Entering and Exiting a Freelance Career with UI/UX Designer, Grace Yang

2021-12-04·1 時間 1 分


Grace graduated from college with a double major in English and Communications. She tried different types of jobs to explore and discover her interests and passion. She fell in love with the creative side of work in marketing. Back in 2010, Grace started freelancing graphic design and marketing projects. Throughout her sixteen years of experience as a freelancer, she traveled from the United Stated to Chengdu in China and currently works in Taiwan. Today, Grace shares with us the life lessons she learned as a freelancer and her journey of entering and exiting a freelance career. Let's empower women together⚡️

Go check out Grace's work: https://bit.ly/3IjhwcQ
And her LinkedIn profile: https://bit.ly/3EwO4O8

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