
2022-10-03·9 分


探索Discovery: We should learn something new every day.
Learning something new every day is a great way to keep our brain sharp. It’s the process of discovery. Humans crave novelty and growth. We know that some people are visual learners, while others are audible. Some people enjoy reading, while others learn best from experiences. A few accessible ways to obtain new information is to set aside some time daily to read, listen to podcasts, or watch YouTube videos on the topics of our interests. These learning tools encourage us to discover and learn new things every day. For example, while driving in the car, we can listen to podcasts for learning languages, songs, stories and skills. Having a few different dependable resources really enable us to access new information regularly. Besides, we can never just do laundry or just do the skincare routine along. We always make use of that time by playing a TED talk, listening to podcasts, or watching YouTube videos in the background, so that we are always learning and absorbing new information even in the most mundane tasks. Humans are natural learners. We learn best when we perform the tasks we’re trying to learn and are curious to discover things. Let’s set the schedule for our learning every day. For example, in the morning every day, we can play the piano. We, then, watch YouTube, read the piano notes, listen to the piano music and memorize the piano chord. Again, in the afternoon, after we take a rest, we practice yoga. We watch YouTube, too, and dance with music. Practicing yoga involves assuming various postures based on what the yoga instructor’s instructions and demonstrations. We might continue to do it in our daily or weekly schedule. After dinner, it’s time for us to read books. So, you see, every day, we learn and discover new things. Even though we just do our routine work, still, every day is a new day and a new way of life. In other words, we encounter and discover new things every day.
勇敢Bravery: We need to have the courage to try new things.
It is natural for humans to have some caution about new experiences. This is what has helped the species to survive. It is good to check things out a bit before just jumping in. However, if the fear stops us from doing new things, then our growth stops. We, then, begin to stagnate, becoming stuck in old familiar ways of being and doing things. This might occur sometimes because we are shy, have low self-esteem or become anxious. If we are still fearful, we tend to unconsciously visualize negative images of ourselves in the situations, and are so scare for ourselves out of even trying. Nevertheless, we do see that seniors who remain active and are open to new learning and experiences stay younger. Thus, it’s very important for us to have the courage to create a movie in our mind where we are the stars and are handling the new experiences with confidence and success. If we are brave enough, we might just get excited about trying some of those things we have even always wanted to do.
解決Solution: We tell ourselves that there are always alternative ways to solve the problems.
    Now, when we discover and learn new things, we push ourselves to have the courage to try them. In the process, we might meet the challenges for us to solve the problems. Here, there are some skills for us to solve the problems as follows:
Data gathering
Creative thinking
Time management
Actually, we tell ourselves that there are always alternative ways to solve the problems. We don’t have to do everything at once. Even more, chances are we’ve already picked up some of these skills in our daily life without even realizing it. However, we need to keep these skills in mind as we practice solving problems. They will help us become better at not only working through problems, but at everything we do.
執行Action: We have to do things at once rather than think about things later.
Once we have the skills to solve the problems while facing new things, we need to take action at once. Taking action is one of the most necessary steps in effectuating life changes. But, sometimes, it is very difficult to take that first step and commit to a desired achievement. There is a misconception that motivation is the reason for taking action. The truth of the matter is that motivation is the result of action, not its cause. Thus, we don’t need to wait to feel inspired before we implement a new behavior. We can immediately begin it by gathering our willpower (a strong self-control determination that allows us to do something difficult) and stop procrastinating. Once we know our goal and our action steps, we need to schedule them in our calendar. It feels fun to dream and think about the possibilities. Besides, if we have a doable plan with clear action steps, then it’s time to commit to them. By making a commitment, we create more accountability. Just the sense of having agreed to do something really helps us stick to doing it. We can hang the commitment on the wall in a place where we’ll see it and be reminded that we have committed to take specific actions. Taking action on our goals might push us out of our comfort zone a bit, but that slight discomfort, on the contrary, increases us to gain confidence in our ability to complete small steps, and bring us closer to our desired outcome.

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