#10 為什麼對養老行業情有獨鍾?

2021-04-28·30 分鐘


你有聽過嬰兒潮嗎?你知道每八秒就有一位美國人滿65 歲嗎?美國嬰兒潮時期出生的人,據預測,到2030年,65歲以上老年人佔總人口比例將增長至30%。同時,伴隨人口老齡化趨勢,老年患病人數也不斷增加,越來越多的老年人. 開始依賴能夠向他們提供服務 與照料的養老醫療機構。每十個65 歲以上的美國人中有七個將需要長期看護。我們今天很高興邀請到我的戰友-
steven 來和大家聊聊為什麼我們對投資養老院情有獨鍾。

In today’s episode, we are going to talk about senior living facility investment
opportunities with our special guest Steven Tien. He is a seasonal investment
director specialized in this space. He has years of investment knowledge in
underwriting and putting together complex deals in the hotel and senior living
area. We will enlighten our listeners on why this is such a great investment
opportunity. The tsunami of baby boomers will retire each year create a great
demand in the senior care & services space. The number of seniors who are in
need of elderly care will explore in the coming years and the demand will
continue to increase. With that in mind, there are unmet demands of the need
base that needs to fulfill in this market segment. This is a hidden investment
opportunity in this space that the general public would not have known. From our
conversation, we will share with you what it means to invest, underwrite, and
operate an elderly care facility. Listen in and enjoy the show.


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