Imaginable Reality 心想事成

2020-10-05·4 分


今天,就讓我來和大家分享「心想事成」吧!「心想」就是運用頭腦想像,其實也是內在心裏的渴望。但是,你們知道嗎?內心所想的,常常總是與現實,悖道而馳耶!為什麼呢?因為,Imagination and reality are totally opposite terms with each other. Reality is the ordinary way of life that life is as it is (生活就是這樣). It is just our everyday, normal lifestyle. However, imagination is the thinking and ideas that it is beyond reality in our mind. So, except for our boring reality, we tend to use our imagination to pursue fantasy. But, don’t you feel excited if your imagination and fantasy can become real (心想事成)? In other words, how can we make our imagination, fantasy and dreams come true (夢想成真)? 事實上,我們內心,心心念念,不斷想的東西,就是一片磁鐵、一個磁場,能夠吸引宇宙的能量。當我們內在的磁場夠大時,我們就自然而然會有動力(power)及行動力(action)。Actually, it is not hard because we don’t talk, and yet, we take action. Imagine that, how come we don’t take action if we really have strong desire in our mind? Language is useless unless it can become powerful and push us to go forward and take action. 靠語言來傳達,是沒有用的,惟有付諸行動,才能心想事成。Desire (渴望) is the great force. Once we have our imagination, we form powerful desire. This mighty desire attracts huge energy from the universe. All the gods and angels would give us courage and confidence to take action if our desire is big enough to the universe. That’s the real Truth (真理)—Law of Universe (宇宙的法則). 渴望的效應是不可限量、不可思議的,其感應之快與大,亦不可想像。但是,請切記,那絕對不是三分鐘熱度,也不會是虎頭蛇尾的。願上天保佑,祝福我,也祝福大家,心想事成、美夢成真。

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