
2023-03-19·14 分


1. 身體的外在刺激
2. 身體的內部刺激
3. 過去記憶的重現
4. 白天心理活動的繼續
5. 潛意識的反應
Dreams are Realities
We always assume that the everyday world is “out there” in a more real or independent sense than the world of our dreams. Yet, recent studies show that day-to-day reality is every bit as dreams are. As explained in the book The Grand Biocentric Design, Robert Lanza, physicist Matej Pavšic and astronomer Bob Berman shed light on (闡明) the big picture that our observations, dreams and imagination in our minds can affect how physical objects behave. Everything we experience is simply a whirl of information occurring in our heads. Indeed, space and time are not actual physical objects, but rather the tools in our mind to assemble information. As we go about our lives, we take for granted that our minds put everything together. But whether awake or dreaming, we are experiencing the same process as real as everyday life. We dismiss dreams because they end when we wake. However, according to biocentrism (生命宇宙論:宇宙從我心中生起), we’re always not just observing but creating reality. Dreams and what we perceive as reality are basically of the same nature. By following the implications of quantum mechanics in an unbiased way, we arrive at the unification of everyday reality and dreams.
Dream Big
Dreams are no limits. Our outer world will be a reflection of our inner world. If we want our outer world to improve, we must go to work on improving our inner world. There are no limits to have our big dreams. Dream big. The starting point of great success and achievement has always been the same. It is for us to dream big dreams. There is nothing more important than to cast off our own limitations and begin dreaming and fantasizing about the wonderful things that we can become, have and do. A wise man once said, “We must dream big dreams for only big dreams have the power to move the minds of men.” When we begin to dream big dreams, our level of self-esteem and self-confidence will increase immediately. Our self-image improves. We feel more positive about ourselves, and we develop our abilities to deal with whatever happens to us. The reason why so many people accomplish so little is that they never allow themselves to let go, and just imagine the kind of life that is possible for them.
Dream big in order to achieve big. It has the power to change our destinies. Every human being is a dreamer but those who follow their dreams religiously achieve them. Confidence, an urge to never give up and an undying belief in our abilities are the main elements to turn our dreams into realities. Man alone has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality. Man, also alone, can dream and make his dreams come true. We must not only dream big but also act on those successful dreams. We will be proud of ourselves if we choose to dream big, and make those dreams a reality. Visualization is a mental power which has the miraculous strength to give us a clear path towards our goals. In other words, we have to visualize big dreams each day before going to bed. This will empower us to achieve our dreams each day. In fact, visualization is nothing without proper planning. We should believe in ourselves both in dreams and in reality. Giving up is the easiest way to surrender to circumstances. But winners never give up. They are born to take the challenges and overcome them. Anyone on earth can be an achiever if he/she is a strong believer with the courage to dream big. There’s just no excuse not to dream big. Walt Disney said, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” In our dreams, we always have the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. Thus, dreaming, planning and taking action let us consider that every possibility could very well happen.
Never Give up Our Dreams
Can we remember the kind of persons we wanted to be when we were young? We all want to show other people and the whole world what we are made of. But what happened to those childhood dreams? Giving up on dreams is easy as most people are averse (厭惡) to failure. Life has never been a destination because we do not arrive. It is a journey. There is no point in giving up our dreams as we do not know how soon our effort will pay. The secret is to remain focused on the things that matter. Dreams help us create life-long memories and lead us where we are. We should try as much as possible to love the process, stay positive, and enjoy our dreams because they are, indeed, the realities.

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