《耐聽的流行音樂和配樂快轉系列》Forever Pop Singer Pop Song Part 16----中文、英文、韓文的舞曲曲風,以重嘻哈、搖滾、電音為主。是從近期的hit song 裡面挑選出來的。

2021-11-23·1 小時 46 分鐘


中文、英文、韓文的舞曲曲風,以重嘻哈、搖滾、電音為主。是從近期的hit song 裡面挑選出來的。


The dance music styles in Chinese, English and Korean are mainly hip-hop, rock and electronic music. It was selected from the recent hit song.

Hope you guys also will like them choosen from me!

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