#76.你有失眠的問題嗎? Nǐ yǒu shé me wèntí ma? (Level-B1)

2022-10-20·13 分鐘


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生詞shēngcí ( vocabulary)
1 失眠   Shīmián, Insomnia
2 卻   Què,but
3 現代人 Xiàndài rén ,Modern people
4 3C產品 3C chǎnpǐn,electronics products
5 藍光   Lánguāng, Blu-ray
6 生活作息  Shēnghuó zuòxí,Daily routine
7 輪流   Lúnliú , Take turns
8 睡眠時間   Shuìmián shíjiān , Sleep time
9 空服員   Kōng fú yuán , Flight attendants
10 時差   Shíchā , Time difference
11 入睡   Rùshuì , Fall asleep
12 翻來翻去   Fān lái fān qù , toss and turn
13 睡眠中斷   Shuìmián zhōngduàn , Sleep interrupted
14 淺眠   Qiǎn mián , Light sleep
15 困擾   Kùnrǎo , Troubled
16 長期失眠   Chángqí shīmián , Chronic insomnia
17 堅持下去   Jiānchí xiàqù , Persevere
18 反反覆覆   Fǎn fǎnfù fù , Repeatedly
19 專心   Zhuānxīn , Focus
20 鈣   Gài , Calcium
21 敏感   Mǐngǎn , Sensitive
22 興奮   Xīngfèn , Excited
23 泡腳   Pào jiǎo , Foot bath
24 手腳冰冷   Shǒujiǎo bīnglěng , Cold hands and feet
25 睡午覺   Shuì wǔjiào , Take a nap
26 好睏啊   Hǎo kùn a , So sleepy
27 昏沉   Hūnchén , Drowsy
28 強度   Qiángdù , Strength
29 作用   Zuòyòng , Function
30 依賴   Yīlài , Dependency

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