EPISODE 4 | 千军万马过独木桥的中国高考 Chinese College Entrance Exam

2021-05-18·24 分


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第四期节目,我们要聊一聊中国的教育制度,尤其是“千军万马过独木桥”的中国高考! 为什么有人说中国的高考不公平?中国哪些大学是最好的学校?学文科还是学理科好?有一些些严肃的社会话题,但是有很多有用和教育有关的词汇!

In this fourth episode, we will talk about the famous Chinese "Gao Kao", the college entrance exam. Why is it described as "a thousand horses and soldiers passing through a narrow bridge" ? Why do some people argue that the Chinese Gao Kao is not fair? Which universities are considered the best in China, and whether it is better to study science or art? Explore a lot of useful education related vocabulary in this episode!

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