臺灣吧年度活動《aha! 成長的頓悟時刻》
把握 2023 年末為自己升級的機會吧!
12/16 14:00~17:10 線上講座(未來可在課程平台觀看)
這是一場關於 #數位內容、#學生參與、#數位工具 的線上教育系列對談。臺灣吧會分享九年來製作數位內容的經驗,也邀請了法律白話文運動、臺灣青年民主協會、時刻科技,一同從媒體、學生團體、業界的角度,與想要為自己的「學習升級」的夥伴,揭示數位學習的趨勢。
「聊聊教育吧」Podcast 將於 12 月推出三集的「數位學習專題」,從三種不同角度討論數位學習議題。
- A Study of the Effects of Digital Learning on Learning Motivation and Learning Outcome
- Effectiveness of digital learning versus traditional learning among undergraduate students Prescription writing
- An exploration of longitudinal studies of digital learning
- Medical Studies during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Impact of Digital Learning on Medical Students’ Burnout and Mental Health
- Differences in Student Brain Activation from Digital Learning Based on Risk of Digital Media Addiction
- Understanding Cognitive Load in Digital and Online Learning: a New Perspective on Extraneous Cognitive Load
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