something. You can disconnect from the outside world and enjoy the present moment.
- social bubble 社交圈 / echo-chamber 同溫層
- Chit-chat (n.) 閒聊
- heart-to-heart (n.) / (adj.) 促膝談心 / 交心 / 深入地聊天
D: Hey! I saw you guys chatting over there. What’s the topic?
E: Oh, we were just talking about our weekend plans.
D: Nice! Anything exciting planned?
E: Yeah, we’re thinking about going to the beach. Wanna join?
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