你ChatGPT了沒?從ChatGPT、OpenAI來看AI新創怎麼找到Product-Market Fit 、探索商業模式

2023-03-08·35 分鐘


你ChatGPT了嗎?從去年年底開始,ChatGPT引發了大家對於AI的高度重視。本集從ChatGPT、OpenAI出發,邀請台杉投資科技基金合夥人李晃(Huang)、Landing AI 產品副總裁楊凱(Kai)一起探討AI新創、矽谷新創如何找到Product-Market Fit (PMF)、探索商業模式,要給正投入AI領域創業的你更多不同的新刺激。


       🔥矽谷新創如何摸索Product-Market Fit (PMF)?
       🔥從投資人的角度,如何看待OpenAI Startup Fund及其投資布局?

🚀【獨角獸Chat起來】雖然去年資本市場出現震盪,但在AIGC領域持續傳出好消息,其中成立兩年,在去年完成A輪募資就以估值15億美元成為獨角獸的Jasper AI便是其中備受關注的新創,也讓人期待未來AI可以如何賦能行銷人,幫助行銷成效有更好的表現。

🙌Huang Lee, Ph.D.
Dr. Lee serves as the Managing Partner of Taiwania Capital in Silicon Valley, where he focuses on enterprise software, autonomous systems, advanced manufacturing, robotics & drones, next-gen semiconductors, sensors, immersive technology, 5G, and cloud infrastructure. He serves as the board of directors of several startups in Silicon Valley and is the advisor and former President of TAITA, one of the largest Taiwanese organizations connecting entrepreneurs, technologists, and investors between Taiwan and Silicon Valley. Dr. Lee was trained as an engineer and has published 50+ papers and patents with 1000+ citations. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University.

🙌Kai Yang 
Kai is the VP of Product at Landing AI. He is responsible for the Landing AI product vision and development. Kai also oversees the product roadmap, and works very closely with strategic partners. Before joining Landing, he founded an AI startup that focused on biological applications. He also spent fifteen years in semiconductor/EDA. He holds a Ph.D from UC Santa Barbara and a BS from National Tsing Hua University.

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