用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:How to Know if You're Reading Fake News 三個方法讓你判斷是否讀到假新聞!

2024-03-12·5 分


We live in a time when it's becoming more and more difficult to know what information is real and what is fake.
Luckily, there are ways you can find out if a story you're reading online is real, or if it's fake news! Here are three of them:
1. Check the source
Ask yourself whether the information has come from a website you can trust. One good way to do this is to check its URL: most trusted web addresses end in .com, .edu, .net, .gov or .org. — or with the code for the country being reported about, such as .au, .jp or .co.uk.
2. Look for other sources
Check to see if other websites — especially trusted ones — are reporting on the same story. If a website has made up a fake story, then that site may be the only one reporting on it.
3. Check the date
Sometimes a true story will be presented as new, but it actually happened months or even years ago. 
幸運的是有一些方法,能用來判斷你正在網路上閱讀的新聞報導是真的還假的! 這裡有三個方法:
1. 檢查來源
問自己這些資訊的來源,是否是你能夠信任的網站。 這樣做的一個好方法,就是檢查它的網址:最能夠信任的網址結尾會是.com、.gov等或是使用與該文章報導相關的國家代碼。
2. 尋找其他出處
檢查是否有其他網站——尤其是可信任的——是否也報導同樣的事情。 如果一個網站編造假新聞,那麼這網站可能是唯一報導此內容的來源。
3. 檢查日期

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